From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald January 4th. 1873
At the close of the examination of the pupils in the Upper School, Tattenhall, Cheshire, on Friday last, four prizes were awarded to young gentlemen from Carnarvon, namely Masters Fraser, Humphreys, Bugbird, and R. White. The two former carried off the two best prizes in the school Fraser the first class prize, and Humphreys the Good Conduct Prize, awarded by the votes of hi fellow-scholars.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald January 18th. 1873
A correspondent writes as follows: "I venture, as an old inhabitant, and one who has taken a deep interest in the welfare of Carnarvon, to appeal through the press to Mr. Rice W. Thomas and Mr. Lewis Lewis not to allow the present opportunity of widening Bridge-street to pass by, and to hope that they will spare the town another eyesore, which, if permitted now, cannot be remedied for many years. The town, through its council, is making great sacrifices in order to widen Eastgate-street, and one or two landowners, to their credit be it said, are generously aiding the town in this laudable direction. Certainly a gentleman who has a large stake in the borough and who is an alderman of its corporation, and another gentleman who is a member of the same board, ought not to be behind their neighbours. Hitherto Mr. Rice Thomas has been a good friend to the town, and in consequence has been rewarded with fine streets on his property in Twthill. Having inaugurated the good work of improvement, I cannot believe that he will willingly permit retrograde steps to be taken in one of the chief thoroughfares of the town. Lord Newborough, who is a keen-sighted nobleman and large landed proprietor, I understand, is strongly in favour of throwing back the houses in Bridge-street, and maintains at the same time that this will benefit the estate. When improving property and furthering the public interest are considered, I have no doubt the widening of so important a thoroughfare as Bridge-street will be amicably effected.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald February 1st. 1873
On Friday evening, the 24th ult., Mr. Bodran Roberts, the new tenant of the Castle Hotel, in this town, gave an excellent dinner of this description. Mr. Roberts comes from Rhyl, and is well known among the literati of Wales as a poet and an eminent conductor of eisteddfodau. The dinner was presided over by T. D. L. Jones-Parry, Esq, M.P. for Carnarvonshire, the vice-chair being occupied by Mr. Robert Owen, Soda Water works, of this town. Alderman Humphreys, Mr. John Evans, 'Herald' Office, Mr. Williams, Rhyl, Mr. Gethin Jones, Penmachno, Mr. E. H. Owen, Carnarvon, Ioan Arfon, and above sixty other gentlemen sat down to the profuse and varied abundance of good things provided for the occasion. After the dinner the usual loyal and other toasts were eloquently proposed by the chairman, vice-chairman, Mr. John Evans, who proposed "the chairman," and Mr. Hugh Evans, who proposed "the Ladies." Toasts were responded to be Alderman Humphreys, on behalf of the mayor and corporation; Bodran, in response to the toast of the evening; Ioan Arfon, who replied to the town and trade of Carnarvon; and Alvardd, who represented the press. Very interesting speeches were made by the chairman and the other gentlemen mentioned, in connection with the toasts, and several capital songs were rendered, accompanied by a harpist from Llanrwst. Altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent, and it is particularly deserving of notice that the attendance and waiting were in every sense faultless. Mr. Roberts enters upon the duties of his hostelry amid the best wishes of a large circle of influential supporters.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald February 1st. 1873
The owners of the Prince Frederick William, s.s., which has now been trading for the past three months on this station, have done their utmost to make regular voyages, and also to carry goods at a very low rate. Still it appears they do not consider that the steamer has been as well supported as she might be. While they are willing to make two trips every week, th quantity of goods consigned per steamer does not exceed what she can carry by running but one trip a week. With a little more encouragement the communication will be more frequent, which must be to the benefit of all concerned. It is also to be hoped that extra efforts will maintain a regular boat on this line during both winter and summer months.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald March 1st. 1873
On the 14th of February (an auspicious day), a telegram from London was received by a gentleman at Carnarvon. It ran thus:- "From a Spanish Ambassador, London, to Senor ……, Carnarvon. I am authorised to offer you the crown of Spain. Come over at once, and if you can muster a small army and bring it with you." We have reasons to believe that "Senor ……" has declined the proffered honour.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald March 1st. 1873
The neat edifice intended for a district church for the poor in the upper part of the town is being built and progresses satisfactorily. A concert is announced in aid of the funds, to take place at the end of March, and a bazaar on an extensive scale will be held at Carnarvon during the ensuing summer.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald March 1st. 1873
Increased activity is visible in this part of the town, and promises in time the realisation of the expectations of the proprietors of the new dock and quays. The increased shipping accommodation must tend to the ultimate advancement of trade in and around Carnarvon.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald March 22nd. 1873
