From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 1st. 1897.
As will be seen from our advertising columns, the annual bazaar in aid of the funds of the above will be held in a few days, to be opened by the Hon. Alice Pennant and Mrs. Trevor Hughes, the Lord Bishop of Bangor delivering an address. The Hon. F. G. Wynn and other gentlemen will give an exhibition of the Roentgen Rays, which, doubtless, wil be a great attraction.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 8th. 1897.
Advert for Caradoc Rowland. C.D.H. 1st. January, 1897. © K. Morris |
A "Ratepayer" complains that, despite the warnings given lads from time to time by the local bench, and more especially the threat of the magistrates at the conclusion of the hearing of a recent case at the borough court, lads still continue to create as great a nuisance as ever with their footballs in some parts of the town. He also complains that on a recent dark and windy night a surprisingly large number of public lamps had been blown out owing to the glass covers being broken. The breaking of public lamps appear to be more common in Carnarvon than almost any other town in North Wales, and mischievious urchins who shie stones at lamps and dogs and even men and women, should certainly be taught such a lesson that they will not forget in a hurry. If their parents spare the rod, let the police step in and do it.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 29th. 1897.
In consequence of an outbreak of diphtheria in the Twthill neighbourhood, the sub-post-office in that district has been temporarily closed. Mr. Griffiths, who keeps the office, has been removed to the fever hospital, in consequence of his having contracted the disease. Mrs. Griffiths died on Friday, in about four days after giving birth to a child.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 12th. 1897.
Advert for the Golden Goat. C.D.H. 24th. September, 1897. © K. Morris |
A horrible tragedy occurred at Freemantle, Australia, on the 3rd. of December, when a man named William Griffith, a native of Carnarvon, met with his death under circumstances of a shocking character. It is stated that on the day in question, just as a number of labourers were repairing to dinner, a native workman ran amuck, and seizing an axe, which happened to be hanging outside an ironmonger's shop, he rushed up the streetand struck down several people before he was eventually disarmed. Griffiths happened to be leaning on the side of a verandah, and the frenzied workman rushed upon him, and with one blow of the axe, clove his skull in twain, leaving him dead on the footpath, and continued his mad career along the street. Griffiths was interred at Freemantle, by the Lumpers' Union, of which he was a member, and the funeral was one of the largest ever seen in the town. Griffiths was pretty well known in Carnarvon about fifteen years ago. He was then a sailor, and, when on land, resided with his uncle and aunt, Mr. Griffith Griffiths and Miss Griffiths, at No. 5, Garnons-street. Mr. Griffiths is still employed on the "Ja Ja," and told a Herald reporter that deceased was 21 years of age when he left Carnarvon. He was a fair scholar; and left this town for Australia. His relations heard from him at very long intervals, and they found that he was doing very well, and had secured a position as mate upon one of the Peninsular and Oriental steamers, which journeyed between Australia and New Zealand. He got tired of sea life, however, and went to try his luck in the gold diggings, but since that time the Fates did not seem to favour him. Miss Griffiths, who was evidently greatly distressed, said she expected shortly to obtain further particulars from relatives in the antipodes.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 19th. 1897.
Dr. Taylor Morgan, of Trefenai, intends placing a beautiful window in Llanbeblig Church, in memory of his deceased son, Mr. Frederick Taylor Morgan.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 26th. 1897.
The repairs in the quay walls are rapidly approaching completion, and Mr. Bowen Jones, the engineer, is to be congratulated upon the way in which the work has been carried out.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 26th. 1897.
Friends of temperance, and in Carnarvon there are many of them, will be pleased to know that "Plenydd" has arranged for the "Alliance News" to be placed on the tables at the free library weekly.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 26th. 1897.
The Education Department have approved of the plans prepared by Mr. R. Ll. Jones, of the new Board School proposed to be erected on the Pavilion field, and the tenders for the contract will shortly be identified.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 26th. 1897.
The County Governing Body having now approved of the plans for the new county school buildings for Carnarvon, there is a likelihood that building operations will be commenced without much delay. Mr. R. Lloyd Jones, Market-street, is the architect.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 5th. 1897.
