From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 2nd. 1886.
Some hundreds of people congregated in Castle-square on Thursday night, awaiting the advent of the new year. Upon the stroke of twelve the volunteer band, under the leadership of Mr. Watts, played "Auld Lang Syne," and other refrains suitable to the occasion, and subsequently welcomed the new year by playing appropriate airs.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 2nd. 1886.
was held on Thursday last week, and was very largely attended. There was a brisk demand for geese, of which there was not such a large supply as usual at this time of year. Prices ranged from 4s. in the morning to 7s. 6d. in the afternoon. There was a good supply of ducks, which sold at 3s. each. Fresh butter sold at 1s. 2d. per pound.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 2nd. 1886.
The lecture by Sir Llewelyn Turner on "Lord Nelson," in aid of the men out of employment in this town, is fixed to be delivered at the Guild Hall on the 11th inst. The Lord Bishop of Bangor has promised to preside on the occasion.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 2nd. 1886.
There was this year an unusual number of Christmas cards posted and delivered in this town. The number was, it is estimated, nearly double the usual quantity, but, thanks to the promptitude of the inhabitants in acceding to the request to post early, and the excellent manner in which, under the able superintendence of Mr. Chenery, the internal arrangements at the post-office were carried out, the excess work was got through rapidly. On Christmas Day the morning mail was two hours and twenty minutes late in arriving, but despite this, and the fact that the bags were very heavily laden, there was no unnecessary delay in the delivery. The letter-carriers had finished their work before noon, and taking this with the fact that on ordinary occasions the delivery is not over much before 9:30 a.m., it will be seen that the local postal arrangements were most efficient and complete. On New Year's Eve, the number of cards posted was above the average on such occasions, and the morning delivery was not much delayed. It is a significant fact that, while the custom of sending cards at this season of the year is gaining in popularity, the other custom of exchanging valentines on the 14th of February is fast dying out.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 2nd. 1886.
The vast improvement which has this week been effected in the lighting of the town clock at night meets with very general approval. The old dial facing Eastgate-street, has been removed, and a new one, with opal glass, substituted, - the change rendering the black figures on the dial far more distinct. Previously, the clock was illuminated by means of an ordinary lantern placed outside and throwing its light upon the dial. That mode, however, was not very successful, but now, thanks to Councillor Bugbird, who has paid great attention to this matter, four gas burners have been placed inside the machinery of the clock, and the result is the improved lighting of the dials in most satisfactory style. It is to be hoped that the corporation will deem it advisable to change the three remaining dials, as the same quantity of gas now used will illuminate the whole four.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 16th. 1886.
Mr. George Thomas, solicitor, who has been suffering from a severe illness, is now fast recovering. Mr. Thomas was present for a few minutes at the county court on Tuesday last, and received the congratulations of his fellow advocates upon his return to convalescence.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 16th. 1886.
On Monday evening last, a large and fashionable audience gathered in the Guild Hall to hear Sir Llewelyn Turner's lecture on "Lord Nelson" in aid of the unemployed men in the town. The hall was very nicely decorated for the occasion, conspicuous on the platform being a bust of Nelson and several appropriate pictures. The Lord Bishop of Bangor presided, and during the evening songs were rendered by Messrs. Charles A. Jones and J. S. Morris, the accompanist being Mr. J. H. Williams, organist of Christ Church. Sir Llewelyn delivered a most elaborate lecture, and treated his subject in a thorough masterly manner. It was evident that the lecturer was well conversant with the history, not only of Nelson, but of all the other English naval heroes, and his references to historical events proved that he had a most wonderful gift of memory. The lecture was a most interesting one throughout. On the motion of the Rev. E. Herber Evans, seconded by Mr. W. A. Darbyshire, a vote of thanks for presiding was unanimously accorded to the Bishop of Bangor, who, in responding, proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Sir Llewelyn Turner. This was seconded by Alderman G. R. Rees, and carried with acclamation. In responding, Sir Llewelyn expressed great pleasure at seeing so large an attendance, and remarked that it must be a pleasant reflection to all of them that the money they paid for admission would be spent in the purchase of bread for dozens of people who were suffering.
At a committee meeting, held on Thursday, at the magistrates' room, Guild Hall, in furtherance of the relief work, it was resolved, inasmuch as very great distress prevails among the poor, that the unemployed be put to work at once. There were £35 in hand. The following gentlemen were elected to carry out the arrangements:- Sir Llewelyn Turner, Mr. R. Newton, Mr. J. Jackson, Capt. Griffiths, and Mr. D. C. Pritchard, by whom subscriptions will be thankfully received. It was announced that Mr. Assheton Smith and party have kindly promised to give a dramatic entertainment at the Guild Hall early next month in aid of the funds.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 23rd. 1886.
As a result of the movement to provide work for the unemployed, over one hundred persons are now at work in improving the Aber foreshore. The funds have been raised mainly through the instrumentality of Sir Llewelyn Turner.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 23rd. 1886.
We cull the following from the New York Times of January 7th:- John W. Morgan, who keeps a boarding house for sailors and immigrants at No. 125, Charlton-street, was accused before Justice Ford, at the Jefferson Market Police Court, yesterday, by his wife, Elizabeth, of having abandoned her and having failed for two years to contribute to her support. - Mrs. Morgan said that they were married eighteen years ago, in Liverpool, England, and that her husband lived with her for seven years, when he left her and came to this country. He sent her money for four years, but for two years past she has not received a cent from him. She left England on the 19th ultimo for New York, and arrived here on Monday. She lost no time in procuring a warrant for her husband's arrest. - Morgan, in his defence, said that he had been compelled to separate himself from his wife owing to her intemperate habits, but he always sent her money to assist in supporting her. He said that she kept a store in Carnarvon, North Wales, and was doing good business, and that she had been induced to come to this country by one Evans, a rival in business, who had paid her passage across and brought her here for the purpose of driving him out of business. After the warrant was issued by Justice Ford, Evans came to him and told him that his wife was here and had got a warrant for his arrest, and advised him to go "skip." - Mrs. Morgan admitted that she kept a store in Carnarvon, and that Evans had induced her to come to this country to prosecute her husband by telling her that he was living with another woman. Evans, she said, had paid her passage from Liverpool. - Morgan said that he was willing to support his wife, and he gave 300 dollars bail to pay her four dollars a week as long as she remained in this country.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 30th. 1886.
Some very desirable improvements are being carried out at the railway station. The passenger platform is being re-flagged and it is said that the company contemplate some extensive structural alterations. It is to be hoped that the company will see their way clear to accede to the request of the town council to continue Bangor-road footpath to the platform, and to widen the entrance from the thoroughfare.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 30th. 1886.
"Briton" writes to suggest that, in view of the great distress in Carnarvon consequent upon so large a number of men being out of work, it would be a wise and commendable step on the part of the corporation to employ some of these impoverished men to carry out necessary improvements, such as the levelling of certain portions of the park, and constructing the proposed new road from St. David's-road to Twthill Mountain. He further suggests that the Carnarvon Amateur Dramatic Society should give an entertainment to provide the nucleus of a fund for relieving the many who are now suffering from actual want.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 30th. 1886.
During the last week over one hundred men were daily employed on the relief work over the Aber, but in consequence of unfavourable tide the work had to be suspended on Satruday last. It had been arranged that, while the unfavourable tide continued, the workmen should be employed in improving and widening the road along the shore, an improvement to which Mr. Lloyd Hughes, of the Coed Helen Estate, was understood last week to give his consent. - In accordance with this arrangement Mr. Jackson, the clerk of the Harbour Trust, and Mr. R. J. Davids, C.E., on Friday week marked out the proposed road, but on Saturday morning Mr. Jackson was officially notified that Mr. Lloyd Hughes had reconsidered the matter, and could not agree to allow the proposed improvement to be carried out. The work, therefore, came to an abrupt termination, and the men employed were once more thrown out of work. On Thursday last, forty-three men were again employed in clearing the foreshore, and it is understood that they will continue to be so employed while the relief fund lasts.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 6th. 1886.
AN APPEAL - "Sympathiser" writes to us as follows:- "Cannot anything be done to alleviate the distress existing among the families of some hundreds of able-bodied men who are unable to find employment in this town? Go where you will, groups of men are found - men who would gladly accept any kind of job for a trifle. The Harbour Trustees and their chairman (Sir Llewelyn Turner) are deserving of the thanks of the public for their efforts to find employment for these poor men. I understand that there are some £50 or £60 in the hands of the relief committee; "but what are they among many?" Certainly something more should be done. Walking along the Aber foreshore, the other day, I found among those employed some of our best Carnarvon sailors, and it much grieved me to see them trudging through the mud removing stones therefrom, and all for a small pittance, which, nevertheless, was a timely boon to them. In another part of the town, I noticed one day a skilled artisan, who had been earning his 35s. a week, gladly accepting half-an-hour's job in carrying timber! I understand that at the last meeting of the town council Mr. Richard Thomas proposed that a subscription list should be opened with the view of providing employment for these poor men. This excellent suggestion, however, was not acted upon, the council, I am told, deeming it advisable to wait until the £60 had been expended on the Aber foreshore improvements. It has often been a source of complaint, and sometimes the occasion for a sneer, that our missionary spirit carried our subscriptions to distant foreign lands while they are so much wanted nearer home for the same good purpose. In like manner there are many in this town who now complain bitterly that our tradesmen, in thinking of others outside, however much the distress of those may be, forget the golden rule that charity should begin at home. I have frequently been told that in all this there is a great deal more of "shop" than of sense: Whether that be true or not, I cannot say. I, however, write in the best spirit, and make this appeal, confident that, as far as it is possible, it will not be made in vain to those inhabitants of Carnarvon who, at a time like this, may prove to the hundreds around them that they are friends indeed, because friends in need."
