The Repository of all Things Historical for the Ancient Welsh Town of Carnarvon

  Castle Square, Carnarvon. Published by Williams & Hughes, Bridge Steet, 1850



What's New


List of Trades






Parish Chest


Caernarfon Ddoe/
Caernarfon's Yesterdays

Contact & Links



What is included in the Miscellaneous Section?

Anything which does not fit into any of the other categories. For example a translation of the relevant genealogical sections of the 1861 local history book "Hanes Sir a Thref Caernarfon" from the original Welsh. The book was written by local Schoolmaster & Councillor, John Wynne, and published by Hugh Humphreys of Paternoster Buildings, Castle Square. Readers who are not familiar with the town are recommended to have a look at "A Description of Carnarvon 1809 -1811," "The Town Through Guide Books," and "Maps of Carnarvonshire."

Links to Miscellaneous items

Use the links below to access the various topics.

The News Room

Traders' Obituaries

Eugene Godard and the Aurora

Carnarvon Telephone Directory 1897/98

The Taking of Carnarven 1646

Woolworths - The End of an Era

County Gaol Inventory 1858

Carnarvon Borough Records

Hanes Sir a Thref Caernarfon

     Account of Consecration by James Hews Bransby

Salute the Soldier Week 1944

Land Tax

List of Subscribers 1821

Alehouse Recognizances 1764 - 1824

19th. Century Epidemics in Carnarvon

The Town Through Guide Books

1841 Carnarvon Borough Election Canvass Book

     Morgan Lloyd

A Description of Carnarvon 1809 - 1811

Maps of Carnarvonshire

The Law List 1843

North Wales Wireless College


Coed Helen Estate Auction 1925

War Memorial

Carnarvon Christmasses

Christmas Decorations 1885

Carnarvon Christmas Shopping 1886

Christmas Show 1893

     Christmas Events 1893

Christmas in Carnarvon 1903

Christmas 1907

     Christmas 1908

A Carnarvon Christmas 1909

Christmas 1910

Emrys Llewelyn

Below are articles written by Emrys Llewelyn, who has kindly allowed them to be reproduced here. Emrys provides walking tours around the town.

Each article will appear in both Welsh and English. The Welsh language versions originally appeared in Emrys's book Stagio Dre, published by Y Lolfa in 2013.


Synnau Dre (Ddoe a Heddiw)



Sounds of the Town

  © 2003 - 2021 Keith Morris. All rights reserved