Some lads in the neighbourhood of Twthill, on Sunday, found a human skull in a bush. The skull had apparently been buried, but had been removed to the place where it was found. It had been washed quite clean by the recent rains and bore the appearance of having belonged to a man of great stature. The teeth were in remarkably good condition, and, on examination, not one of them showed signs of rotting. It is difficult to say how the skull came to the spot where it was found, but it was handed over to the police. Dr. Owen, the police surgeon, is of opinion that this is a "prepared" skull, having been used by a medical student probably.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 12th. 1897.
Advert for De Winton & Co. C.D.H. 5th. March, 1897. © K. Morris |
On Tuesday morning last, all the moulders employed at Messrs. De Winton's foundry, Carnarvon, struck work, and from the particulars we have been able to gather, it appears that the men's case is as follows:- The moulders are paid by piece work, or rather, a system that nearly approaches that method of payment. About a fortnight ago they decided to send a deputation to Mr. Stenning, the manager, with a view of obtaining a higher rate of pay, and they appointed Mr. Thomas Price Jones and another, to carry their message to the manager. Mr. Stenning granted them better prices, and it is said that he also promised that those prices were to remain in force, whatever the wages the men would earn. However, about five o'clock on Monday evening last, without any previous notice, as is alleged, Thomas Price Jones and another, were called to the office, and told they would be paid off up to the followng Tuesday night. When asked the reason for this, the manager is said to have replied that he wanted to do with fewer hands. By the following morning two new moulders from Lancashire appeared on the scene; but when they understood how matters were, they would not commence work, and they returned to their homes. When the remaining moulders went to work on Tuesday morning they were at once handed notices to the effect that Mr. Stenning, the manager, had decided to reduce the prices to what they were previous to the agitation a fortnight before, and all the moulders then resolved to strike. The average wages of the moulders at this foundry is said to be about 22s. per week, according to the old scale.
Mr. Stenning very readily granted our representative an interview. He said he did not turn the men out. If men thought they could obtain a better rate of payment anywhere else they had every right to go for it, of course. The average rate of wages for the moulders in this foundry was 24s. a week according to the old scale, but some of the men had been earning 30s. Questioned as to the all improtant point of the reduction in the prices, or rather the return to the old and lower scale after only a fortnight's trial, he said that it was a question of whether the men would accept one price for the whole floor or individual prices for each man and each job. By adopting the latter plan, best men would receive the best pay, instead of the younger and more inexperienced men being very often paid better than capable and good workmen as was often inevitably the case under existing arrangements. But the men would not hear of that plan; or, at any rate, the young men would not have it, but he believed that the older and more experienced would be quite ready to accept it were they left alone. The prices he was offering them now had been in force for the past six months, until the rise was granted a fortnight ago, and the men made money under those arrangements at first. He declared himself ready to take all the strikers back again, even the two men who had been dismissed on the Monday night. Questioned as to his reason for dismissing those two men, he replied that he wished to reduce the number of moulders, for that department had of date been getting ahead of the rest of the foundry - they were turning out more work than the machinery in the other departments could cope with. Mr. Stenning was next asked how came it to pass that two fresh hands appeared on the scene on the Tuesday morning following the dismissal of the two old hands. He replied that two men from England applied for work on Tuesday, but when he told them the prices, they went away. The strikers came to him on Tuesday in a very excitable manner, but people could not talk matters over in that frame of mind. He was quite ready to take them all back, and he should be very sorry to have to let the floor to any other workman.
Since writing the above we are given to understand that the men's deputation met Mr. Stenning this (Friday) morning, and that the dispute is now practically settled, and that probably the men will resume work on Monday morning.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 19th. 1897.
A splendid painting representing Carnarvon Park, drawn by Mr. Maurice Jones, is now on view at the Southport Exhibition.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 19th. 1897.
The repairs which the castle has recently undergone have greatly improved the external appearance of this ancient structure. The style of the original architecture has been scrupulously adhered to. The work is carried out under the superintendence of Sir Llewelyn Turner, the deputy-constable, the mason being Mr. John Jones, who appears to be a highly-skilled workman. The repairs already carried out reflect great credit on the deputy-constable and the mason.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 19th. 1897.