The following letter has been addressed to us for publication:-
Coed Helen, Carnarvon,
February 3rd, 1886.
SIR,- As your statement in connection with my action in respect to the alteration of the road on the shore under Coed Helen is incorrect and misleading, I shall feel obliged, as you have thought proper to bring forward my name in respect of the matter, if you will be good enough to place the following facts in your next issue:-
A short time ago, Mr. Jackson, the harbour master, and Mr. Newton called upon me here, and stated that they proposed to remove the stones on the shore under Coed Helen, and to mend the road in places where the sea had broken in. I then suggested that the raised part of the pathway, not far from the naval reserve battery, should be lowered, the present cart-way along the shore filled in, a good road made along that part, and a sea-wall built to prevent the water encroaching on the road. I heard no more of the matter till David Pritchard, the tenant of the Coed Helen Ferry, stated that Sir Llewelyn Turner and other gentlemen were coming over to see whether the proposal I made could be carried out. He stated that they would be glad if I would meet them, which I did, with Mr. Lewis Jones, the agent of the Coed Helen Estate, on last Saturday fortnight, the 16th of January. Sir Llewelyn Turner then said that they had not money enough to make the road as I proposed, and he then suggested the widening of the present raised part, taking some of the Coedhelen fields for the purpose and leaving the seashore as it is now. I said, after consideration, that I thought this might be done; and it was settled that I should see a stonemason about building a wall on the Coed Helen or field side of the proposed new road. Sir Llewelyn Turner and the other gentlemen then returned to Carnarvon. With Mr. Lewis Jones, I waited for the stonemason, and on examining the matter with him and Mr. Lewis Jones, I came to the conclusion that the road in that position would be unsightly and by no means an improvement to the appearance of the shore. I at once distinctly informed David Pritchard that it could not be done as proposed by Sir Llewelyn Turner; and Mr. Lewis Jones, the agent, also told him so most distinctly. This refusal to grant the road to be made as proposed by Sir Llewelyn Turner was given to David Pritchard (one of the committee in respect to the employment of the men on the foreshore) hardly an hour after I left Sir Llewelyn Turner, on the 16th of January, before a workman had been near the shore; and to say that the men were stopped by me is surely most unjust, as they must have known well that I did not intend to have it done. It may be said I ought to have written to Sir Llewelyn Turner stating my refusal to have the road made as proposed; but it was David Pritchard who requested me to meet Sir Llewelyn Turner and the other gentlemen and it was to David Pritchard that I gave my final answer. I may add that the proposal to make the road different from my suggestion was a complete surprise to me, as I met the gentlemen under the impression that it was to be done as suggested. There is little or no carriage traffic along there, and no particular object in having a carriage road; but a good road, as I suggested, might improve the appearance of the shore. - I am, your faithfully,
We regret if our report of last week should have caused any unpleasantness; for it was but simply stated that "Mr. Lloyd Hughes was understood last week to give his consent," and that he subsequently had "re-considered the matter and could not agree to allow the proposed improvement to be carried out." However, we are glad to learn that a further arrangement has been come to, as the following letter shows:-
Parkia, 4th February, 1886
Dear sir,- I beg to thank you very much for the consent you have this day given for the carrying out of the proposed work on the raised path below Coed Helen. To prevent any misunderstanding as to the land and the rights of property, it is only reasonable that I should state, as you may properly desire, what it is that you have agreed to, and the terms of the arrangement.
1. The road is to be the width of fifteen feet and no more, on the raised path, that is, measured from the inside of the sea-wall towards the Coed Helen park, where you are about to erect a wall.
2. That no damage shall be done to the Coed Helen property.
3. That the work involves no sort of claim to land on the part of the harbour trust, the relief committee, or any other body, beyond the ordinary right of road.
You will now have the greatest satisfaction of feeling that the consent you have given will result in placing bread in the mouths of numerous people ready to work, who would otherwise be unable to obtain it. The work already done has afforded employment to numbers of poor men, and the foreshore has been cleared of from 400 to 500 tons of stones that were dangerous to shipping, and are now available for a valuable road.
The carrying out of the arrangement, now made, will enable the relief committee to pursue this valuable work.-
I am, dear sir, yours faithfully,
Lloyd Hughes, Esquire,
Coed Helen.
Mr. Richard Thomas asked whether the relief fund had been exhausted or not.- Mr. Smith Davids said there was a small balance in hand.- Mr. Richard Thomas remarked that there was great poverty in the town, and he believed that a subscription list had better be opened.- The Chairman said that Mr. Assheton Smith and others were going to give two or three performances in the town this month in aid of the relief fund. This would undoubtedly result in a substantial augmentation of the fund. He (the chairman) also had been making applications to several other gentlemen for asistance to the fund.- Mr. Richard Thomas said that things wore a very serious aspect in Carnarvon at present.- Mr. Jackson said that although the men assisted out of the fund had to perform a most unpleasant duty, working in mud and water for hours during the recent, bitterly cold, weather, they all appeared to be very thankful for the opportunity given them of earning a little money. The work of clearing the tideways in the harbour had been finished, but they had work elsewhere for three or four tides.- The Chairman remarked that of course they could not draw money for the fund upon Mr. Assheton Smith's performance until its results were known, and Mr. Owen Thomas said the performances might result in a loss, and that, therefore, of course they ought not to calculate upon their success in order to draw money to augment the fund.- Mr. Richard Thomas observed that a subscription list should be opened. A goodly sum of money had been subscribed for the Llanberis quarrymen, and surely they ought to look to their own town first, and assist those men who were willing and ready to work. The corporation were going to do some work near the gasworks, and this will give employment to a good number of persons. - The Chairman remarked that if they had any work to be done the most sensible thing they could do would be to get it done at a time like the present. That was why he got men to excavate the moat around the Castle; labourers were glad of any chance to earn a little money.- The matter was ultimately dropped.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 13th. 1886.
On Sunday last, news reached this town that Mr. John Jones, Bontnewydd, mate on the schooner "Napoleon," had drowned while the vessel was at sea. The "Napoleon" anchored in the Menai Straits about noon on Sunday, and her master (Capt. William Thomas, Chapel-street) at once reported the melancholy occurrence to the proper authorities. From the account he gave, it appears that about midnight on Friday, the mate took the watch, and steered the vessel, which was bound from Milford for Carnarvon. At four o'clock in the morning another member of the crew went to relieve him, but to his great astonishment Jones could not be found. The wheel had been lashed, and the vessel was on her right course. A pipe belonging to the mate was found near the wheel, but there was nothing to indicate when or how he disappeared. When the discovery was made the vessel was off Bardsey Island, and the weather was fine. Jones was in his usual good spirits when he took the watch, and it is not believed that he committed suicide by jumping overboard. The supposition is that he must have accidentally fallen into the sea, but how he met his fate remains a mystery. The missing man was married, and was about 30 years of age.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 20th. 1886.
A highly praiseworthy movement has been initiated in this locality by a few of our benevolent townsfolk; and in another column we report the first of halfpenny dinners to school children. There is no need to dwell upon the fact that a very large amount of distress exists in the town at the present time. This deplorable feature of the experiences of to-day is not peculiar to Carnarvon, but is to be observed all over the country, and is the excuse in many places for most regrettable disturbances. It is equally obvious that when employment is slack, children suffer as much as grown persons; and many thousands of youngsters all over the country are, by provisions of the Compulsory Education Act, attending school day after day not only half-clothed, but also in many instances half-fed, or worse. It costs comparatively little to give a good meal to school children, for the young folk are in no degree fastidious in regard to the viands proffered them. Indeed, so long as they are satisfied as to the quantity they are not at all critical in respect to its quality. What is now being done is to give them for a payment of one halfpenny a good meal in the middle of the day. We have declared the movement to be a praiseworthy one; but it is quite possible that here, as elsewhere, exception to this form of benevolence may be taken upon the score that it tends to pauperisation, or at any rate to injure the independence of the poorer classes; but the times are such that it is impossible to give much weight to considerations of this nature. The burden upon the unemployed is too heavy to allow of any cavilling in respect to relief afforded by feeding the children. Carnarvon is only following in the wake of larger towns in thus providing sustenance for children attending the elementary schools. For years the practice has prevailed upon Sir FRANCIS PEER'S estate in Devonshire, and during last winter the Rev. W. MOORE EDE, of Newcastle, organised a system of penny dinners, which on account of the exceptional skill of the promoters were made self-supporting at that very low figure. Birmingham followed suit, Sheffield also instituted a system of feeding the children; and now Carnarvon has its half-penny dinners. Relief in this form is at the present time peculiarly acceptable, and it is to be hoped that the appeal for subscriptions will so far meet with general response that dinners may be given more frequently than once a week. With characteristic want of consideration for the emptiness of their parents' pockets, children get hungry and want a dinner every day; and the boys who are provided with a dinner on a Wednesday are as hungry as ever when dinner time comes on Thursday. It is pitiful to read that after the experiment of Tuesday and Wednesday last, there were a number of poor children outside the school "provided with a half-penny, but without the necessary ticket, and who were therefore obliged to return home disappointed, sad and hungry." The committee intend, if funds are forthcoming, to provide dinners four days a week, commencing next Monday, for at least a hundred school children; and there is so much distress in town that we can but reiterate the appeal which they make for help in their good work. Any stern moralists and economists who are afraid of pauperisation may perhaps have their hearts moved and purses opened by a statement of the fact that children fed regularly in this way are able to learn much more rapidly and to retain more fully the instruction given. By lengthened experience in Sir FRANCIS PEEK'S school it has been found that the children who attend regularly at the dinner are the better scholars; and this experience has been verified in those towns where penny and halfpenny dinners have been provided. The ratepayers who have to find the funds for educating the children would get better value for their money by the co-operation of the philanthropists who feed the hungry youngsters, and the work of the school attendance officers would be rendered very easy in the future if the attraction of a good dinner were held out to probable truants.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 20th. 1886.