This splendid new screw steamer arrived in this port on Saturday morning from Liverpool, for the purpose of having her engines fitted in by the enterprising firm of De Winton and Co., of the Union Iron Works. Her length from stem to sternpost is 231 feet; length over all about 248 feet; breadth of beam, 29 feet; depth of hold, 21 feet. Her engines are compound surface-condensing, of 110 nominal horse power, and to indicate 550 horse power. The cylinders are, high pressure, 28 inches in diameter; low pressure, 50 inches in diameter, by 2 feet 6 inches stroke, supplied with steam by two boilers 9 feet 9 inches in diameter, 10 feet long, with superheater. There are two steam winches for working the cargo, weighing the anchor, &c., and they are supplied by an independent boiler. The vessel is schooner rigged, with pole masts, but will not depend on canvas to any extent. Her registered tonnage, including the engine-room, is 1020 tons, but she will carry 1600 tons, dead weight. Her bunkers will hold about 400 tons of coal, of which the consumption per day of twenty-four hours will be eight tons, giving an average speed of nine knots per hour. The Linda was built by Messrs. R. and J. Evans, and Co., Brunswick Dock, Liverpool, for Messrs. Richards, Mills, and Co., managing owners, 17, James-street, Liverpool, and she is the second vessel of theirs that has been engined by Messrs. De Winton and Co., and we understand that others are in progress.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald April 12th. 1873
Those very substantially-built premises, lately erected on the left-hand side of Eastgate-street on entering Turf-square, are not, after all, to be the rendezvous of jackdaws and bats for want of a tenant. The enterprising firm of Messrs Pierce and Williams, at present occupying the Golden Eagle, Bridge-street, have found their establishment too small for their steadily increasing town and district trade, and have at last secured the fine new edifice referred to in Turf-square. These extensive and well-situated premises afford a splendid opportunity for increased energy and business ability which the two partners in this firm will, beyond doubt, prove themselves capable of utilising.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald April 19th. 1873
The Americans delight to sing with supreme pleasure, "To the West! to the West! where Columbia is found;" but it appears that henceforth a popular sing in Carnarvon will be "To the East! to the East! where Jerusalem is!" On Thursday evening last, we are informed, the Rev. H. T. Edwards, vicar of Carnarvon, gave peremptory orders to three young men who have up to the present been members of the choir of Christ Church, not to occupy any longer their usual places as choristers, for the weighty reason that they would not turn to the east when they chanted the creed. This has occasioned, we are further told, much feeling amongst the choristers; and it is said that many of them will not be found in their places to-morrow (Sunday) morning. Surely the choir (not the choristers) of this church has at last become - "deversorium viatoris Hierosolymam proficisentis."
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald April 26th. 1873
On Thursday morning last, as a young man in the service of Mr. john Jones, druggist, Bridge-street, was preparing some mixture with turpentine and wax, the gas suddenly communicated with the compound, and a large flame filled the shop immediately, at the same time breaking glass frames and bottles, and blackening the whole place. An alarm was given at once. Some persons went for the water-hose, others for the town bellringer, but in the meantime Mr. Jones and the assistants bravely contended with the fire and succeeded in extinguishing it in a few minutes. The floor in one spot and the fronts of the drawers were charred, while the painting of the fixtures was very sadly marred. It was a fortunate matter that the flames were so soon put out, as a fire in premises containing so much explosives materials would have been most disastrous, and as there is an ironmonger shop (Mr. Edward Parry's), where probably more explosive materials were kept, next door to Mr. Jones'. The fire brigade, with their hon. superintendent (Mr. R. R. Williams), were on the spot in a few minutes with their reel and hose, but luckily their services were confined to a little squirting.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald April 26th. 1873
In reference to the discussion at a late board of the Carnarvon Union, a contemporary remarked:- "At the last meeting of the Carnarvon Board of Guardians, a benevolent member proposed that the children should be allowed increased facilities for recreation, and supplied with bats and balls, and other means of amusement, which, it was suggested, might be supplied by private subscription. To this some of the guardians vehemently objected. One of them 'thought it nothing but waste to purchase articles of amusement for the workhouse children, and strongly remarked that the proposition was a ridiculous one. The children ought to be taught something useful, not cricket-playing.' This is too common a view of 'pauper-life' in this island, where, of course, we beat all the rest of the world in wisdom and philanthropy - especially, let us say, the Italians. who have a workhouse of this 'ridiculous' description at Florence :- "The praiseworthy exertions of the Florentine municipality have made it a real charity, and the order, cleanliness, and cheerful wholesome life within its walls, render it worthy the attention of all interested in the subject of workhouses. No able-bodied man or woman is admitted; work, according to the ability of each individual, is required from all; a pleasant garden within the cloisters of the old convent is used for their recreation, and a playground is set apart for the young. Boys and girls receive a good education, and workshops are attached to the institution, which supply the means of teaching each child some branch of trade, before he is sent out to earn his own livelihood. The doctor, who has his office in the building, is ready at stated times to see any of the inmates, and to listen to complaints, with a view to redress every well founded grievance. The person appointed is an educated gentleman, and he is assisted by a council. Suppose al our workhouse masters were 'educated gentlemen.'"