Advert for The Snowdon Vaults' Oyster Saloon. C.D.H. 5th. March, 1897. © K. Morris |
There appears to be no immediate prospect for the immediate settlement of the unfortunate dispute which has occurred at the De Winton Foundry. On Tuesday evening, four new hands were imported from Manchester, who on arrival at the railway station were heartily hooted by the crowd assembled. They were conveyed in a close carriage to their lodgings, escorted by the proprietor of the foundry. The new hands were subsequently interviewed by the men's pickets, when they announced their intention of staying in Carnarvon. In the course of a conversation with our representative, Mr. Stenning stated that the attitude of the men appear to him to be suicidal, in view of the present unsettled condition of affairs in the North of England. He does not care to import "foreign" labour, but as it is not his intention to close the works he will be obliged to do so. A deputation of the men met him and he explained to them the attitude he has taken and the reason why, as reported in our columns last year, but, although two of the three who met him agreed that he took a reasonable view of the situation, they said that they were obliged to act according to the majority. His (Mr. Stenning's) belief is that the older men are untrusted by the younger. He has no intention of closing the works, and states that he has large contracts on hand for Penrhyn, Llanberis, Festiniog, Nantlle, Portdinorwic, and Towyn; and in order to cope with work the men now employed have to work overtime.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 19th. 1897.
The reports of her Majesty's inspector on the above schools were submitted to a full meeting of the managers on Tuesday. March 16th. For the first time, all three departments have now obtained the honour of being exempted from the annual examination, the infants' department having attained this position two years ago. The managers passed a resolution warmly congratulating the teachers on their success. The following is a full copy of the inspector's report on the work of the schools:-
Advert for The Mona Hotel. C.D.H. 5th. March, 1897. © K. Morris |
Boys School: The tone and discipline of this department are excellent. Notwithstanding the interruption of work, due to the prevalence of illness in the town, the results of the examination in the primary subjects are as satisfactory as they were at the last inspection. The relatively weak subjects are the spelling of the third and fouth standards, and the arithmetic of the seventh. The class subjects are uniformly well taught, though apparently more attention has been paid to the industrial than to the physical facts of geography. Several of the maps drawn were thoroughly unreliable as a means of information. The staff is not numerically strong, and in the interests of the school, it would be well to secure the services of an additional teacher. - Girls' School: In consequence of an outbreak of measles, this department was closed last summer for five weeks. The results of the examination, notwithstanding, are in the main satisfactory, and the discipline appears to be somewhat firmer than it was last year. The reading and writing have also improved, and the arithmetic of the first, second, and third standards, but in the upper standards the arithmetical results fall slightly below fair, and the inability to work problems still continues. The poetry, as usual, was remarkably well said. English is good, and fairly uniform in quality; but the needlework, though in some respects excellent, has on this occasion several weak features, such as knitting in the first standard, seaming in the third, gathers in the fourth, and cutting out in the fourth, fifth, and seventh. I recommend the provision of additional desks for the class-room, and the removal of the third standard desks to a better lighted part of the room. - Infants' School: Good and honest work is done at this school, and quieter and more effective methods of instruction have been adopted. No particular fault can be found with the teaching of any particular subject in the first, second, and third classes. The services of more experienced teachers are needed to interest and instruct the babies' classes, and a due supply of Kindergarten desks should be placed on the galleries for their accommodation. No steps have been taken to carry out any of the suggestions made in last year's report; the provision of proper roof ventilators, and a urinal for the boy infants, should be made with as little delay as possible.
The inspector calls for further improvements of the fabric and offices.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 26th. 1897.