The custom of exchanging valentines on this day is undoubtedly fast dying out. This year, there was nothing like the usual display of valentines in the establishments of local stationers, and from inquiries made we understand that the post officials found no appreciable difference in the number of letters delivered and despatched. Perhaps the fact that the 14th fell on a Sunday this year may account in some degree for this falling off, but the gradual decay of the custom for a few years past points unmistakably to the fact that valentines will ere long be counted among the things of the past.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 20th. 1886.
Owing to the present want of employment and the consequent distress at Carnarvon, the sufferings of poor little children from want of proper food is most pitiable. It is well-known that a considerable number go to school without having had any breakfast and with very little prospect of dinner afterwards.
With a view of remedying to some extent this sad state of things, some kind-hearted ladies have organized half-penny dinners; and an experiment was tried on Tuesday and Wednesday at the unused Ragged School, in Twthill. Dinners were provided at one halfpenny each for about fifty girls and fifty boys. The meal consisted of a pint of hot Irish stew and one or more slices of bread and jam for each child. Tickets had been given to the masters and mistresses of every school in the town, leaving it for them to select the very poorest of their scholars - the girls on Tuesdays and the boys on Wednesdays.
The children were received at noon on Tuesday by the Vicar, Mrs. Hugh Pugh, Llysmeirion; Mrs. John Poole, Mrs. Williams, Moranedd; Mrs. and the Misses De Winton, and Mr. W. P. Williams, chairman of the school board. Immediately on arrival the little girls, numbering 49, were comfortably seated at tables, and the hot Irish stew served out to each in pretty new basins, which, with metal spoons, had been most kindly presented by Messrs. Tilling and Blackburn, of Northgate-street. Soon, all were hard at work, and it was a pleasant and pretty sight to see how thoroughly these poor little hungry ones enjoyed the good food, and how soon each basin was emptied. Subsequently, each child got a large slice of bread and jam, and some were able to dispose of two. The behaviour of all was highly satisfactory and spoke volumes for the training they had received at the various schools. On Wednesday, precisely the same dinner was given to 53 boys, with equally satisfactory results. This being but an experiment, the above mentioned number only could be provided for. Meanwhile, it was a pity to see the number of poor children outside the school, each provided with a halfpenny, but without the necessary ticket, and obliged therefore to return home disappointed, sad and hungry.
So far, the experiment has been in every way a decided success, and if the necessary funds are forthcoming it is intended, during this season of distress, to provide dinners four days per week, commencing next Monday, for 100 school children, which number may be increased if necessity arises. We feel sure that the object in view must commend itself to all, and we hope and believe that the good people of Carnarvon and its neighbourhood are far too warm-hearted not readily to help these poor little suffering children, and that they will not allow so excellent a charity to lack funds.
We may add that subscriptions will be received at the Old Bank, the North and South Wales Bank, Messrs. Pugh, Jones, and Co. Bank, and by Miss De Winton, Tanygraig, Carnarvon. The Misses De Winton have kindly taken the management and the catering for the present season.
The following subscriptions have been already received:-
| £ | S. | d |
The Mayor of Carnarvon | 1 | 1 | 0 |
The Hon. J. G. Wynn, Glynllifon | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Mr. Hugh Pugh, Llysmeirion | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Mrs. Owen, Ty Coch | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. J. P. De Winton, Tanygraig | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Mr. John A. A. Williams, Glanbeuno | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Mrs. John Poole | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mrs. Thomas Turner, Weston College | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Mr. Thomas D. Lloyd, Altadore | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Messrs. Tilling and Blackburn, Northgate-street, 4 dozen basins, and 2½ dozen spoons. |
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 27th. 1886.
At a special borough court, before Dr. John Williams, a young man named David Rowlands, living in Pool Hill, was charged with having broken into the warehouse of his employer, Mr. William Morgan, currier, and stolen therefrom, at different times, various sums amounting to about 7s. 9d.- The accused, who had been in custody since the previous day, appeared very distressed, and cried bitterly during the hearing of the case.- Mr. William Morgan, prisoner's employer, said that he was a currier carrying on business at Pool Hill. Prisoner had been in his employ for about three or four years. On the previous Thursday eveing, he (witness) left 9d. in copper and a threepenny piece in the drawer in his shop; on the following Friday morning, he found that 3½d. in copper were missing. On Friday evening, he left 1s. 6d. in copper and two threepenny pieces in the drawer, and on the following morning he found that 12d. in copper and one threepenny piece had gone. On Saturday, he informed the police of the matter, and on the evening of that day he placed 1s. 8d. in copper and 6d. in silver in the drawer, having first taken precaution of marking the money. On Monday morning 10d. in copper and the silver 6d. were missing. He identified the 6d. produced as the one he marked and placed in the drawer on Saturday night. Prisoner had no right to be in possession of a key to the building, and would have no business to be in the warehouse at eight o'clock every morning. The outer door to the warehouse was secured by a padlock (produced), to which were only two keys, one kept by himself, and the other by his foreman, Richard Evans. The key produced was not either of those two. He (witness) saw prisoner in the police-station on Tuesday morning, and asked him,- "Well, David, how long have you been carrying on this game?" Prisoner at first replied, "Since Monday last;" but, on being pressed, he admitted that he had commenced on Monday week.- Richard Evans, foreman with the last witness, said that on Friday, the 12th instant, he missed 1s. 6d. in copper and one threepenny piece from the drawer in the warehouse. On Tuesday evening (the 16th inst.), 3s. 1d. in copper were left in the drawer, and on the following morning he found that 1s. 7½d. were missing. On Wednesday evening, 1s. 7½d. in copper and two threepenny pieces and one sixpenny piece were left in the drawer, and when he went there on the following morning he found that 9d. in copper and the sixpenny piece had been taken away.- Witness then gave evidence corroborating that of his employer, and added that on the previous Monday afternoon he asked prisoner to go out to change a sixpenny piece. Prisoner then went into his own house and brought out six pennies, all of which he (witness) identified as those which had been marked by Mr. Morgan. Witness gave four of the pennies to a customer in the shop, and handed over the remaining two (produced) to Mr. Morgan.- P.C. Pugh said that on Monday evening last, about eight o'clock, he went into Mr. Morgan's warehouse, and remained there all night. About 7.20 a.m. the following morning he saw prisoner open the padlock of the outer-door with the key produced, and then enter the warehouse, where he saw him (witness).- Witness asked the prisoner what his business was in the warehouse at that time of the morning, and he replied that he would never come there any more.- Witness then charged him with breaking into the warehouse, and took him to the police-station, where he was searched by Segreant Harries. While being searched, prisoner produced a 6d. piece, which he (witness) identified as that which he had seen marked by Mr. Morgan on Saturday night.- In reply to the charge, prisoner said that he had no witnesses to call, nor had he anything to say, except to ask forgiveness.- Prisoner was then committed to take his trial at the quarter sessions, bail being accepted.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 6th. 1886.
On Monday, the town clock presented a much more pleasing appearance, the four old dials having been removed and new ones, with opal glass, having been substituted in their stead. The change is a very desirable one, as it allows of the illuminating of the three dials on the same principle as that adopted a few weeks ago with the dial facing to Eastgate-street. The contractor was Mr. R. H. Toleman, jun., Pool-street, whose tender (£22) was the lowest sent in.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 6th. 1886.
On Thursday morning last, an inquest was held in the magistrates room, Guild Hall, Carnarvon, before Mr. J. H. Roberts, coroner, and a jury, of whom Mr. William Jones, baker, Palace-street, was foreman, on the body of a young man David Williams, who had died on the previous Sunday of frightful injuries received on Thursday, the 4th ult., at the Morfa Seiont Slate Manufactory. From the evidence given at the inquest, it appears that the deceased, who resided with his parents in Eleanor-street, was admitted into the employ of Mr. Robert Williams. the proprietor of the above mill, a short time ago. On the day in question he had to shift a strap or pulley-band from one pulley to another. The machinery was at the time in motion and the unfortunate man was caught by the band and dragged up to the revolving pulley. The pulley was fixed within 14 or 15 inches of the beam to which the shafts were fastened, and the deceased was pulled up and thrust once or twice through this small space with great rapidity, his clothes having become entangled with and around the pulley and the strap. Despite every effort, instantly made, to stop the machinery, Williams' clothing was torn in shreds off his body, and he himself suffered frightful injuries to his lower limbs and his spine. He succumbed last Sunday morning to the injuries thus received. A Government inspector of factories was present at the inquiry, and stated that he had inspected the Morfa Slate Mill, and wished to see several improvements and alterations made in the place.- The jury found a verdict of "Accidental death," and added a rider to the effect that it was important that the proprietor of the mill should pay attention at once to the suggestions of the Government inspector respecting the machinery. The coroner also called Mr. Williams' attention to the importance of complying with the inspector's requests.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 13th. 1886.
