From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 6th. 1849.
It will be seen, by reference to our advertising columns, that Mr. T. H. Smith, High-street, Carnarvon, has commenced giving instruction in the various departments of water colour, pencil, and crayon drawing. Specimens are on exhibition at the shops of Mr. Pritchard, bookseller, High-street, and Messrs. Williams and Hughes, booksellers, Bridge-street, in this town. Had not the artist stood in very near relationship with the Editor of this Journal, the pictures would most probably have drawn forth a highly favourable notice.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 6th. 1849.
Drawing - A Card
RESPECTFULLY informs the families of Carnarvon and its vicinage, that he purposes giving Instruction in Drawing, to select classes and to private pupils.
The course at Tuition will embrace every department of Water Colour: with preliminary lessons when necessary in Crayon and Pencil Drawing (including Galpin's Broad Style); and the use of Indian Ink, Sepia, and other Monotones; and will be applied, at choice, alike to Landscape, Architecture, Figures, Flowers, Fruit, and other objects of Still Life.
Pupils intended for Architectural and other Professions, will be fully instructed in Geometrical and Perspective Drawing.
The art of Sketching from Nature will be taught to pupils sufficiently advanced.
Terms may be known on application to Mr. T. H. SMITH, High-street, Carnarvon.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 6th. 1849.
We are gratified to learn that a number of the tradesmen of Carnarvon have expressed their determination of urging with renewed zeal the adoption of the system of early shop closing in the town. On Wednesday last it was resolved that the town crier should proclaim the fact to the public, which was accordingly done in the evening. We earnestly hope that all who are anxious to promote the welfare of the youth entrusted to their care will co-operate in establishing so important a regulation.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 13th. 1849.
On the morning of Wednesday last the weather was very stormy, and the wind blowing from the N. W. a fresh gale, the tide rose to a very unusual height, overflowing Turkey-shore, entering several of the houses there situated, and breaking over the Pier with great force. At eleven o'clock a brig was observed in the bay, near Llanddwyn, beating about, and at twelve it was supposed that she had run on shore, which it is likely, she would have done, if the pilots stationed at Llanddwyn had not exerted their best efforts in rescuing her from her perilous situation, and brigning her into the Menai Straits. She proved to be the Venilia, Capt. Martin, of Yarmouth, with a cargo of railway iron, from Bristol, for Liverpool. The Venilia was compelled to slip her anchor near Llanddwyn; but we believe it has since been recovered.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 20th. 1849.
At these sessions, on Saturday last, there were present the Right Hon. Lord Newborough and John Rowlands Esq. Elizabeth Morris applied for an order on David Williams, for the maintainance of the illegitimate child. Mr. John Rowlands appeared for the complainant, and Mr. R. D. Williams, of the firm of Messrs. Lloyd Roberts, Williams, and Jones, for the defendant. Order refused.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 3rd. 1849.
On the night of Saturday last, about seven o'clock, as Mr. William Hughes, snuff manufacturer, of this town, was returning home from Pwllheli, in a gig, he was attacked by a man on the road between the Sportsman Tavern and Clynnog, who took hold of the reins, stopped the horse, and told Hughes to deliver up his money; Mr. Hughes presented a pistol to the man's face, when he was forced to let go his hold. The robber, in going away, pretended to be drunk. We would caution travellers to be on the alert. There has not been obtained as yet, a clue to the thief, but it is believed that the party is known in the neighbourhood.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 3rd. 1849.
On Tuesday last, a large turbot was caught in this bay by Mr. Robert Jones, owner of the fishing boat Eliza. It weighed 24 pounds, and measured twenty-eight inches in length and eighteen inches in breadth. This is the largest fish of the species taken here since last summer. It was sold for sixteen shillings to Mr. Owen Thomas, of this town.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 24th. 1849.
The Christmas dinner which our enterprising and skilful fellow townsman, Mr. Thomas, iron founder, Pool street, has for many years been in the habit of giving, to his numerous workmen and employees, was this season deferred, in consequence of a change in the situation of his foundry, consequent upon the surrender of his lease to the Carnarvon Harbour Trust. Having fully surmounted the difficulties attending a removal of this description, Mr. Thomas, on the evening of Saturday last, regaled his workpeople with a sumptuous repast, prepared under the superintendence of his foreman, Mr. Johnson, host of the Black Boy, Northgate street. The evening was passed in a manner which would bear the morning's reflection, notwithstanding the plentiful libations that succeeded the dinner, and accompanied the alternate flow of sentiment and song. We are very happy to learn, that the inconvenience and delay attendant upon the removal, have not prevented Mr. Thomas from progressing with his railway contracts: but that, on the contrary, his new premises - which he designates the Newborough Foundry - are so ample as to have enabled him to undertake the completion of extended engagements on behalf of the tubular viaducts about to be thrown over the Menai.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 3rd. 1849.