Grand Carnival at the Pavilion. C.D.H. 5th. March, 1897. © K. Morris |
The strike of moulders at the De Winton Foundry continues; and matters reached a crisis on Wednesday afternoon, when workmen from Manchester were expected to arrive to take the place of the strikers. The men on strike, whose pickets had watched every arriving train during the week, soon got wind of the affair, and a somewhat large, though orderly and good natured, crowd, gathered at the station. That some disturbances were anticipated became evident from the fact that Police-Sergeant Jones and a posse of officers had also come to the station. As the 2.50 p.m. train steamed in, a number of workmen was seen to emerge therefrom, and they were eagerly surrounded by an expectant and inquiring crowd. In reply to inquiries made, the men said they came from the neighbourhood of Manchester at the request of the secretary of the Ironfounders' Society to fill up vacancies at Carnarvon. Questioned as to whether they knew that there was a strike at Carnarvon they pleaded ignorance, but added that for some time they had been out of work, and in receipt of strike money. Work had been found for them, and they had been obliged to accept or lose their weekly donations. Mr. Dennis, their foreman, was then appealed to by the strikers to withdraw the men from the town, but he utterly refused. The men, who, by this time, had obtained possession of their tools and luggage, marched townwards, followed by the strikers and a peaceful crowd of people. There was at the time no show of ill feeling, but the Manchester men were earnestly advised to return. Of this advice they took no heed, and, escorted by the strikers and the police, they proceeded to the foundry. They remained in the office for some time, and when they came out, entered the Garnon's Arms, where they stayed until five o'clock. In the meanwhile a large crowd had collected, consisting of some hundreds of men, women, and children, and a large sprinkling of workmen on their way homewards. The doors were guarded by the police, but the Manchester men, intending to escape notice, left the house by a side door. This was a signal for a general movement on the part of the crowd, who hustled and hooted the poor "foreigners" all the way through Garnons-street, Snowdon-street, Pool-street, and Constantine-terrace. Mr. Dennis, who had, earlier in the day, shown himself to be of a rather quarrelsome spirit, became, as a matter of course, the chief object of interest, and he was singled out from among the rest. In the course of the hustling, which the police were powerless to prevent, the man got rather badly treated. He fell on the street and his forehead, coming in contact with the kerb, he was cut above the eyelid. Another man also fell down and was subjected to a rather harsh treatment. Meanwhile the crowd had become very excited. Stones were freely thrown; and the epithets which were hurled at the heads of the unfortunate Mancunians were both amazing and threatening. "Fancy," said one brawny virago, whose hair hung in matted curls down her shoulders, "coming here to take the bread out of the poor fellows' mouths; and they've been born here too." "Serve them right," shouted another, who sported a shawl of flaming red over her head. "We don't want then here to drive Welshmen away." By the time Constantine-terrace had been reached and the new men had been safely seen by the police into the house - No. 10 - the crowd numbered fully 500 people. Every attempt to pacify them was futile; and that their temper was not of the most pacific, was soon made manifest by the hooting which took place. An addled egg or two was also thrown at the house, and, for the nonce, disfigured the door posts. A stone was thrown at the window, and one or two panes were broken. Mr. Dennis (whose face was covered with blood) and one or two of the men essayed to come to the door, but their appearance drew forth a threatening growl, which, accentuated by another addled egg, forced them to hurriedly retire. Two sturdy policemen stood at the door and prevented any further outburst of feeling, but when Mr. Stenning appeared on the scene, a quarter of an hour afterwards, the crowd once more assumed a threatening attitude. Firmly believing, rightly or wrongly, that Mr. Stenning intended to do away with all his Welsh workmen, the women greeted him with volleys of abuse. He was also followed back to his offices by a portion of the crowd hooting and groaning to the accompaniment of tin kettles and whistles until the office door closed upon him and he disappeared from view.
A "Herald" reporter called upon Mr. Stenning at the De Winton offices on Wednesday morning, and that gentleman very kindly and courteously gave his view of the matter. He said that "last week certain men from Manchester came down. The men now on strike had previously asked me for a lending hand. That was a step I had in contemplation for the last four months; and prompted by their demands I advertised for, and engaged a man from Manchester called Mr. Dennis, who I have every reason to believe is quite capable of doing the work, for he has the highest credentials. I told him distinctly what position I was in, and he endeavoured to get the men to work with him. He made a stipulation that he should bring two or three improvers with him, as he was a stranger, but was ready to take on all the men on strike, and pay them what they were worth. Of course, I had engaged him for six months, and so far as he is concerned I cannot break my contract. He negotiated with the strikers, and in company with Mr. While, met them to discuss the situation. Mr. While explained to the men on strike that Mr. Dennis was prepared to take everyone of them, but of course it would be impossible to start all at once, but they would at any rate have all been re-engaged before the end of the week. As he did not know the men, he could not guarantee the wages. However, the men refused to work with him on any consideration whatever. Then Mr. Dennis went to Manchester in order to communicate with his Society, and even on Tuesday afternoon, when the representatives of the men on strike came here, I offered them work under Mr. Dennis. They refused again. They next consulted Mr. J. Menzies, J.P., and he advised them to go to work under Mr. Dennis. Neither would they listen to his advice. Now I have just received a letter from Mr. Dennis, in which he says that the Trades Unionists are taking a very strong view of the matter. They do not wish to prevent local men from working, but if they refused Union men would be sent down. Having of course failed to get the men to work under any consideration, I have been compelled to import workmen from Manchester, and the peculiar part of the situation is this, that the men who are out are non-Unionists, and that their places are to be taken by Unionists. The men on strike say that Mr. Dennis is not acceptable to them, and want some of themselves to be foremen, but I cannot agree to their dictating to me as to the management of the works. I want to work the floors according to the latest and most improved methods, and I must be allowed to chose my own foremen. I am going to pay Mr. Dennis exactly the same money as is paid in the other foundry, and he pays the men according to their ability. He will be no more empowered to dismiss the men than is Mr. While, and I confidently believe he would engage all the men on strike. As to the present state of the works, I may say that the men have received more wages during the last 12 months than they did during the previous 18 months, but I know that in consequence of this unfortunate dispute nearly £300 worth of work has been driven from the town."