The proposal to establish steamship communication between Carnarvon and Llandudno will certainly gain the support of all residents in both the places named. During the summer, many thousands of visitors take the railway journey to Carnarvon from the favourite watering-place beneath the Great Orme; and they do so in order to visit Llanberis, to take coach drive around Snowdon, or to inspect the antiquities of this town and neighbourhood. About an hour and a half is occupied in the journey by railway, and although the scenery on the road is most beautiful, a trip by steamer through the Straits would be much more enjoyable. A fast steamship, calling at Beaumaris and Menai Bridge on the road, would cover the distance in two or three hours; and on a brilliant summer's day, the voyage would be much more pleasurable than a journey by rail. Llandudno has plenty of attractions to offer to visitors, so many beauty spots being within an easy distance; and if steamship communication with Carnarvon were established, an additional variation in the wide programme of pleasure-seekers would exist. The scheme is one worthy of hearty support, and those gentlemen who, at the meeting of the Carnarvon Chamber of Commerce on Friday evening, advocated the undertaking showed correct appreciation of what is required. If the company which carried passengers as far as Menai Bridge cannot do the work, it is necessary to adopt the proposal to hire a steamer. During the holiday season it could hardly fail to be a successful speculation, providing that the steamer hired were one fit for passenger traffic. Plenty of "old tubs" can be got, but if the steamer put upon the route is one not fit for the duty, the proprietors would be merely inviting failure.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 13th. 1886.
Since our last, these dinners have been given to from 100 to 130 children on four days each week. The following additional subscriptions are gratefully acknowledged:- Mr. Griffith Rees, Old Bank, 10s. 6d.; Mrs. Roberts, Church-street, 10s.; Dr. Taylor Morgan, 10s.; collected by the children of Mr. R. D. Williams, Porthyraur, 7s.; Mr. C. Poole, 2s. 6d.; Miss Mason, 5s.; matron of Training College, 2s. 6d.; the members of Miss Rimmer's Sunday School class, 2s. 6d.; Mrs. Owen, Ty Coch, 20lbs. plum pudding.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 13th. 1886.
On Thursday morning last, a special borough police court was held at Carnarvon, when two labourers, named David Edwards and David Moreton Jones, were charged before Walter Hughes, Esq., with stealing several ropes, the property of Captain Roberts, Anglesey Inn. The prisoners were seen in the act of taking the ropes from a boat on the Aber foreshore by a carpenter named Robert Jones, and although he told them to take them back, the ropes were subsequently found to have been taken to the establishment of Messrs. Tilling and Blackburn, to whom they were sold. The case was remanded until Monday next.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 20th. 1886.
On Tuesday last, Mr. J. H. Roberts, coroner, held an inquest at the Guild Hall, touching the death of R. H. Parry, a young lad, 12 years of age, who died on Monday afternoon from injuries sustained on Saturday, the 6th inst. Mr. W. D. Edwards, Palace-street, acted as foreman of the jury. The deceased on the day in question, about four o'clock in the afternoon, was playing on board the barque "Ocean Child" in company with a number of other boys of a similar age. Whilst standing close to the open hatchway deceased staggered and fell headlong down into the hold below, his head coming in violent contact with the bottom of the hold. He was seriously injured, especially about the head, and after a week of terrible suffering the poor lad died, as above stated, on Monday, notwithstanding the careful treatment of Dr. Griffith, Castle-square. A verdict of "Accidental death" was returned, the jury recommending that the public should keep a sharp look-out on the harbour with the view of preventing similar accidents.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 23rd. 1886.
At the Carnarvon Borough Court, on Monday, before Alderman G. R. Rees and Walter Hughes, Esq., a well-known character of the name of George Fellowes, living in Little Chapel-street, was charged with having stolen a quantity of coal the previous night from a truck on the Carnarvon Quay.- Police-Sergeant Griffiths said that about 12 o'clock on Sunday night he was on duty on the Carnarvon Quay, and heard a shuffling noise at some coal trucks near Messrs. De Winton's foundry. He and P.C. 22 proceeded thither, and were met by the prisoner, who came from under one of the coal trucks. In reply to their questions, prisoner said that he was going for a walk, as he could not sleep in bed. He then went away, and the officers went up to the coal trucks, and there saw, on the ground, a sack (produced) containing a quantity of coal. P.C. 22 followed prisoner, and arrested him on suspicion. - Prisoner, who elected to be tried summarily, pleaded not guilty, and adhered to the story told by him to the police officers. - The bench fined him 10s. and costs, and in default he was sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 30th. 1886.
Mr. R. Parry Williams, of the Ship and Castle Inn, Carnarvon, who is a student at one of the Edinburgh Medical Colleges, recently distinguished himself in an international football match between Wales and Scotland, played at Glasgow. The Scotch press highly complimented Mr. Williams upon the abilities displayed by him.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 30th. 1886.
On Monday last, Master Johnnie Gregory, the eldest son of Mr. George Gregory, of Carnarvon, met with a serious accident. About one o'clock he was following the militia band to Brynseiont field, and when in Newborough-street a horse and trap came from the opposite direction. The band wheeled to the right in order to make room for the vehicle to pass, but the music seems to have frightened the horse, and it became unruly, with the result that the lad Gregory fell under its feet, and the two wheels of the trap passed over him - one across his back, and the other across his legs. The unfortunate boy was at once picked up and conveyed in an unconscious state to Dr. J. Williams' surgery in Castle-square, where his injuries were attended to. Fortunately, no bones were broken, though he was severely hurt, but we are glad to understand that he is now rapidly recovering.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 30th. 1886.
As has been usual for some years past, almost all the business establishments at Carnarvon were closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday. The weather during the holidays was glorious, and therefore those who could afford to leave business for a while had within their reach the means of thorough enjoyment. There were no special attractions at Carnarvon on Friday, though a football match between the Wrexham Olympic and the Carnarvon Wanderers,- which had been announced to take place at Bryn Seiont field, but did not come off owing to the visiting club being unable to arrive in time - attracted to the town a large number of visitors who take a delight in that popular game. Some hundreds of persons crossed the ferry to Anglesey during the day, while the Park and the Aber foreshore teemed with pleasure seekers. The boating season also virtually opened on Friday, and during the early part of the day, when the tide was in, a large number of persons disported themselves on the smooth surface of the Straits. On Monday, the town wore a busier aspect. The Carnarvon Castle Court of Foresters paraded the streets in the morning, and in the afternoon the first annual athletic sports of the Wanderers Football Club attracted fully four thousand persons to Bryn Seiont field. Several heavily-laden excursion trains also arrived, and as usual, visitors found plenty of amusement in inspecting the castle and the several other "lions" of which the county town can boast.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 7th. 1886.
Mr. R. P. Williams, son of Mr. Williams, of the Ship and Castle Inn, Carnarvon, has successfully passed the final examination of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Mr. Williams was apprenticed with Mr. G. Owen, High-street.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 7th. 1886.
At Carnarvon, on Easter Monday, Mr. John Davies (Gwyneddon), and Mr. Pierce, of Messrs. Pierce and Williams, Golden Goat, had the pleasure of presenting to Mr. J. W. Jones (Andronicus), on behalf of a numerous body of subscribers, an address, beautifully engraved by Messrs. Waterlow, of London, together with a cheque for £200 18s. 6d. Mr. Jones had taken a leading position as commercial traveller over the North Wales ground for the last 18 years, and on his retirement from the road, through protracted ill-health, the opportunity was taken by his old comrades, customers, and private friends, to express their respect and sympathy in this practical form.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 7th 1886.
Mr. William Ellis, confectioner, High-street, Carnarvon, has received a letter from Australia announcing the death at Melbourne, on the 16th of March, of Mr. Hugh E. Roberts, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts, who formerly kept the tollgate at Seiont Bridge, Carnarvon. The deceased, who was 59 years of age, went to Australia about 35 years ago, and took up his residence at Melbourne, where he was for many years employed in the Bonded Warehouse of Messrs. Fanning and Nankinvale. He was well-known to Welsh sailors, and more especially to those from Carnarvon, who received every welcome at his hands whenever they called upon him, and his death will be lamented by many in this country as well as in Australia.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 14th. 1886.
The following letter announcing the murder of her youngest son, has been received by Mrs. Jane Hughes, of William-street, Carnarvon:-
Bismarck Archipelago, November 11th, 1885.