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald May 10th. 1873
A splendid set of plans (executed by Mr. John Thomas, architect, Market-street), of new shops, offices, warehouses, photographic studio, &c., about to be erected by Alderman Humphreys on the site of his present premises, and of two other shops in Castle-square and Skinner-street, were produced. The members were profuse in their praise of the new premises, and the plans were passed subject to the usual approval of the surveyor and payment of a nominal rent for permission to have coal-cellars projecting under the street. Permission was also given to have one side of Skinner-street flagged, sufficient space to be left for the passage of carts. - Plans of new shops (prepared by the same architect) about to be built by Mrs. M. A. Williams, ironmonger, Eastgate-street, on the site of the present premises were also very much admired and passed. This new shop will be thrown back on a level with the Golden Goat Establishment, and it is now trusted that the whole of Eastgate-street will be widened without delay. - The subject of the flagging of Bridge-street, more especially opposite the new shop of Mr. Lewis Lewis, Nelson Emporium, was deferred until the widening of the whole of Bridge-street is more advanced.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald May 10th. 1873
This charge was made against Harriet Hilton, an unfortunate girl, aged 17 years. On Monday evening, April 28th, about 9 o'clock, this poor girl was found to be running madly about quay between the Anglesey Inn and Porth-yr-aur. One of the coastguardsmen succeeded to save her from jumping into the sea and being drowned. His name was Samuel Mobley, chief boatman on this station, who has repeatedly been the means of saving persons from drowning themselves. She was remanded to gaol for seven days, in order that enquiries might be made into her history. Destitution seemed to be the chief cause of the girl's attempting to destroy her life.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald May 17th. 1873
To the Chairman of the Carnarvon Local Board
SIR, - I beg to draw attention to the disgusting state of Castle-square, Carnarvon, on every fair day. The square, to the railings on both the Bank and the Post-office sides, is crowded indiscriminately with cattle, men and women, apparently without being under any control or supervision whatever. The foot ways as well as the roadway are one mass of the most execrable filth, and it is impossible to enter a house without carrying some of it in. Permit me to suggest that is a few cast iron sockets with lids were sunk at intervals round the square, and on fair days posts and rails were inserted therein, the fair might be kept within due limits. At any rate, a clean footway would be kept round and across the square for the convenience of those of the inhabitants whose misfortunes (like my own) compel them to attempt the horrible passage across or around the square on such occasions. Such an arrangement as I suggest could be carried out at a trifling cost, and would be an enormous comfort to the inhabitants at large, no less than to those who live round the square. The remarks of visitors upon the present arrangements in what professes to be the capital of Wales are anything but complimentary.
Your obedient servant,
Civil Engineer
Trefenai, Carnarvon, 15 May, 1873
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald May 17th. 1873
Harriett Hilton, 21 years, who stood remanded for seven days. It appears that she is the daughter of respectable parents at Conway, and the mayor and the vicar of Carnarvon have undertaken to see what can be done for her in a London institute for fallen women. As Harriett was being taken from the County Hall to the gaol to-day, she managed to slip from the policeman and made a bold attempt for the water near the Anglesey Inn on the quay; and had it not been for the adroitness of P.C. Hughes, she would have doubtless have leapt into the sea. In less than ten minutes afterwards she made an attempt to escape from the corridor of the County Gaol, but the promptness of a constable who was in attendance was the means of frustrating her bold effort.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald May 24th. 1873
Harriett Hilton was again brought up on remand charged with having attempted to commit suicide by drowning herself in the sea. She was further remanded for a week, in order that inquiries may be made regarding a certain aunt of hers who resides near Colwyn.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald May 24th. 1873
Ellen Jones, a widow, was fined 10s. and costs for keeping a house of ill-fame in Mountain-street, Twthill. A somewhat lively scene occurred during the hearing of this case, Mrs. Jones loudly charging the police constable who brought the information against her with drunkenness. The charge was, however, almost immediately rebutted.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald June 21st. 1873
It was pointed out that the Star greatly obstructed the architecture of the new Guildhall. It was passed that Mr. Thomas be ordered to prepare a plan, showing how the building could be removed and a new front placed upon the old building behind the tavern, and that it be submitted to Lord Newborough. Also that the Mayor and the architect should see the owner of the property about it.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald June 28th. 1873
On Wednesday night some boys went into the old building formerly occupied by Mr, Hugh Humphreys, in Castle-square, and now in the course of being pulled down. In their rough play a partition was thrown on top of one of the boys, the son of Williams, a chimney sweep. The boy lay beneath the rubbish for some time before he could be extracted. Beyond a severe shaking the boy does not appear to be seriously injured.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald July 5th. 1873