"But," suggested the reporter, "do not the men complain that they receive poor wages?"
"They receive more," replied Mr. Stenning, "than the Union rates of wages. There is no blacklegging about this affair, and I cannot for the life of me understand why they do not come to work. Of course, wages fluctuate, the same as prices do, but I am bound by principle to give the same wages as are paid in other foundries in the locality."
Our representative also met some of the men on strike, and they stated that the reason why they woud not work under Mr. Dennis was that he came to Carnarvon knowing there was a strike, and that when they explained the circumstances to him, he did not act straightforwardly in their opinion.
"What prices did he offer you?" asked the reporter.
"He wanted us to take railings at 2s. 9d. per cwt; pipes at 2s. 9d, and general castings at 2s., and him to pay the fettlers; but we wanted 2s. 6d."
"Why didn't you go and give a trial, as Mr. Menzies advised you?"
"The fact of it is," said another, "Mr. Stenning wants to do away with the Welshmen. He brought this man Dennis down, and he brought two or three others with him. What was that for but to teach them the work, and when they came to understand it properly, of course all the Welshmen would have to go. It would be a case of "No Welshmen need apply."
"Yes we did, but we refused for the reason we have already told you. Now this will show you what kind of a man we had to deal with. He told us distinctly on Saturday that he was leaving Wales for good. And, now, here he comes to-day with ten or twleve more Englishmen to take our places. We appeal to you, sir, is that straightforward? He first of all told us he would pay Union wages; and then he said he would pay us what we were worth. He says he is a Union man, but that statement was not consistent with Trades Unionism, because the Society has only two standard wages, one for journeymen and the other for improvers.
"What will you do now?" was the next question.
"We shall try to prevent these men taking our places, at any rate; and we shall make Mr. Stenning understand that he cannot send Welshmen away from Wales and fill their places with Englishmen."
The reporter then journeyed to the Garnon's Arms, where he saw the strangers congregated to the number of 13 or 14, and they informed him that before they were engaged to come to Carnarvon they were out of work and in receipt of weekly donations from the Society of Ironfounders, to which they belonged. They had been engaged at £2 a week each, and had been told by the secretary of the lodge they belonged to that they were obliged to take work if offered. They had no option in the matter, because if they refused work they would, of course, lose their weekly donations.
Mr. Dennis, who became the spokesman of the party, said: "We do not want to take away the work of these men, but if they will not work, and we are offered the jobs at Union wages we dare not refuse. We have not come to do anything wrong; and we are not blacklegs."
"Did you try and get the old workmen to the foundry, Mr. Dennis?" inquired the reporter.
"Yes, I did, but they refused to work with me on any consideration. Now I have engaged men to do the work. They begin to-morrow (Thursday) morning, and as they are Union men they will not work for less money than £2 a week. When less is offered them, they will refuse it."
Our representative saw Mr. Menzies, who, it was rumoured, had been acting as a conciliator between the parties.
Mr. Menzies, who as most of our readers know, is chief manager of several very important slate quarries (and it is from slate quarries that most of the work comes to the Union Foundry) was ready enough to tell our man what he had had to do with the affair and he did so in the usual straightforward, concise style. He went ahead without any questioning for he did not appear to be in need of any prompting nor probing - he knew what he had done, and he told it briefly and to the point.