Dear Madam,- With the present I fulfil the painful duty to inform you of the death of your son Hugh Evans, which occurred at a place called Kabakada, New Britain, on the 27th of October, 1885. Hugh was engaged to my cutter "Ofu" as able seaman, and during the passage from New Ireland to New Britain, left the vessel in a boat together with three natives, in order to fetch a cask of fresh water. After leaving the vessel wind and weather turned unfavourable, and the boat, instead of making for Mioko, had to keep away for the coast of New Ireland. There the poor fellows were attacked by the natives. Your son received four spear wounds, and the others were more or less wounded. They, however, escaped into the boat and thence made for New Britain, which was about a hundred miles distant, and only after twenty-two days of hard pulling and no doubt great suffering, they were picked up by the same cutter "Ofu" close to the coast of New Britain. The captain took your son at once to the missionary, the Rev. Benjamin Danks, residing at Kabakadai, in whose house he expired, shortly after he came there, while taking some food. Hugh has been buried on the mission ground, and the place of his rest will be shown by a cross with his name inscribed. His effects, which consisted only of a few pieces of wearing apparel of no value, I have given to his fellow sufferers, who attended to him during his sickness. Hereto attached you will find your son's papers and two photos, as also an official certificate of death. Please accept the assurance of my warmest condolence, and believe me to be, dear madam,- yours faithfully,
Manager of the Mioko Agency.
The deceased was about 25 years of age, and was well-known to the nautical community of Carnarvon.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 21st. 1886.
On Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. J. W. Wynne Jones, M.A., vicar of Llanbeblig, performed the ceremony of laying the capstone of the beautiful spire which has just been added to Christ Church. Undoubtedly the tower and spire are amongst the most attractive in the district, and, viewed from any direction, the appearance of the church, now that the deficiency has been supplied, is most pleasing to the eye. The height of the tower is 65 feet, and that of the spire 70 feet. Crowning the capstone is an iron finial, cross-shaped, 11 feet in height, thus making a total height, from the basement, of 146 feet. In the upper portion of the spire, to the extent of eleven feet from the top, every stone has been dowelled and slit. The tower and spire, which are Gothic in style, were designed by Mr. A. Ingleton, architect, &c., Bangor-street, from a sketch by the late designer of the church. Mr. Ingleton is to be complimented upon the professional ability displayed in the work. The amount of the contract, including the re-seating of the chancel, was £1550. The work has been satisfactorily carried out by Mr. Evan Jones, contractor, Dolydd, whose foreman was Mr. L. Jones. The clerk of the works for some time was Mr Henry Thomas. Twthill was a capital vantage-ground for those anxious to witness the ceremony of laying the capstone, and a large crowd of spectators had assembled on that charming eminence. Shortly before four o'clock, the Rev. J. W. Jones ascended the giddy height; and, having reached the pinnacle, donned his surplice. Prior to the ceremony, a prayer was offered by the rev. gentleman who afterwards laid the stone and conducted a short but appropriate service. In the immediate neighbourhood of the church a number of ladies and gentlemen had congregated to witness the proceedings. Amongst others, we noticed Mrs. and Miss De Winton, Miss Sampson, Miss Bowen, Miss Owen, Tycoch; Mrs. Fairchild, College; Mrs. J. C. Rowland, Miss Rowland, Mr. J. Owen, Tycoch; Rev. Llewelyn Hughes; Messrs. C. W. Poole, E. Humphreys, Royal Hotel; C. Rowland, C. Carter, R. Ll. Jones. Following the ceremony, a special service was conducted by the vicar in the church. There was a fair congregation. Mr. Williams presided at the organ. The belfry tower contains accommodation for a peal of eight bells.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 21st. 1886.
A special meeting of the Carnarvon Town Council was held on Friday evening last to take into consideration the advisability of erecting a hospital for infectious diseases in the town. There were present the Mayor (Alderman Lewis Lewis), Aldermen J. Owen, J. P. de Winton, and W. P. Williams, Councillors Dr. Williams, R. Thomas, Dr. Kirk, J. O. Jones, T. Williams, T. Bugbird, David Williams, Thomas Thomas, J. P. Gregory, Mr. J. H. Roberts (town clerk), Dr. Hugh Rees (district medical officer of health), Messrs. R. Ll. Jones (borough surveyor), and R. Rogers (inspector of nuisances).
The Mayor, having explained the object of the meeting, said that it was most important that they at Carnarvon, as in other towns, should move in this matter. One or two cases of infectious diseases had recently occurred in the town, and, had the infection spread, the consequences might have been very serious, especially as they had no hospital for isolating purposes. A suggestion had been made that they should join with the rural sanitary authority of the union in the erection of one hospital, and so save the expense of maintaining a double staff of officers.
Dr. Rees, who spoke at the request of the Mayor, said that a hospital of this kind was exceedingly essential, and the question had been taken up in a great many towns. They at Carnarvon had had very startling experience of late of the necessity of such a provision, inasmuch as several cases of smallpox had occurred in the town. The infectious disease had been first imported by a tramp who came to join the militia. This tramp sickened in a common lodging-house in North-penrallt, and he was taken to the workhouse hospital before it was really known what was the matter with him. He had now thoroughly recovered. Since then there had been three other cases, with two of which they, the medical officers, had had great trouble. The clerk to the guardians, the registrar, and himself went to every place in the town in search of a vehicle to convey the first patient to the workhouse, but not one person in the town would lend his vehicle for such a purpose, and they were compelled to send to Bangor for a vehicle. The first of the three cases was that of a young woman who lived in No. 19, Victoria-street - a most miserable place. It was a great source of danger to the town that the young woman should have remained there so long, but that could not be helped, as they could not compel people to lend them vehicles. The young woman, however, was eventually removed to the workhouse hospital, and died there. The second case was that of a sister of that young woman. She was not vaccinated, and that, in his opinion, was the cause of her death. A hospital of the kind proposed was most necessary for the prosperity of the town, and, if they had not been able to remove the first young woman, they were told that the militia would have been removed to some other town. The cost of the hospital need not be large, but it would be money well spent. He suggested that they should erect a small building at first, and select a site which would enable them to add to it as occasion arose. Dr. Rees then submitted to the inspection of the council several plans of infectious hospitals which were recommended by the Local Government Board.
Mr. Thomas Williams: Do you recommend us to join with the rural sanitary authority?
Dr. Rees replied that such a course would, no doubt, be the means of considerable saving, and there would be no harm in trying it. Such a scheme had been once proposed, but the guardians, who then objected to it, argued that the town would have the greatest advantage from such a hospital, in consequence of the workhouse being in close proximity to it, whereas they in the rual districts would always have to convey their patients thither.
Replying to Mr. Thomas Williams, Dr. Rees said that the town was never in a better sanitary condition than now.- Dr. Kirk suggested that they should join with the Bangor corporation, rather than with the union.- Dr. Rees said that if that suggestion was acted upon, the hospital would be at a distance from the two towns.
Dr. Williams quite agreed with Mr. Rees' observations as to the necessity for such a hospital. It was almost impossible to grapple with infectious diseases without some means of isolation, and that could not be done effectually without a hospital. Personally, he should prefer the town to build a hospital for itself, for if they joined with the whole of the union, the building would have to be a very large one.
The Town Clerk said that the guardians were, no doubt, afraid of the expense. He suggested that a building should be erected, with one wing for the town, and another for the union.
Dr. Rees said that as to the cost of maintaining a hospital, it would be a mere nothing, and would only consist of a small remuneration to a man and wife who would act as caretakers, and who, for their services, should be allowed to live there rent free, and have their coals allowed them.
Mr. Gregory said that he quite agreed with Dr. Williams as to the desirableness of having a hospital for the town alone. When patients occupied any portion of the hospital, those patients would themselves have to defray the cost of having a nurse.
Replying to Mr. Richard Thomas, Dr. Rees said that the Government would not make any grant towards a hospital, but would simply lend money for the purpose of erecting it.
A general discussion then arose as to the power of the guardians to refuse admitting all persons except paupers to the workhouse hospital.
Eventually, on the motion of Dr. Kirk, seconded by Mr. Gregory, it was decided that a hospital should be erected, the question of its cost, its size and its site to be referred to a committee, to consist of the members of the sanitary committee, all the Aldermen, and Dr. Kirk and Mr. Thomas Thomas.
During a discussion that followed, Twthill Bach, Rhosbodrual, and the plot of land between the workhouse and the river were mentioned as suitable sites. It was arranged that the committee appointed to consider the details should meet as soon as possible, and to make a report to the next council meeting.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 28th. 1886.
whose visits to Carnarvon are always hailed with delight, played before crowded audiences at the Guild Hall of that town on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings last, and succeeded in maintaining the high opinions already formed of them by local lovers of the drama. The performance on Wednesday night was under the patronage of Colonel Platt and the officers of the 4th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers, all of whom were present, together with the elite of the town and district. The piece performed was "Ruy Blas," in which the leading characters were impersonated by Miss Maggie Morton, Mr. W. L. Dobell, and Mr. H. Wharton, all of whom succeeded in securing the hearty approval of a very attentive audience. Miss Morton is well-known in Carnarvon, and the performance of her well-selected and talented company during the past week have enhanced if possible, the high opinion formed of her as a most successful (though "the youngest") manageress of dramatic companies.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 25th. 1886.
We have pleasure in presenting our readers this week with an illustration of the new machine which has been erected at the Herald Office, to meet the necessity for better and more rapid printing of the papers.
Six newspapers are now issued from our office; the Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald and Herald Cymraeg; the Holyhead Mail, an eight-page penny journal; the Llandudno Register, an eight-page two-penny paper, made up chiefly of visitors' list, pictures of scenery, &c., with local news; the Merionethshire Herald (published at Dolgelley), an eight-page penny issue; and The Visitor, a list and local newspaper for Penmaenmawr and Llanfairfechan. In addition, there are general printing works larger than any in North Wales; and book-binding is undertaken at prices which challenge comparison with those of the largest establishments in Liverpool.