At noon on Tuesday last, a little boy, three-and-a-half years of age, named Hugh Jones, the son of Robert Jones of Crown-street, fell into a boiler in Mr. R. R. Williams' yard and was drowned. The boiler was sunk in the ground, and contained eighteen inches of water. It was used for th purpose of slaking lime, and the water was impregnated with lime. A little boy, brother of the deceased, found him with his head in the boiler and gave the alarm, but he was found to be quite dead when taken out of the water, although strenuous efforts were made to restore respiration. At the inquest, held before the county coroner (Mr. J. H. Roberts), the jury brought in a unanimous verdict of "accidentally drowned;" at the same time recommending Mr. R. R. Williams to remove the boiler further back into the yard, for the purpose of making it safe.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald July 12th. 1873
Robert Roberts (Bob Robin), was charged with begging. P.C. No. 7 proved the case. the bench then heard another charge against the defendant of running away from the workhouse with the clothes of the union upon him. Defendant said he merely came to town for a couple of hours. He came through the back-door. When in the town a policeman (No. 7) asked him to take a glass of beer at the Virginia Tavern, but when he reached the tavern they collared him and took him to the gaol. Committed for two months.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald July 12th. 1873
During the stay of the Prince of Wales at Penrhos, Holyhead, Mr. John Griffith, watchmaker, High-street, of this town, was presented to his Royal Highness by the Hon. Mrs. Stanley, in Penrhos Park, and had the honour of conversing with the Prince. Mr. Griffith commenced the conversation by speaking a few words in Welsh, expressive of the affection of the Cymry for their Prince, their devoted loyalty, and their great joy at his restoration to health. He then repeated what he had said in English.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald September 13th. 1873
This edifice is fast drawing towards completion. We regret to learn that the ceiling of one of the largest rooms, consisting of mortar, laths, and scantlings, gave way this week. It appears that the builder had strictly adhered to the specifications. This blunder does not therefore lie at his door. One of the principal corner stones (a sand-stone) supporting a granite pillar, on the right hand side, fronting High-street, has also been broken, yielding under the weight of the superstructure. We trust that these are the only misfortunes to befall this building.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald September 20th. 1873
Mr. J. B. Allanson introduced the Vicar of Carnarvon, who presented a petition, signed by 625 ratepayers of Carnarvon, for a reduction in the hours of closing public houses; or, in the event of the magistrates not agreeing to that, for at least no increase on the present hours. The petitioners also compared the way in which the act was carried out in this and other towns, and hoped that greater surveillance would be exercised by the police. The Vicar said that he felt it is duty to present the bench with the petition, being convinced of the ravages of drink in this and other towns, and of the vast benefit brought about by early closing. Mr. Charles Jones then rose to make an application for a new licence on behalf of Miss Richards, North-road. This case was adjourned at last meeting. He said that Carnarvon was not placed in a similar position to other towns, inasmuch as it had no house wherein a passenger might obtain a glass of beer and sandwich. He pointed out the difference between a public house licence and an alehouse licence such as he wanted for Miss Richards. - Mr. J. B. Allanson said that the Alexandra Hotel was near the station to supply all the wants of the passenger by railway. The railway company had made steps leading from the station opposite the hotel for the convenience of passengers wanting refreshments. He referred to the fact that although in the town there was no fish market, yet there were 95 (afterwards stated to be 62) public houses in the borough. There was in fact one public house to every 160 men, women, and children in the town. He thought the spirit of the act left two paths open for the magistrates to cope with drunkenness - curtailment of the hours of drinking and reducing the number of licensed houses; and he hoped that the magistrates would use the means in their power to lessen the drunkenness and immorality of the country. - The magistrates determined that they would not grant the licence. - Mr. Charles Jones then made an application for an extension of hours. He referred to the anomaly of the county town being obliged to close earlier than many of the other towns of the shire. He was prepared to offer a reduction in the hours of sale on Sunday provided an extension might be had upon the week days. He asked why should the public houses be closed at ten o'clock on Saturday when the drapers and grocers were open until long after. He asked for an extension not only in the interests of the licensed victuallers, but also in the interests of the public. - Mr. Allanson: Whom I represent (laughter). - Mr. Jones: A part of whom his friend represented. He ridiculed the idea of presenting the petition. A friend of his in the court that day had informed him that he had signed a petition half a dozen times. - Mr. Allanson: Is it this one? - Mr. Jones said that they all knew how these things were got up. He thought the chief town in the county should not be placed at a disadvantage with the rest of the towns in the shire. - Before Mr. Allanson had the opportunity to reply, the Mayor said that they did not see any reason why they should alter the existing state of things. He had once thought of giving the hotels an extra half hour at night, but he had afterwards come to the conclusion that there should be the same law for the rich and the poor. He said that the reflection contained in the memorial presented to them concerning the way in which the police did their duty was quite unjust. He thought the police executed their duty admirably. - Mr. Allanson afterwards got up to say that they did not wish in any way to reflect upon the police. He knew the difficulty in their obtaining convictions against beer house keepers, because he himself had been getting them off once or twice. He had merely to offer them the suggestion that they should make continual inspections of the public houses.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald September 27th. 1873