Invited by this announcement, the Guildhall, Carnarvon, was, on the evening of Tuesday last, pretty densely filled by a company of musical expectants, in order to hear the performances of a lady, denominated in the programmes, "The Celebrated Cantatrice and Pianiste, Madame Castaglioni, Premier Contralto of her Majesty's Theatre, engaged to give one Grand Vocal Concert in the above place, assisted by Mr. William Macarthy." Without presuming to question the lady's right to the name under which she itinerates, we may venture to doubt her good taste in the selection of a travelling companion. The penny theatres of the metropolis, and the twopenny saloons of other large towns, can spare plenty of performers, in Irish brogue and low comedy, to the full as racy as Mr. M., and possesing a little more delicacy and refinement. At some of his escapades, we felt surprised that the Elite amongst his auditors did not vacate their sittings. So much for the gentleman by whom the lady has been "engaged," and whom she accompanies on his tour. Of her performances we wish to say little: and were it not our duty to forewarn the public, we should be silent altogether. Of all female professional singers we have heard, she ranks the lowest in our estimation. Whatever station she may occupy in the Queen's Theatre, hers is a voice we never wish to hear again. It is flexible and not without latent capabilities, but she is utterly destitute of taste; and her intonation is as vulgar as are the manners of her companion. She is young, and, under good auspices, might develop a tolerable voice, but whatever may be the whisperings of Hope, experience has taught us the stern duty at inferring the future from the past. (OUCH!!!)
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 24th. 1849.
The following is a list of the prisoners now undergoing their various sentences in the gaol of this town:- Thomas Hughes, 21, convicted 6th. January, 1848, fifteen months' imprisonment with hard labour; Richard Roberts, 48, convicted 17th. March, 1848, fifteen months' imprisonment with hard labour; Edward Stones, 45, convicted 28th. July, 1848, two years' imprisonment with hard labour; Mary Rowlands, 24, convicted 28th. July, 1848, one years' imprisonment with hard labour; John Bryan, 25, convicted 28th. July, 1848, one years' imprisonment with hard labour; William Matthews, 20, convicted 28th. July, 1848, one years' imprisonment with hard labour; William O'Neil, 18, convicted 28th. July, 1848, one years' imprisonment with hard labour; Hugh Thomas, 37, convicted 28th. July, 1848, one years' imprisonment with hard labour; William Roberts, 51, convicted 19th. October, 1848, six months' imprisonment with hard labour; John Blackshaw, 34, convicted 4th, January, 1849, six months' imprisonment with hard labour; John Appleton, 27, convicted 4th. January, 1849, three months' imprisonment with hard labour; David Williams, 27, convicted 15th. March, 1849, seven years' transportation; John Jones, 24, convicted 15th. March, 1849, three months' imprisonment with hard labour; John Hughes, 29, convicted 15th. March, 1849, ten years' transportation; Richard Jones, convicted March 19th, 1849, eighteen months' imprisonment; John Morris, convicted March 19th, 1849, three months' imprisonment; Robert Williams, convicted March 19th, 1849, two months' imprisonment; Sarah Thomas, convicted March 22nd, 1849, two months' imprisonment; John Pritchard, convicted March 22nd, 1849, twelve months' imprisonment.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 31st. 1849.
On the forenoon of Wednesday last, alarm was created amongst the inhabitants of North Penyrallt, in this town, owing to one of the houses having caught fire, and doubtless had it not been for the timely assistance rendered by several labourers, who worked near the spot, serious consequences would have ensued. The cause is ascribed to the chimney, which contained wood, being set on fire. Every article of furniture was carried out of the house.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 2nd. 1849.
The lovers of this manly and health-sustaining game, have long felt the want of a quoiting ground, which could be made generally and continually available. We are glad to inform them. that their desideration is now supplied; and that at the Anglesey Inn, better known as the "Old Custom House," there is a strip of ground, of convenient width, and ample length, set apart by Mr. Humphreys, for that purpose
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 9th. 1849.
A numerous body of the young people of Carnarvon, have petitioned the Mayor of the town, praying that he would take steps for enforcing the adoption of a system of early closing. His worship kindly promised to use all his influence to accomplish their wishes, stating at the same time that he had not the power to compel parties to close their shops. We ourselves have had several appeals from the same source. They justly state that the Mechanics' Institution, now in course of establishment in the town, will avail them nothing if the hours of closing remain unchanged, as they will be precluded attending. We hope the tradesmen of the town generally will look upon this question in a proper spirit. If there should be any dissentients we trust the inhabitants will abstain from doing business after the fixed hour, so as to do away with the inducement to keep shops open beyond that time.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 29th. 1849.