Since the transfer of the Herald the new proprietors have received most gratifying indications that their efforts to improve its character and appearance have been recognised and appreciated by those whom it is their desire to serve. Both in the selection of news and in the literary matter generally, it will be admitted that the standard of the old county paper has been raised. What has been accomplished is only a step towards further improvement. By the provision of new machinery one great fault which of late years has been manifest will be removed. That fault was bad printing. The Herald now will compare favourably with any county paper in the kingdom, and other improvements shortly to be made, its appearance will be made even more acceptable. There were three deficiencies which the new proprietors found it absolutely necessary to supply, viz., better paper, better printing, and new type. The improved quality of the paper speaks for itself, the new machine secures rapid and good printing, and the type is of better quality.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 16th. 1886.
About 8.15 p.m. on Tuesday evening last, some persons, in passing along Bridge-street, noticed a thick volume of smoke issuing through the grating of the cellar under the shop of Messrs. T. Jones and Co., confectioners. Mrs. Jones was in the shop at the time, and an attempt was made to force an entrance into the cellar, but the smoke was so thick and suffocating as to prevent anyone from entering. Subsequently, an entrance was gained through the back door, when it was found that the wooden partition which ran through the centre of the bakehouse was in flames, and that the roof above was in danger of igniting. Fortunately, an abundant supply of water was close at hand, and the fire was completely got under in about fifteen minutes. The fire brigade arrived on the scene, but their services were not necessary. Had the discovery been delayed even a few minutes, there is no doubt that the result would have been most disastrous. The loss is but light, only a few bags of sugar being destroyed. It is not known how the fire originated.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 23rd. 1886.
At the last borough court at Carnarvon, Owen Owen Roberts, late proprietor of the Twthill Hotel, was charged by the police with being drunk and refusing to quit the Manchester Arms on the 6th inst. Deputy Chief-constable Davies prosecuted. P.S Griffith and P.C. Davies deposed to having been called into the Manchester Arms to turn defendant out. Robert Jones, blacksmith, said that Roberts struck him in the said public-house a short time before the police made their appearance. He gave Roberts no provocation whatever. He (witness) had not had "glasses" of beer that day. Defendant: Hold on, now. They were not glasses, but pints (laughter). Are you not the same man who passed up the street here drunk as a piper five minutes before the doors opened to-day? Then defendant went on to observe that one of the officers had a grudge against him because he (witness) had some time ago demanded money which the said officer owed him. Ever since that time he was watched as if he was a highway robber, and the officer continually aggravated and bothered him. He had only had two or three glasses of beer on the 6th inst., and if he was drunk when he entered the Manchester Arms why did Mrs. Ellis supply him with more drink?- Mrs. Ellis deposed to having seen Roberts and another man coming into the Manchester Arms about three o'clock on the afternoon of the 6th inst. She supplied them with two glasses of beer each. Roberts was not drunk then, neither could she say that he was sober. He was such a queer fellow; it would be difficult for anyone to say when he was drunk and when sober, for he sometimes flew into such a temper that it would be impossible to judge of his condition.- Evidence was given also by Griffith Jones, Cornelius Peters, and John Thomas,- Defendant was fined 5s. and the costs.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 16th. 1886.
MR. GEORGE GINNETT'S famous circus is to visit Carnarvon on Monday next, when, judging from the announcement in another part of the paper, a programme of unusual variety will be gone through. The day being a Bank Holiday, thousands of persons will doubtless take advantage of the opportunity offered to visit one of the most celebrated training circues of the Kingdom.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 6th. 1886.
On Wednesday morning last, Mr. T. O. Jones, ironmonger, 21, Eastgate-street, Carnarvon, was united in matrimony to Catherine, the second daughter of the late Mr. D. Hughes, pork butcher, Bangor-street, and widow of Dr. Roberts, Holyhead. The marriage ceremony was performed at Moriah Chapel, the Rev. Evan Jones officiating. The bridesmaid was Miss Jonathan, Gorphwysfa, the "best man" being Mr. Edwin Jones, of Brynymor School, Tywyn, the bridegroom's brother. The wedding breakfast was at Bangor-street, after which the happy couple left for Liverpool en route for Scotland.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 20th. 1886.
Mr. W. W. Jones, watchmaker and silversmith, 22, Bangor-street, Carnarvon, has secured a patent No. 9430, dated July 20th, 1886 for "Improvements in the articles called studs and solitaires, employed for fastening collars, shirts, cuffs, and other articles of dress, and for other analogous purposes." An inspecton of the contrivance will show that the apparatus for fastening and unfastening a shirt collar is both simple and effective, the time taken for doing so only occupying a few seconds. The article ought to command a large sale.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 20th. 1886.
On Saturday morning last, at the Carnarvon Union Workhouse, an inquest was held before Mr. J. H. Roberts, coroner, on the body of Robert Roberts, better knownsd in the town as "Roberts the Post." The deceased, who was an elderly man, was in the habit of boarding the steamer "JaJa" on her arrival from Liverpool and about three weeks ago he fell into the hold of that vessel and fractured his left hip. He was removed to the workhouse, where he died on Friday last week from the effects of the fall. A verdict of "Accidental death" was returned.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 27th. 1886.
Mr. C. H. Hawtrey's celebrated comedy company have engaged the Pavilion, Carnarvon, for three nights, commencing Sept. 2nd. when they will perform the popular comedy, "The Private Secretary," which has been presented 785 times to crowded houses at the Globe Theatre, London.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 3rd. 1886.
This company performed the celebrated comedy "The Private Secretary," to a large and fashionable audience at the Pavilion, on Thursday evening last. The entertainment was well got up, and the performance was excellent. The piece will be played by the company at the Pavilion to-night (Friday) and Saturday evening.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 3rd. 1886.
On Wednesday, the children connected with Engedi Calvinistic Methodist Sunday School, Carnarvon, enjoyed a most pleasant trip to Snowdon Ranger. Mr. and Mrs. Covell, proprietors of the hotel in this romantic spot, did all in their power to add to the enjoyment of the visitors. The adults of the same school, a few weeks previously, organized and carried out a highly successful excursion to the Liverpool Exhibition.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 3rd. 1886.
At the Carnarvon Borough Magistrates' Court, on Monday, before the Mayor (Alderman Lewis Lewis) and Walter Hughes, Esq., Ann Bracegirdle, the landlady of the Holland Arms, Bridge-street, Carnarvon, was charged with having opened her house for the sale of liquor on Sunday, the 22nd of August, during prohibited hours; and Richard Hughes, Pool-side, Carnarvon; Ebenezer Griffith and Richard Hughes, Eryri-terrace, Carnarvon, were charged with having been found upon the said premises at the same time.- D.C.C. Davies prosecuted; Mr. J. A. Hughes defended; and Mr. Thornton Jones, Bangor, watched the case on behalf of the lessee of the house.- P.C. Edward Davies (20) said that he, in company with P.C. 24 and 34, was on duty in Bridge-street on the day in question, when he saw Ebenezer Griffith and the two Hughes's near the Holland Arms. He followed them to the back door of the yard leading to the public-house, and P.C. 24 knocked at the door, which was bolted. He then saw Mrs. Bracegirdle look over the wall. P.C. 24 asked her to open the door, and she disappeared without making any reply. P.C. 24 climbed over the wall and opened the back door to admit him (witness) and P.C. 24. They then went into the house. He saw Ebenezer Griffith sitting in the kitchen; but there were no glasses there. Mrs. Bracegirdle denied that there were other men in the house, but P.C. 24 subsequently found them upstairs. He (witness) charged the men with being on licensed premises. He knew that they lived in town. Ebenezer Griffith said that he had come there for dinner, but there was no cooking going on.- Cross-examined: Witness said that he was in plain clothes at the time. He searched the house, and did not find any glasses.- Re-examined: Witness said that they (the police) were kept at the back door for about three minutes, so that everything could have been cleared during that time.- P.C. Evan Evans (34) gave corroborative evidence.- P.C. Pugh (24) also corroborated this evidence, and added that he found two of the men in a bedroom, behind a door. When he entered he saw the two men and the daughter of the house running upstairs.- Cross-examined: Witness said that he went into the cellar, where he saw meat on a dish. He did not think that the men saw the police go towards the back door.- For the defence, R. Hughes, Pool-side-square, said that he kept company with Mary Ellen Bracegirdle, and had made arrangements to take her out for a walk on the Sunday in question. The other Richard Hughes lodged with Ebenezer Griffith in Eryri-terrace. They did not get any drink at the Holland Arms. He ran upstairs because he was excited.- Richard Hughes, sailor, said that he was lodging with Ebenezer Griffith, in Eryri-terrace. He was at the Holland Arms on the day in question, having gone there with R. Hughes. He (witness) had never before been in the Holland Arms on Sunday. He ran upstairs because he was frightened. He did not go to the Holland Arms with the intention of getting any drink.- Ebenezer Griffith, quarryman, said that he was married to the sister of the last witness. He also denied that he went to the Holland Arms for drink.- Mary Ellen Bracegirdle said that Richard Hughes came to see her on the Sunday in question for the purpose of taking her out for a walk. The men did not ask for drink, nor did they get any.- John Jones, who said that he was Mrs. Bracegridle's husband, and Ann Jones, servant, gave similar evidence.- The Bench considered the charge proved, and fined Mrs. Bracegirdle £1 and costs (15s.), and the three men 5s. each and costs.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 10th. 1886.