On Wednesday this new church was opened. The foundation stone of the edifice was laid about a year ago. Services were commenced in Twthill in August 1869, by the Rev. G. W. Griffith, who now resides at Menai Bridge. Afterwards came the Rev. D. J. Williams, who died, leaving a legacy of 200l for the erection of a new church. Afterwards the Rev. Peter George took the new field of labour under his care. It may be remarked that the Sabbath School held at Twthill National Schools commenced with nine attendants, while the average is now about 150. When it was determined to erect a new church at Twthill, Mr. Richard Thomas and Mr. Thomas D. Lloyd were appointed secretaries of the movement. It must be admitted on all hands that they have worked in a most earnest and praiseworthy manner. The total cost of the building is about 1800l. Of this sum the whole, to within 500l, was obtained by subscription, before the church was opened. During the three services of Wednesday upwards of 37l was collected. The collectors were Mr. John Lloyd, Prince of Wales Hotel, Mr. John Rees, churchwarden, and the two secretaries. The following is a description of the church:-
The building consists of a nave sixty feet by thirty-one feet, with a central and two side-walk passages; a chancel, terminating eastward in a semi-octagonal apse; an organ chamber on the south side of the chancel, in which is placed a powerful and rich toned harmonium, having twenty-two rows of manuals. There is an entrance from the outside to this chamber for the choir. A similar structure is placed on the north side of the chancel, which is the location of the vestry. The style adopted is plain Gothic, of an early type. The walls and buttresses are built with hammer dressed Newry granite, in random courses, and Penmaenmawr stone bands, being finished internally with cream coloured pressed bricks with red bands and arches. Stourton Hill freestone has been used for the dressings. The principal entrance is under a north-west square tower, from which rises an octagonal spire, constructed of cream-coloured brick, with Penmaenmawr stone bands, the total height being 86 feet. In the tower is a bell chamber having on each of its sides two pointed windows with louvres. The bell, which has a fine tone, was provided by Mr. Ellis Jones, Carnarvon. The nave is lighted by nine one-light, plain cusped, pointed windows in the side walls. In the west wall are three windows with plate traceried heads, and a large rose window over; and in the chancel are three two-light plate traceried windows. The nave roof is open-timbered, varnished, and ceiled between the spars. Carnarvon slates have been used for the covering, and a stone cross has been placed over the chancel arch, also one on the west gable. The chancel has a boarded waggon-head ceiling, divided into panels of a light blue tint, the rib mouldings and bosses at the intersections being stained and varnished. The chancel floor is raised two steps above that of the nave, and is paved with blue and red octagonal tiles. The sanctuary, which is paved with encaustic tiles, from the works of Messrs. Maw and Co., is raised two steps above the chancel floor. The communion table is placed on a raised platform; and the table, together with the cloth, carpet, cushions, and hassocks, were presented by Mrs. Morgan Lloyd, of Castle-square, Carnarvon. The communion rail is supported be decorated wrought iron standards, with scrolls and brass leaves. The pulpit is octagonal in shape, and of pitch pine varnished, with pointed and cusped panels and gothic mouldings. The reading-desk, which is of the same wood, has panelled and traceried standard ends, the upper part of each terminating in a scroll, supported by a column. Moulded and traceried arches spring from columns between the ends, supporting a cornice with trefoiled perforations under the book-board. This is altogether and excellent piece of workmanship, which was executed and presented by Mr. Daniel Owen, of the Eryri Steam Timber Works, Carnarvon. Sittings are provided for 350 persons, and they consist of varnished pitch pine open pews, the book boards being placed in a line with the seats of the pews, thus obviating the obstruction generally caused by them when in their usual position, and which reduces the width of space in the pew where it can least be afforded. An octagonal stone font of simple design has been placed at the west end of the nave, a cross and a quatrefoil in circular panels being carved on each side alternately. The gas fittings consist of a handsome corona in decorated wrought iron and brass, suspended from the chancel ceiling, and in the nave wall brackets of good design are placed. The gas was laid on by Mr. W. Dykins, of Twthill. Ventilation is provided for by means of eight flues in the outer walls. Fresh air is admitted into the flues through openings in the plinth, and is discharged into the building at the highest point of the side walls, thereby preventing draughts from being felt. A louvered opening is placed in the apex of the west gable for the exit of foul air accumulating in the roof, and hopper ventilators are place in several of the windows. A chamber has been provided in the basement in which to place the warming apparatus. The architect was Mr. John Thomas, Carnarvon, and Mr. David Williams, Carnarvon, was the contractor, and the elegance of the structure does great credit to both gentlemen.