As Mr. Bryan, of this town, on the evening of Sunday last, was returning in his gig from Bangor, where he had been preaching, accompanied by his daughter and another lady, an omnibus from the railway station drove up full upon them, and all three were thrown with great force on the road side - the horse running away with the shattered vehicle as far as the railway station, where it was stopped by the watchman and conducted back to the place where the accident occurred. Mr. Bryan, we are happy to say, escaped with only a few bruises: but one of the young ladies had both her wrists sprained with some slighter injuries; the other escaped unhurt. Notwithstanding the accident resulted from his own rashness, the driver of the omnibus offered no assistance, nor even condescended to make a single enquiry whether or not they were hurt by the fall. The least that he could have done would have been to aid in the recovery of the horse and vehicle, or to have conveyed them in the omnibus back to Bangor. Such utter recklessness and indifference are most disgraceful.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 17th. 1849.
Between seven and eight o'clock on Saturday night last, Mr. John Thomas, Farmer, Tyddyn Siper, was attacked on the road between Bryn Seiont and Pant, a short distance from this town, by three men dressed in fustian clothes, and robbed of his watch and thirty-six shillings. He was struck a heavy blow on the side of the head, and before he had recovered was seized and laid on his back; one man holding his hands and another his feet while the third rifled his pockets. Not a word was exchanged between the robbers during the whole time. On the same night a quarryman was robbed on the Llanberis road, near the town, of a large amount of money and shamefully illused.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 8th. 1849.
The Daguerreotype and Photographic pictures of Mr. Sharpe, elsewhere advertised, are now on exhibition in this town at Mr. Sneade's, confectioner, High-street, are really beautiful; we may say first-rate samples of their class. His Silhouette portraits also posses great merit, and will be noticed more amply in our next.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 15th. 1849.
Thursday being the day on which the funeral of the lamented Queen Dowager took place, was observed in this town by the toiling of a minute bell, and the hoisting of flags, half mast high, on Porth-yr-aur, the Guildhall turret, and the Custom-house.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 15th. 1849.
The exquisitely accurate and beautifully-tinted photographic portraits, exhibited by Mr. Sharpe, in a shop opposite the premises formerly occupied by the proprietor of this paper, in High-street, continue to give general satisfaction. There is a portrait of the Prince of Wales, in sailor costume, which is a gem of singular beauty; and not likely to remain long without a purchaser. The silhouettes and water-colour portraits of the artist posses also considerable merit; and having seen during the past week several faithful likenesses of ladies and gentlemen with whose features we are intricate, we can conscientiously recommend his pencil to all parties who may be desirious of securing a faithful resemblance of their relatives and friends.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 22nd. 1849.
We have seen a pleasing specimen of this kind of needle-work, in the raised style which seems peculiarly suitable to birds and fruits, and partly so to flowers. It is the work of Miss Ensor, a young woman who in our present columns announces her intention to give lessons in the art.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 22nd. 1849.
About half-past seven o'clock on the evening of Thursday, an attempt was made by six prisoners (who were committed for trial) to escape from custody. A person named James Healy led the way, by scaling the wall of the ward, which is connected with the boundary wall at right angles. He accomplished this by lashing together three long brush handles, on which he climbed. He soon succeeded in reaching the outer wall, which is only about eight feet higher than the other; and by means of a rope tied to the projecting spikes, descended into the adjoining premises. Fortunately, however, Mr. Dixon's (the gaoler) suspicions having been excited during the day, he had ordered the turnkey to keep a close watch upon the prisoners; and when a second party named Griffith was preparing to make his descent, the turnkey entered and gave the alarm. Mr. Dixon immediately proceeded to the other side of the wall; and, having secured Griffith, went in search of Healy, whom he eventually found snugly situated under a flight of stairs leading from the garden to the parapet of the town walls, resting his body on a plank which projected from the prison wall, and sheltered from view by the lath work. The wall, which the prisoners mounted, seemed to us so low, and easy of ascent, as scarcely to require the aid of any kind of ladder to effect an escape: and to this we would call the attention of the proper authorities. The rope, which was in pieces of about two yards in length, must have been thrown over the wall to the prisoners, as there was none within their reach.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 29th. 1849.
These portraits seem to give general satisfaction if we may judge from the number of Carnarvon samples which Mr. Sharpe has been enabled to shew to us - most of which we recognised instantly by their faultless resemblance to the originals. Mr. Sharpe draws elegantly in Water Colour, and manages his neutral tints with great taste.
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