The dulness of the shipping trade is the cause assigned for the laying up of the three large steamers at Carnarvon, viz., the "Livadia," "Taurida," "Cincora," representing 2038 tons net tonnage.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 17th. 1886.
On Wednesday last, an excursionist from Merthyr met with rather a serious accident. It appears that he and others were descending the stone steps into the dungeon of the Well Tower, when by some mishap he missed his footing and fell headlong to the bottom. His injuries consisted of severe scalp wounds, which were immediately dressed by Dr. J. Williams.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 17th. 1886.
On Thursday morning last, the body of Mr. George Gamble, Segontium-road South, Carnarvon, was found washed ashore on the beach near Clynnog. Deceased had left home since Tuesday, and his absence causing uneasiness, inquiries were made with the result stated. It is feared that the unfortunate man threw himself into the water, for it was found that his wrists were tied together, and that his hat and umbrella were bound to his body. Mr. Gamble had been long a resident of Carnarvon.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 24th. 1886.
As we briefly mentioned in our last week's issue, the body of Mr. George Gamble, Castle View, Segontium-road South, Carnarvon, was found on Wednesday afternoon lying on the seashore, between the mouth of the river Llyfni and Clynnog, at a point about three miles from the latter place. The body was brought to Clynnog, and deposited in the church awaiting the inquest, which was held on Saturday last, in the vestry, before Dr. Hunter Hughes, the coroner for South Carnarvonshire, and a jury, of whom the Rev. Mr. Price, the vicar, was foreman. From the evidence given it appears the deceased started from home about ten o'clock on the morning of the previous Tuesday, the 14th inst., proceeding in the direction of Bontnewydd. He was seen on the road by several persons, and at Bont Llyfni he went into a public-house and partook of tea between one and two o'clock in the afternoon. When on the point of starting away, he told the landlady that he wanted to go to Dinas Dinlle, and asked her to direct him to the nearest path to the shore. This she did, and he had to follow the course of the river for some distance on the side nearest Carnarvon. The river at this point is deep, wide, and rapid. This was the last seen of the deceased. About three o'clock in the afternoon of the following day, a man named Owen Jones, Llyn Meibion, came down to the sea shore, about a mile from the mouth of the river, to fetch cows, followed by his dog, which, by its barking and unusual behaviour, attracted the attention of Jones, who on going down to where the dog stood found the body of the unfortunate man lying face downwards on the beach at high water mark. A cart was immediately fetched, and the body conveyed to Clynnog. It was found that a leather strap was tied tightly round the arms, across the chest, and that the wrists were fastened to the thighs with another strong leather strap. Deceased's stick had been pushed between the straps and the body, and his hat had been fastened in a similar manner. Some believed that he was drowned in the river Llyfni, and carried by the tide to the place where the body was found.- A verdict to the effect that the deceased had committed suicide during a fit of temporary insanity was returned.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 15th. 1886.
On Monday last a new chapel, Beulah, erected by the Calvinistic Methodists of Carnarvon at Henwalia, was formally opened, when an excellent sermon was delivered by the Rev. E. Roberts, Engedi, of which chapel the new erection forms a branch. Mr. John Hughes, of Tithebarn-street, was the contractor, the designs being by the Rev. David Williams, of Cwmyglo.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 29th. 1886.
An interesting ceremony took place in the Carnarvon Park on Tuesday last, when a large number of trees were planted by leading ladies and gentlemen of the town. Some time ago, it was thought that the Park would be much improved if a number of trees were planted on certain spots therein, but as the corporation had closed the Park account, Mr. Council T. Bugbird very kindly undertook to collect subscriptions so that the necessary plants could be procured. His appeal met with a hearty response, for almost every member of the town council agreed to present each one a tree, and this example was followed by others. Trees were given by the Mayor (Alderman Lewis Lewis), Alderman G. R. Rees, Alderman J. Owen, Councillors Dr. Williams, T. Bugbird, Richard Thomas, Thomas Williams, M. T. Morris, Owen Thomas, R. R. Williams, J. Jones, J. O. Jones, Edward H. Owen, T. D. Lloyd (2), J. S. Kirk, Thomas Thomas, J. P. Gregory, J. R. Hughes, Messrs. J. H. Roberts (town clerk), R. J. Davids, W. B. Jeffrey, J. Menzies, J.P.; R. Newton, W. Lloyd Griffith, and Capt. Croft. The ceremony on Tuesday was witnessed by a large number of persons, among the spectators being the Mayor (Alderman Lewis Lewis), Mrs. and Miss Lewis, Alderman G. R. Rees, Messrs. T. Bugbird and Misses Bugbird, Mr. Edward H. Owen and Misses Owen, Tycoch. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, Minafon; Mr. J. O. Jones and Misses Jones, Dr. J. Williams and Mrs. Williams, Mrs. and Miss Newton, Sunnyside; Mr. and Mrs. Pugh, Sportsman Hotel; Mrs. and Miss Lloyd Griffith, Bodafon; Mrs. Whiskin, Mr. David Williams and Miss Williams, Bryncaerog; Messrs. Thomas Thomas, R. J. Davids, J. P. Gregory, J. Williams (organist), David Jones (chemist), and Capt. Croft.- The Mayor having made a few remarks, the trees were planted, under the superintendence of Messrs. R. J. Davids and R. Ll. Jones, by the following ladies and gentlemen in the order given:- The Mayoress (Mrs. Lewis), Miss M. Owen, Tycoch; Mrs. Dr. Williams, Mrs. Jones, Minafon; Mrs. Lloyd Griffith, Miss Newton, Alderman G. R. Rees, Mrs. Williams, Bryncaerog; Master John Richard Thomas (for Councillor Thomas Thomas), Councilor J. P. Gregory, Mrs. R. Ll. Jones, Mrs. Pugh, Sportsman Hotel; Miss M. E. Jones, Capt. Croft, Miss Lewis, Quellyn; Miss Lloyd Griffith, Miss S. J. Jones, the Mayor (Alderman Lewis), Miss Newton, Mr. R. Ll. Jones, and Masters Bertie, Arthur, and Llewelyn Jones.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 5th. 1886.
Mr. Griffith Roberts, son of the late Mr. John Roberts, cooper, Greengate-street, Carnarvon, who recently paid a visit to Carnarvon after an absence of 35 years in Australia, writes to the Herald Cymraeg to inform his numerous Welsh friends in the Antipodes that he has faithfully conveyed their messages to their friends and relations in Wales, and, further, to thank all he visited for their welcome reception.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 19th. 1886.
To the Editor,
SIR,- In the first place, I have to congratulate you. Mr. Editor, on the marked improvement in the Herald since it was transferred to its present proprietors. In your last issue I was very glad to see the report of the election of Mr. Jones as chief magistrate of his native town, as he has won the respect of all by his unassuming and affable manner, and no doubt will serve the office of mayor with credit to himself and benefit to the old town. "Yn uwch yr elo," in every connection. Alluding as I have done to the old town, would it not be possible for the corporation to arrange with the owner of Vaynol (who has already conferred on the town so many substantial benefits) to do away entirely with the block of buildings at the junction of Pool-street and Pool-lane, Llanberis-road (down from the new row of houses on the south side of the latter), so as to secure a small square and open space in a place of much traffic, &c. An opening would thus be secured from New-street to Pool-lane, and at some future time a similar one could be made from Pool-lane to the street by the Board School to South Pen'rallt, by the removal of one or two houses adjoining Salem chapel, and ultimately from South Pen'rallt to North Pen'rallt and Twthill-terrace, by the removal of one or two cottages on the north and south sides respectively of North and South Pen'rallt, and thus secure a straight thoroughfare from Segontium-terrace at one end to Twthill at the other end, with access from so many streets, including those at the back and beyond the National School, which would considerably shorten the distance from the two points named by way of Bridge-street, &c., and relieve to some extent the traffic on the latter.- Yours, &c.,
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 26th. 1886.
The Carnarvon police, on Monday last, took into custody a person, whom it is believed answers to the description of an old offender whose description often appears in the Police Gazette. The prisoner is believed to be a person calling himself Charles Campbell Gauden, alias Charles Reginald Weld, aged 33, who went about stating that he is the son of Mr. Weld Burnley, of Cardigan, and also of Mr. W. W. Gauden, of Garden Park, Cardigan; also that he belongs to the navy; that he had a sum of money given him to go to America, but, having spent it, he had to work his passage back to Liverpool. On Monday, he called upon the Rev. J. W. Wynne Jones, vicar of Carnarvon, and stated that his father had given him £1000 to go abroad, but that he landed in France, and spent his money in sporting circles, and was obliged to work his passage to Dublin. He said he was very destitute, and asked the vicar to write to his father, who would substantiate his statement. The prisoner also called upon the Rev. O. Williams, Wesleyan minister, at whose house he got a dinner and a shilling on the same pretences. The police received information of the event, and about 12 p.m., P.S. Pritchard, who was accompanied by P.C. J. H. Jones, visited the several lodging-houses in the town, and eventually found the accused in a bedroom in a common lodging house in North Pen'rallt, and whom they took into custody on suspicion. On Tuesday, he was brought before the Mayor (Mr. John Jones) charged with obtaining money under false pretences. D.C.C. Davies prosecuted, and evidence was given by the Vicar of Carnarvon (the Rev. J. W. Wynne Jones, M.A.).- The prisoner was remanded until Monday, in order that further enquiries might be made. It is believed by the police that the prisoner is wanted at Ellesmere and Mold, to answer similar charges of fraud.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 10th. 1886.