During the past week there has been an octave of services in the various churches in town. The services on Wednesday commenced at 8 a.m., when the Bishop of Bangor celebrated the holy communion. At eleven a.m. there was English service, at which, the bishop preached. The right rev. prelate selected as his text Isaiah liv. 7, 8. The Rev. H. T. Edwards, the vicar of the parish, read the prayers, and the Rev. R. J. Edwards, one of his curates, read the lessons. Before each service a procession was formed at the Twthill schools in the following order:- First came the secretaries, then the choristers, next clergy, and the rear was brought up by the vicar and the bishop. Among the clergy present were - Archdeacon Evans, Canon Wynne Williams, Revs. Morris Williams (Nicander), Dr. Walters, vicar of Ystradgynlais; _____ Jones, curate; J. Lewis, Waenfawr; R. Williams, Llanfaelog; R. Roberts, Amlwch; H. Jones, St. Dogmell's; D. Evans, Llanwrin; D. Davies, Aberdare; W. Evans, Rhymney; T. Meredith, Newborough; G. W. Griffith, Menai Bridge; J. Price, Clynnog; D. Evans, senior vicar of Bangor; W. Morgan, Llandegai; _____ Morgan, curate of St. Mary's, Bangor; R. W. Griffith, Llanfairisgaer; H. Parry, rector of ditto; W. Edwards, Llanberis; W. Hughes, Glasinfryn, &c. In the afternoon the Rev. Mr. Williams read the litany, and the Rev. Daniel Evans, vicar of Llanwrin, preached in Welsh. In the evening the Rev. W. Evans, vicar of Rhymney, preached, the lessons being read by the Rev. H. Jones, St. Dogmell's, also in Welsh. All the sittings in the church are free. It was computed that at the evening service there were upwards of 600 persons present. Miss Lloyd, Prince of Wales Hotel, presided at the harmonium at all the services except at the morning service, when Mr. William Hayden, organist of Christ Church, presided.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald October 11th. 1873
Perhaps, considering the number of new buildings now being erected in town, it is somewhat surprising that there should be such a commendable absence of accidents. On Friday evening last, a mishap of a not very serious character occurred at Mr. Humphreys' new building in Castle-square. A few joints became loose in one of the stories, causing injuries to one of the men that will disable him from working for a short time.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald October 11th. 1873
W. P. Williams, chemist, Turf-square, made an application for permission to take two, three, or four feet from the street in front of the new premises he was currently building at the corner of Turf-square and Bridge-street to improve the frontage of his building.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald October 18th. 1873
On Thursday evening, about nine o'clock, a fire took place in the house occupied by Mr. Evan Roberts, tanner, which might have been fraught with alarming results. Mr. Roberts and his wife were sitting before the fire, when, seeing the oil lamp burning very low, Mrs. Roberts rose to replenish it. While she was pouring out the oil, the bottle containing it fell on the table, and splashed upon the lighted wick which she held in the other hand. Immediately the whole room was one mass of flame. Several of the neighbours came to the rescue, and gave timely aid with water. After the oil had spent itself, they succeeded in extinguishing the fire. The table, a portion of the flooring, the ceiling, and a quantity of clothes were burnt.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald November 1st. 1873
On Wednesday last, at 3.20 p.m., a railway porter named Alfred Nutt, residing at Hendre-street, while standing on the line at the railway station, was knocked down by a passing engine. He escaped injury from the wheels, but came into contact with the ash-box. His thigh was broken and his spine injured, it is feared fatally. The poor man has a wife and four children.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald November 8th. 1873
Nothing adds more to the beauty of a town than elegant shops. They speak of prosperity and enterprise. Carnarvon can now boast of a number of very excellent shops, which would be a credit to any provincial town in the kingdom. As the inhabitants of this town are aware, Mr. Lewis Lewis' establishment, the Nelson Emporium, has been undergoing important alterations and additions. The business accommodation has been more than doubled, by the addition of another shop and a counting house. This gives the Nelson Emporium a splendid frontage, which will be further enhanced when the whole of Bridge-street has been widened. The designs for the alterations were furnished by Mr. Owen, of Breck-road, Liverpool, and were carried out by Mr. R. R. Williams, builder, of this town. Mr. Lewis' business enterprise has long since been stamped as successful, but we must congratulate him upon the foresight shown in extending his premises to meet the wants of the age. We are sure the substitution of the present elegant premises for the old shop will materially add to his business.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald November 22nd. 1873
On Tuesday last Mr. John Abbott, butcher, of this town, was united in the bonds of matrimony with Mrs. C. Smith, late a cook at Glangwna, a widow of Scotch descent. the wedding was very popular in town, as was evinced by the quantity of bunting unfurled. At the meat market a pole was set up, on which hung Mr. Abbott's blue shirt, bedecked with a white rosette, apron, and knife and steel. At another place in town the occasion was honoured by hoisting an article of domestic furniture to public gaze. In the evening Mr. Abbott's friends and relations passed round the convivial glass and stepped on the light fantastic toe, while as a wind-up there was an extensive discharge of sky rockets. The only jarring incident connected with the hymeneal feast was the bringing before the Mayor on Wednesday last of a complaint against Mr. Rowlands by Mrs. Rowlands, nee Abbott. But blood is thicker than water, and human nature is in the end forgiving.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 6th. 1773
We understand that the lock-up in the new Guild Hall is situated up several flights of stairs, and it is rumoured about town that the council are about to offer a premium for the best invented appliances by which drunken men may be brought from the street, up the stairs, into the cells.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 6th. 1873
