From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 3rd. 1896.
The performances inaugerated by Mr. J. W. Bostock, of the famous switchback, has again this week been exceedingly successful. During the first hour each evening the boards of the Pavilion are occupied by some of the best performers in juggling, clog dancing, comic singing, &c. The feats on the trapese and wire rope are wonderful. Indeed, the whole catering for the public amusement is of the best kind, and nothing occurs during the performances that would in any degree offend the susceptibility of the most refined.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 10th. 1896.
On Saturday night, a fire broke out at the establishment of Mrs. Parry, tobacconist, Bridge-street. By the aid of a water hose belonging to Messrs. Morris and Davies, of the Nelson Emporium, the fire was contained to one window.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 10th. 1896.
The lease of the Anglesey Ferry having been formally taken over by Captain Owen Lewis, it is expected that a new steamer will be on the station in a few days. More particulars respecting the ferry will be found in our report of the Carnarvon Harbour Trust.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 10th. 1896.
On Thursday, the remains of Owen Lewis, a well-known local character, who resided in Shadrock's Court, North-pen'rallt, were interred at Llanbeblig Churchyard. The deceased, who had been in the Crimean War, often related his adventures to the evident satisfaction of his auditors.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 24th. 1896.
Mr. T. G. Jones, relieving officer and registrar of births and deaths for the Carnarvon district, has also been appointed registrar of marriages instead of Mr. David Thomas, who has resigned.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 24th. 1896.
The erection of the new buildings in Bridge-street by Mr. J. G. Jones, auctioneer, has materially altered the appearance of the street for the better. What was previously an eyesore has now been replaced with substantial and costly buildings. It is to be hoped that the further improvements needed, which are patent to all, will yet be accomplished at an early date in the same street.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 21st. 1896.
Mr. G. Jones, postmaster, Aberystwyth, has been appointed to the vacant post at Carnarvon.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 28th. 1896.
An experiment is being made with the incandescent light in the public lamp in Turf-square.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 28th. 1896.
We understand that the well-known firm of Messrs. Evans and Lake have completed the purchase of the Seiont Mills, and they purpose extending their trade in its various branches.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 1st. 1896.
We are given to understand that Mr. Owen Thomas, who for so long occupied a prominent position in the Union Iron Works, has again resumed his connection with the new firm as agent for North Wales.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 1st. 1896.
On May the 9th., the G. Company of the 2nd. V.B. Royal Welsh Fusiliers will march out in defence of the town, and take up a line of outposts with a view to stopping an imaginary invader from Beddgelert. There is every possibility of a sanguinary battle taking place.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 8th. 1896.
This (Friday) morning, a little child of Mrs. Flynn, Shirehall-street, while playing in the street in front of the house, was knocked down by a passing cart and run over, the wheel of the vehicle passing over the head sideways and grased the bone of the skull. Dr. Owen, Church-street, was immediately summoned and attended to the injuries of the child.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 15th. 1896.
A petition has been forwarded to the Education Department, signed among others by one or two members of the school board, praying for an inquiry into the proposed erection of a new school on a site in the Pavilion field.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 22nd. 1896.
In honour of the Queen's birthday flags were displayed on Wednesday from all the public buildings of the town. In the evening, the volunteers fired a feu de joie.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 12th. 1896.
There appears to be a growing feeling in the town in favour of public baths. There is but one opinion as to the necessity of such a convenience, and it is to be hoped that the sub-committee appointed by the town council to consider the necessary imporvements desired in the town will give this matter favourable consideration.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 12th. 1896.
Great satisfaction has been evinced in the town at the action of Mr. J. R. Pritchard (the ex-Mayor), at the last Harbour Trust meeting, with regard to having a causeway from the steps of the Aber ferry boat. It is a disgrace to the town that at low water pleasure-seekers, who wish to have a walk along the Aber foreshore, should be obliged to wade through the mud to the boat. It is confidently hoped that the Trustees will remedy the defect so often complained of.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 19th. 1896.
The Misses Jones beg to inform parents they have no intention of relinquishing their school.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 19th. 1896.
A maniac hailing from Bangor disturbed the inhabitants of Frondirion, South-road, on Wednesday, causing great alarm. The police, however, on being called in, removed the poor fellow to the workhouse.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 17th. 1896.
On Friday evening, at the Oval, the British Ladies' Football Club played a match against the Ironopolis. A large crowd assembled to witness the unique spectacle. However, popular opinion is far from favourable to this new departure. The game was very tame throughout, and resulted in one goal each. It is said that the gate money amounted to between £13 and £14.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 31st. 1896.
Through the instrumentality of Councillor Pierce, of the Golden Goat, the London and North-Western Co. have put on an early morning train on Mondays and Tuesdays. It is hoped that businessmen will patronise this train and thus encourage the company to run it every day. By the way, it is a great pity that the 12.40 train to Bangor does not arrive there a little sooner. As it is, Carnarvon passengers miss the 1.10 up fast train by just two inutes!
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 4th. 1896.
We are glad to learn that Mr. Rees, Old Bank, and family, who met with a serious carriage accident last week, are progressing satisfactorily. On Monday, Mr. Rees had so far recovered as to be able to take his seat on the bench at the brewster sessions.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 4th. 1896.
Rumour has it that a number of the leading tradesmen of Carnarvon are about floating a company, to take over three or four different trade branches. The company intend also erecting large factories, &c., in the vicinity of the town. The capital of the company will exceed £50,000.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 18th. 1896.