The gale was felt here in all its severity, but fortunately no serious casualties either to life or property occurred. The force of the wind was such that at the residence of Mr. J. W. Jones, Preswylfa, Segontium-terrace, the window panes of the drawing room were shattered; the huge wooden suporters of the crane at Lord Newborough's dock, Belan, snapped like matchwood, and toppled over; a temporary hut situate near the basin on the quay, and belonging to Mr. Owen Morris, was blown to pieces; and one lady was blown by the wind from the pavement by Paternoster Buildings to the centre of Castle-square - a distance of several yards. Luckily she was not much hurt. Other windows in town were destroyed, and much damage was done by slates and chimney-pots blown off. At Miss Shead's, St. David's Road, a heavy chimney stack was blown over to the roof.
From observations made at the Harbour Office on Wednesday, the readings of the barometer were as follows:-
9 a.m. | 28.31 |
10.20 a.m. | 28.20 |
Noon | 28.15 |
1 p.m. | 28.04 |
1.35 p.m. | 28.01 |
2 p.m. | 27.95 |
3 p.m. | 27.90 |
9 p.m. | 27.80 |
Such an extraordinaryily rapid fall is without precedent, the lowest registered being 28.37, on the 26th of January, 1884.
The Carnarvon schooners "Miss Prichard" (Mr. Wm. Jones, Nevin, master) and "Scotia" (Mr. John Hughes, master, Mrs. Parry, Pool-side, owner) are ashore, the former near Portmadoc, and the latter on Abererch beach.
The schooner "Rebecca," of Carnarvon (Mr. G. Parry, Palace-street, owner), was wrecked on Wednesday at Milford Haven. Crew saved.
The "Crusader" (brig), and the schooner "Emrys," drove ashore at Portdinorwic on Wednesday.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 10th. 1886.
In our advertisement columns, this week, appears the announcement of the bazaar for the spire and bells of this church, and we take the present opportunity of giving a short account of its history.
So long ago as 1851, a committee meeting was held under the presidency of the vicar, the Rev. Thomas Thomas, M.A., which was attended by twelve of the leading residents of Carnarvon (of whom five are still living: Sir Llewelyn Turner, Mr. Smith Davids, Dr. Watkin Roberts, the Rev. Mr. Binns, H. M. Inspector, and the present rector of Llanfaelog, Canon Williams), to consider the question of a site for an English church. At that time the English congregation worshipped at St. Mary's - traditionally known as the Garrison Chapel - while Llanbeblig was the home of the Welsh members of the church. Most of the prominent sittings at St. Mary's were rented by the principal landowners in the neighbourhood. On Monday morning, the 20th October, 1851, a meeting was held at the Guild Hall, Carnarvon, in pursuance of circulars issued by Thomas Turner, Esq., to take into consideration the propriety of building a new church. The Rev. T. Thomas, M.A., vicar of the parish, presided. In stating the object of the meeting the rev. gentleman remarked that ever since he had been in the parish he had been convinced that its church room was totally inadequate for the wants of its population and that applications had lately been received from several families for pews in St. Mary's church, but there was none to be obtained. Church building in Carnarvon during this century, he remarked, had been stationary, although the population had incresed from 2000 to 10,000. He wished to impress upon the meeting that if the Church was worth supporting it was worth extending, and expressed his conviction that they would be able to build if ground could be obtained, adding that the National Schools had been completed, at a cost of £5000, and all paid for. The resolutions passed at the meeting were proposed and seconded by the following gentlemen:- William Jones, Esq., M.D.; Owen Jones, Esq., Castle-square; H. P. Manley, Esq.; Robert Jones, Esq., surgeon; Edward Wardley, Esq.; Mr. H. S. Hayden, organist; T. Turner, Esq.; S. W. Davids, Esq.; Mr. W. H. Baker, Church-street; Mr. Evan Richards, Bangor-street; Llewelyn Turner, Esq.; Watkin Robets, Esq.; Arthur Wynn Williams, Esq., M.D.; Mr. John Thomas, clerk to the guardians. T. Turner, Esq., H. P. Manley, Esq., and the Rev. B. J. Binns, were appointed secretaries, and John Morgan, Esq., treasurer. In the Herald of December 6th, 1851, the Vicar of Carnarvon (Rev. Thomas Thomas), is reported to have received a "Christmas offering from a Friend," of £200, towards the proposed new church in the town. In announcing the fact, the editor added:- "What enhances the value of this splendid gift is the fact that the donor has no personal or family interest in this parish or county. This is a good beginning, and will encourage the promoters of the important undertaking to erect an edifice which will be at once commodious and ornamental. It is to be hoped that the new church will be suitable in every respect to the exigencies of Carnarvon, not only as the county town, but also as the metropolis of Northern Wales."
In September, 1852, it was decided by the committee that the services of the late Mr. A. Salvin, architect to H.M. Commissioners of Woods and Forests, &c., should be retained.
In April, 1853, it was announced that the sum of £400 might be counted upon for a building fund, the site being partially the gift of Lord Anglesey. About this time the name of the present Vicar of Llanwnda, then curate of Carnarvon, occurs in the committee, as well as that of the present Rector of Llangefni, and of the Rev. H. Grey Edwards, of Llanfachraeth, and Mr. Morgan Lloyd, of Maesincla. The late Mr. Manley took a very active part in the proceedings.
In 1859, H.R.H., the Prince of Wales was approached with a view to obtain a subscription, but it appears without result; nor does a subsequent application to him, that he should lay the foundation stone, appear to have been more successful.
On the 29th of March, 1859, an urgent appeal to the public in aid of the necessary funds was issued, in accordance with a resolution passed at a vestry meeting of the promoters of the new church. The estimated expense of the church was then set down at £6000. In October, 1859, the Rev. Thomas Thomas, vicar of Carnarvon, was promoted to the vicarage of Ruabon, Denbighshire, vacant by the preferment of the Rev. R. M. Bonnor to the deanery of St. Asaph.
In June, 1860, the name of the Rev. J. C. Vincent, M.A., appears as chairman of the committee. The same autumn a bazaar was projected, and in June, 1861, the following resolution was passed by the committee: "We, the undersigned, are of opinion that there are sufficient funds to justify the committee in commencing the new church, and pledge ourselves to complete the work.- J. C. Vincent, vicar, O. Jones, Thomas Turner, Watkin W. Roberts, Smith W. Davids." As a consequence, in October, 1861, the late Mr. John Thomas, county surveyor, was appointed clerk of the works, and the tender of Mr. Richard Parry, of Menai Bridge, for the erection of the church was accepted.
In April, 1862, matters had so far progressed that the church was named Christ Church, and Mr. G. W. D. Assheton Smith consented to lay the foundation stone on May 8th of that year.
In March, 1864, the church was thrown open for inspection, and on the 31st of the same month it was formally consecrated by the present Bishop of Bangor.
In August, 1869, Mr. Vincent's work on earth ended; and his friends and parishioners commemorated it by placing the present beautiful east window in the chancel.
Mr. Vincent was succeeded by the late Dean of Bangor, the Rev. H. T. Edwards, during whose incumbeny the remainder of the debt on the building was cleared.
In 1876, the late Vicar, Canon Evans, came to the parish, and a magnificent organ was added to the church in 1882.
It was reserved for the time of the present vicar to complete the building, by substituting for the very unsightly temporary roof which surmounted the unfinished tower the beautiful spire which now graces it. The capstone was laid on May 10th of this year.
It is a general feeling that this work, extending as it does over a period of thirty-five years, will not be complete without the peal of bells.
A debt of £500 still remains upon the spire building fund, and an equal sum will be required for the bells. The total amount which it is hoped to raise by the bazaar, will, however, be lessened by the generous promises of Sir Love Jones-Parry, and Mr. Geo. Farren, who have each undertaken to provide a bell. The above picture will display to distant friends, who may not have had an opportunity of visting Carnarvon since the spire was erected, what as architectural improvement the work has effected.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 24th. 1886.
On Monday evening, Mr. W. R. Jones, who for the last six years has been an assistant at Mr. Evan H. Owen's "Golden Eagle" drapery establishment, Carnarvon, died in an awfully sudden manner. The deceased, with Miss Owen, lady assistant, had been decorating the window for the Christmas show, after which he left the shop to see how the arrangement appeared. On returning inside he dropped down, apparently dead, alongside the counter. The assistant of the establishment, and others ran to him, and Dr. Griffiths was at once sent for, but life was pronounced to be extinct. The cause of death was heart disease. Deceased, whose family reside at Nevin, was twenty-nine years of age, and was highly respected. His body was conveyed to Nevin for burial on Wednesday.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 31st. 1886.
While engaged in painting the George Inn, Carnarvon, on Tuesday last, a workman named John Williams, Chapel-street, through some misadventure, fell off the ladder from a height of four feet, and sustained serious injuries to the head. At the same time another painter from Chester, while engaged on the roof of the railway station, slipped and fell to the platform below, but, fortunately, he escaped without any very serious injuries.
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