Mr. J. H. Roberts appeared on behalf of Mrs. Evans, the Blue Lion, Eastgate-street, in support of an application for the transfer of a licence from the Blue Lion to a house near the railway station. Mrs. Evans, he said, was turned out of her house for the purpose of widening Eastgate-street, which would be a great improvement to the town. Power was given to the magistrates under the circumstances to transfer the licence of the party ejected to another house. The only house available or Mrs. Evans was a house near the station. In this neighbourhood a new town was springing up, and there was no licensed house there except the Alexandra Hotel. He thought a public house was as much wanted there was anywhere else. He saw the usual gentlemen around the table who opposed such applications, but he was none of his professional brethren from town opposing him - his opponents had to go to Bangor for an advocate. The block of buildings where this house was situated was especially a business place. He was ready to receive any suggestion from their worships with reference to closing on Sundays or anything else. He then proved the serving and posting of the proper notices upon the 11th of November. - A very long discussion then followed as to whether the notice had been served on the proper date. - Mr. Webb, of Bangor, on behalf of Mr. Smith, who lived in a house adjoining, and Mr. Barber, of Bangor, who appeared on behalf of Lord Penrhyn, who had property adjoining, considered the date fatal to the application. Finally, at the request of the bench, it was determined that the case should be tried upon its merits, reserving the point in question. - Mr. R. Ll. Jones, the borough surveyor, was then called to prove that the house, Blue Lion, was taken possession of by the town council for the purpose of town improvements. He said there were three houses between the house to which it was desired to transfer the licence and the Royal Hotel, and four between it and the Alexandra. The back of the house was not level. There was no court-yard closed in. It would take a day to built the wall up. The position of the house in Eastgate-street was very central, and that was a good business place. - Mrs. Evans, the landlady, said she had a good part of the railway business. The railway guards and drivers came to her house. Some of them came to her house of Sunday to dine, and there was always some stopping with her. She did not know of any other place in town excepting the house by the railway station which was available for her purpose. - Mr. Webb said there had been a continual fight about licensing the house in question. When it was being built Mr. Smith had protested against it. None of the conveniences required by the act of Parliament were attached to the house. He also pointed out that Carnarvon, with a population of 9449, had 64 public house, 2 beer shops, and 4 grocer's shops with wine licenses, in all 70 houses - a "public" for every 135 persons living in the borough. Mr. Bruce had contemplated in his Licensing Act that 1500 persons could be conveniently supplied by one public house. He had no objection to Mrs. Evans, or the manner in which she had conducted her house. He then quoted the case of the "Criterion" in London, in which a licence has been refused because the house was not completed. - Mr. Barber also briefly addressed the bench, stating that he had no objection to the landlady receiving compensation, provided that it was not given at the expense of his client. - Mr. Webb then called the Rev. H. T. Edwards, vicar, who said, he appeared there on behalf of the congregation of Christ Church. He thought the number of licensed houses in town excessive, and he was therefore pledged to do everything he could to lessen them. He thought it would be objectionable to the church to have a public house within thirty yards of it. They had services daily as well as on Sundays, and also there were periods when they had evening services during the week. - Mr. Smith, who lives in a house adjoining, said that the opening of a public house in the place proposed would lessen the value of his house by one half. He had spoken strongly against it when it was first commenced. He said drunken men would be climbing over his walls. Robert Roberts the builder of the house had been with him when they were building it, and they had some disagreement about blasting the rock at Twthill. Roberts had said that he would make everything all right, and he (Mr. Smith) had asked him whether if his brains were knocked out, he would make that all right. He said that opening a house there would only give railway guards an opportunity to get drunk. - Mr. Thomas, county surveyor, spoke as to the depreciation in value of adjoining property by the opening of a public house. He said that some of the windows of the house near the station were not in. - During the hearing both Mr. Webb and Mr. Barber said that they would be quite satisfied with the judgment of the two magistrates then sitting on the bench, notwithstanding that the mayor pointed out that they were also members of the town council. - After some consideration, the bench determined to postpone their decision for a week, in order that they might have time to consider the case properly.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 13th. 1873
We find that we were wrongly informed upon the subject of the paragraph which appeared in last week's 'Herald.' There are no police cells whatever in the above building, and drunken persons will be taken in future to the cells at the police station.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 13th. 1873
The annual distribution of parcels of clothing took place last week under the superintendence of the Misses Rees, of Castle-street, who have throughout the year devoted much time and attention to the club. Tickets are given to each contributor, showing the amount credited. With this ticket the holders were allowed to go to any drapery shop in town to make purchases to the said amount. The parcels were then sent to the schoolroom, and were distributed to the members by the ladies who take an interest in the movement. The purchases were distributed among the various shops in town in the following manner:- Morris and Jones, Liver Establishment, 147; Lewis Lewis, Nelson Emporium, 131; E. Foulkes and Co., 38; Pierce and Williams, 25; John Williams, Coventry House, 14; David Williams, Shop y Maes, 3.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 20th. 1873