Advert for The Mona Hotel. C.D.H. 1st. January, 1897. © K. Morris |
He said that the men approached him with a view of his acting as a mediator or conciliator in this unfortunate affair. He consented at once to do whatever he could, and there and then went to see Mr. Stenning, who told him that he had let the floor on a six months' contract to a Mr. Dennis, from Manchester, but that he had informed the men that they could work under Mr. Dennis if they wished. Mr. Menzies then said to him: "No, you have only consented to take two of them back, and those two men are under the impression that they are only taken on to teach the new hands how to go about the special work which you have here and that when the new hands are sufficiently posted those two will have to go." Mr. Stenning then said he would take the whole of the men back, to work under the new contractor, if the said contractor would consent to that arrangement. He said also that he would wire Dennis to Manchester to know whether he would do so. However, this came to nothing, for the strikers would not work under Dennis on any consideration whatever, "and this, mind you," added Mr. Menzies, "not through any feeling of nationality nor anything like that, but for quite other reasons, which need not be mentioned. Then matters appeared to be at a deadlock; Mr. Stenning could not get rid of Dennis, having signed the contract for six months, and the men would not work with Dennis. It was evident that by now Mr. Stenning was anxious to get rid of Dennis, but how could he? However, matters could not go on in that way long otherwise the whole work of the foundry would be in arrear, and on Wednesday Dennis and a staff of Manchester men came down. Then occurred some lively scenes. After these scenes, Dennis said to Mr. Stenning that he would have no more of the bother and would clear off. That was just what Mr. Stenning wanted - the contract was annulled by both parties and the present arrangement arrived at between Mr. Stenning and his old employees.
About half-past seven on Wednesday evening, Mr. Stenning sent one of his clerks to hunt up the strikers, with a request that they should come and see him immediately. The messenger could find only four of them, Mr. T. Price Jones, their spokesman on previous occasions, being away from town. The four men went to see Mr. Stenning, who told them that he had ordered the entire contingent of new hands to clear out of town, and that he was willing to re-engage the whole of his late employees on the following terms, which he handed to them typewritten:- "That one or two should act as charge-men on the floor pro. tem. under Mr. While's control. In the appointment of any leading hand, the selection would not include Mr. Dennis. Prices: 4s. 6d. loom, 2s. 6d. general, 1s. 9d. for firebars, or 3s. all through, and 1s. 9d. firebars. This to stand for a definite period, namely six months." The men accepted the 3s. all through and 1s 9d for firebars. A meeting of foundrymen was held at 9 p.m. at the top of the quay steps, and was attended by several hundreds of the general public, when the above facts were made known, and accepted by the whole of the strikers. Mr. Stenning was then escorted home joyfully by the strikers, and the crowd dispersed peacefully.
The men all resumed work this (Friday) morning. Mr. Stenning wished our representative to make it public that as far as he knew, none of the men on strike nor of those working at the foundry took any part in the disturbances, but that they kept orderly and well behaved throughout, which he said was greatly to their credit. He also highly praised the police for their efforts. Mr. Bee was appointed charge man by Mr. Stenning, pending the appointment of foreman of moulders. He said that Dennis was being blamed for his conduct. "In fact," he said, "he called for the tune, and the crowd played it for him."
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 2nd. 1897.