Mr. Robert Williams, 22, Dinorwic-street, has been appointed district agent for the National Telephone Company, who have decided upon opening an exchange at Carnarvon.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 18th. 1896.
As will be seen from our advertising columns, one of the most important business exterprises North Wales has yet seen is now being promoted at Carnarvon. The tendency of the age undoubtedly lies in the direction of commercial combinations, the amalgamation of different branches of trade, by which increased facilities are afforded the public, and greater economy ensured in the working and management. This is the history of several great trading companies in Liverpool, Manchester, and South Wales. A special feature of these is that the customer not only as a rule gets better value for his money, but that he is enabled to participate in the profits on his own purchases by becoming a shareholder in the company. These are the lines on which it is proposed to work the new company at Carnarvon. The well-known business establishments of Messrs. Pierce and Williams, of the Golden Goat; of Messrs. Evans and Lake, of Bangor and Carnarvon; and of Mr. John Rees, woollen manufacturer, are to be amalgamated and carried on by a new limited liability company. All those existing shops controlled or owned by the firms, together with the Welsh Tobacco Works, the Seiont Mills, the Menai and Snowdon Factories, together with the Peblig Mills - recently acquired and which will shortly be fitted up with the most recent and improved machinery, with the view of making it into the best woollen factory in the Principality - will all come into the possession and under the control of the new company. It is also worthy of note that as the result of the recent sale, the fine block of buildings in Bridge-street, one of the best business positions in the county town, will be added to the property of the company. We understand, too, that the heads of the several amalgamated firms will not only serve as the directorate of the new company, but will also continue to manage their respective departments. Facilities will also be afforded the customers and the general public to acquire shares, and thus to participate in the future profits of the company. It is not too much to say that this will undoubtedly be the largest and most important trading company in North Wales, and that it will have an enormous influence on the development of local industry. We heartily wish it the success it deserves.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 2nd. 1896.
We understand that a strong company, formed through the instrumentality of Mr. R. E. Owen (Messrs. E. H. Owen and Son), has bought over the Welsh cycle manufacturing premises of Mr. Robert Owen, Bangor-street. It is intended to develop the business considerably.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 23rd. 1896.
The above day was celebrated by a good display of bunting from public buildings, the harbour, shipping, &c.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 13th. 1896.
We beg to draw attention to the fact that Mr. Edward J. Thomas (son of the late Mr. J. Thomas, auctioneer, Carnarvon) intends carrying on the business of the firm of J. Thomas and Son as heretofore.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 27th. 1896.
On Thursday evening, an explosion of gas took place at the residence of Councilor J. Fletcher in the Cliff, damage being done to the ceiling in one of the rooms.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 27th. 1896.
An amalgamation has been formed between two of the leading legal firms in Carnarvonshire, and is to take effect from December 1st. The firms are Messrs. Lloyd Carter, Vincent, and Douglas-Jones, Bangor and Carnarvon, the solicitors of the Penrhyn estate, who associate themselves with Mr. Mostyn Roberts, Carnarvon, the solicitor to the Vaynol estate. At Bangor, the firm will be known as Messrs. Lloyd Carter, Vincent, Douglas-Jones and Co., and at Carnarvon as Messrs. Lloyd Carter, Mortyn Roberts, Vincent and Co.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 11th. 1896.
The numerous friends of Mr. David Evans, purveyor of meat, Bee Hive, will be sorry to learn that he is very seriously ill, and unable to be removed from Llandudno.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 11th. 1896.
The following particulars of a new company are published:- Lake and Co. Limited. Registerd November 30th., with capital of £30,000, in £5 shares (2000 preference), to acquire and carry on the business of (1) grocers and provision merchants carried on by J. Evans and D. T. Lake, at Carnarvon, Bangor, and elsewhere; (2) woollen, textile, cotton, and worsted manufacturers and merchants, carried on by J. Rees, at the Menai and Snowdon Factories, Carnarvon, and elsewhere; and (3) tobacco and snuff manufacturers, carried on by J. Evans, D. T. Lake, and M. Edwards, at Carnarvon, as "The Welsh Tobacco Manufacturing Company," and to adopt a certain agreement. The subscribers are:- R. E. Roberts, 25, Bridge-street, Carnarvon, manufacturer, 1 share; Mrs. M. Edwards, 25, Bridge-street, Carnarvon, 1 share; D. T. Lake, 12, Bridge-street, Carnarvon, grocer, 1; T. Hughes, 20, South-pen'rallt, Carnarvon, baker, 1; J. L. Roberts, 14, Bridge-street, Carnarvon, clerk, 1; R. Morris, 19,Hafod-terrace, Carnarvon, clerk, 1; T. L. Owen, 17, Castle-street, Carnarvon, clerk, 1. The number of directors is not to be less than three nor more than seven. The first are J. Evans, D. T. Lake, and J. Rees. Qualification, £500. Remuneration, as fixed by the company. Registered office, Mercantile Buildings, Pool-side, Carnarvon.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 18th. 1896.
The choir stalls of a local chapel have for several Sundays running been quite empty, the choristers, with the exception of a few ladies, having betaken themselves to other parts of the chapel, and to other places of worship. It appears that the cause of the rupture is that the deacons have made a declaration that new blood is wanted in the choir.
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