On Tuesday evening, the young ladies and young men engaged in Mr. Lewis Lewis' establishment, the Nelson Emporium, held an entertainment, which was throughout sustained by themselves. The senior assistant, Mr. Thomas Williams, presided. The first part of the programme included addresses, recitations, readings, duetts, songs, and choruses, and part was taken in these proceedings by Miss E. Williams, Miss C. A. Griffith, Miss Morris, Miss J. E. Griffith, Miss M. Hughes, Miss Eliza Jones, and Miss M. Williams; Messrs. W. Jones, D. Jones, D. J. Roberts, Hugh Jones, D. Owen, O. Jones, S. Roberts, and G. Gregory. The second part consisted of the exhibition of panoramic views, and several Welsh choruses were sung. The "National Anthem" was given as a finale. A very pleasant and instructive evening was passed.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 20th. 1873
As will be seen from an advertisement elsewhere inserted in this issue, at the opening of the new guild-hall an exhibition of magic lantern and dissolving views will take place on the evenings of Friday and Saturday, the 26th and 27th inst. The Hon. Frederick G., Wynn has kindly consented to exhibit a series of amusing and instructive views, and vocal and instrumental music will be interspersed, so that a pleasant entertainment is promised for each evening. The express patronage of the Mayor of Carnarvon and Lord Newborough has been secured, and the proceeds are to be devoted to most laudable objects - for the funds of the Clothing Club and for supplying coals to the poor. We trust that the novelty of the entertainment, the celebration of the opening of the new town hall, and the charitable ends aimed at, will combine to draw audiences that shall fill to its utmost capacity the large public room.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 20th. 1873
The application for a transfer of licence by Mrs. Ann Evans, Blue Lion, in which Mr. J. H. Roberts appeared in support of the application, and Mr. Webb and Mr. Barber, both of Bangor, against the application, was determined by the mayor, who said that he refused the application because the house was not completed. He said that this was the only reason why the application was refused.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 20th. 1873
Robert Henry Roberts, aged 12, the son of a woman residing in Skinner-street, was charged with having stolen a watch from a stand in the market hall. The boy pleaded guilty. W. Jones (34) said he had received intimation that a watch had been stolen from the market hall. He then learnt that three boys had been seen passing through the place, and succeeded in ascertaining that Robert H. Roberts was one of them. The boy admitted the charge, and took the officer to the timber quay, where he had hidden the watch. This was the second time he had been brought before the magistrates, and the police said that he was a very mischievous boy. The bench sentenced him to fifteen days imprisonment and five years in the Liverpool Reformatory afterwards. - William Jones, aged 10, the son of Mr. Robert Jones, Chapel-street, a workman in De Winton & Co's foundry, was charged with stealing a knife from the same place. Defendant pleaded guilty. The officer had been taken by the boy to the timber quay, where, close to the place where the watch had been hidden, the knife had also been buried. The mayor commented strongly upon young children commencing a career of crime. Wm. Jones was sentenced to one week's imprisonment and six stripes with the birch-rod.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 27th. 1873
The sympathy of the public is earnestly requested on behalf of Alfred Nutt, a railway porter, who met with a serious accident a few weeks ago at the Carnarvon railway station. The case was duly reported in our columns at that time. Ever since the accident Nutt has been dependent for nourishment and support upon the charity of friends. This source of help, as time rolls on, is likely to fail. His wife and family have only a few shillings per week for their support, and it is absolutely necessary that he should have good nourishing food. It is proposed to raise a fund for the purpose of supplying the unfortunate man with proper support. The doctor reports that the injuries are a fracture of the spine and leg, resulting in paralysis. He is now in a recumbent position, and to a great extent helpless. The Mayor of Carnarvon (James Rees, Esq., Castle-street), has kindly offered to receive subscriptions of behalf of a committee, which will spend so much weekly out of the fund so raised. The case is one which will attract the sympathy of all interested in the well-being of a class of men that daily risk their lives in order to secure regularity, punctuality, and convenience for the public generally, and the Carnarvon railway porters will bear no unfavourable comparison with other men engaged in a similar occupation. Subscriptions, as received, will be announced weekly in the 'Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald.'
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald December 27th. 1873
The workshop of Mr. John Rowlands, painter, Pool-street, was early this morning (Friday) found to be on fire. A large quantity of inflammable materials were stored in the workshop, and flames very rapidly fastened on the building. Although great efforts were made to arrest the progress of the fire, the whole workshop was consumed, the roof fell in, and plant, tools, and materials were destroyed. The place is situated behind the house of Mr. Rowlands, close to the back of the Wesleyan Chapel. The fire brigade were on the spot in a short time after the alarm was given, and succeeded in confining the fire to the workshop. At an early hour the fire was discovered by neighbours. Mr. Rowlands' loss must be considerable, but, we understand that his premises were insured. These premises took fire about thirty years ago, when occupied by the late Mr. David Rowlands.
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