Advert for the National Schools' Annual Bazaar. C.D.H. 1st. January, 1897. © K. Morris |
Considerable difficulty has been, and is still being, experienced in connection with the erection of the Carnarvon County School; and the delay, it should be stated, is the fault, not of the local governors nor the officials, who have for a long period been most assiduous in their efforts to complete the work which was so well commenced when the school was established, but of the Charity Commissioners. So far as the local authorities are concerned, they have taken every step possible, under the scheme, to have the new building erected without delay. The building fund amounts to about £2400, and there is at present a county grant of £1100 due, in addition to the county loan of £2000. So that practically the county governing body have already at their disposal a sum of nearly £5500 in order to erect the building.. Through the untiring efforts of Mr. J. Issard Davies, J.P., the zealous chairman of the local governors, a site has been purchased from Lord Penrhyn on the Bethel road. It is splendidly situated, and in addition to being almost perfect from a sanitary point of view, it commands one of the finest views in the Principality, including the whole Snowdonian range from the Eifl to Penmaenmawr, the silver streak of the Menai opening out to the Carnarvon Bay, and the greater portion of the flat-lying land of Anglesey. With the necessary money at command, and the site on hand, nothing remained for the local governors to accomplish except to erect the school. But here a difficulty met them. Plans of the proposed new school were prepared, presented and approved of by the local and county authorities, but under the scheme they had to be presented also for approval to the Charity Commissioners. Red-tapism stepped in at this stage, and has proved an obstacle which up to the present has not been surmounted. The plans were sent to a gentleman named Mr. W. D. Caroe, to report upon to the commissioners; and although every pressure has been brought to bear upon that official by the local authority, who informed him that they were most anxious to commence building operations as soon as possible, and wanted to lay the foundation-stone before the Jubilee week, the only reply received has been the stereotyped phrase, "They will be attended to in due course," so familiar to everyone having dealings with Government officials.
In the course of a conversation which our representative had with Mr. J. Issard Davies, the chairman of the governors, that gentleman said that it had been the intention of the governors - and they had been doing all they possibly could since Christmas - to get the school under cover before next winter. Whether they will be able to do so or not will depend in a great measure upon the time the Charity Commisioners would return the plans. "These plans," said Mr. Issard Davies, "are prepared in such a way that should the governing body at any future time think it advisable to have separate schools for boys and girls, it can be done at once by simply closing a door. We shall advertise for tenders as soon as we hear from the Charity Commissioners."
"Would not the erection of schools at Llanberis and Penygroes, which is seriously being considered, interfere with the Carnarvon school, and cause you to change your intentions?" asked the reporter.
"I think it would interfere but very little," was the ready reply. "It would be a fatal mistake for Penygroes or Llanberis to build, because the money they have now are all available for scholarships to the children of those districts, whereas that would not be the case if they erected schools there. They would have to keep a staff, and the money at their disposal would not be sufficient to pay really good men, and they would have to be satisfied with masters of inferior attainments. The object of the Carnarvon body from the beginning has been to obtain the services of the best masters available, and to make the school in North Wales what Llandovery is in South Wales."
This view is shared by many other educationists in the town and district.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 2nd. 1897.
Mr. H. Denniss, of Miles Platting, writes to the "Manchester Guardian" to explain the circumstances under which he and other moulders went to Carnarvon, where their presence caused serious disturbances. He says:- "Three weeks ago an advertisement appeared for a leading hand and moulders. I applied, and, after an interview, was appointed foreman at De Winton's works. There was no strike at the time. I tried to reason with the Welsh workmen, and told them I would give them £2 per week provided they worked with my men and proved themselves worth it. Their wages at the present time vary from 18s. to 20s. a week, which everyone knows is not the club wage. But their only answer was, 'We will work with neither Englishmen nor society men.' The master was found to be a prefect gentleman, and but for his kindness some of us would probably be in hospital to-day. All the society men who went to Carnarvon went with the good intention of bringing the wages of the best Welsh moulders up to the level of their own, if their work proved to be worth it."
A "Herald" reporter called upon the men's representatives to verify the accuracy of Mr. Denniss's remarks, and was informed that the letter was misleading in almost every detail. Denniss came to Carnarvon first of all on the 12th. of March, and the men had been out on strike since the 9th. He was met by some of the men even before he had the interview; and informed of the position of affairs. Only two out of the eleven men on strike were asked to work under him, so that his remark about his "reasoning with the Welsh workmen" is wide of the mark, because the whole of them had to stand out or return to work together. With regards to the wages, the men say that they were in receipt of from 18s. to 25s. a week before the strike, and that after the settlement their terms are much better, so that the maximum of 20s. mentioned by Mr. Denniss is also incorrect, "We did not refuse to work under an English foreman," added the moulder, "and as a matter of fact, Mr. Bee, the present foreman, is an Englishman. We told Denniss that we would work under an Englishman, a Scotchman, or a Frenchman, so long as he treated us fairly. We never refused to work with society men. Denniss said he was going to make the establishment a society shop; but at society shops, fixed wages are the rule. Denniss, however, said he would pay every man according to his merits. The men would get £2 10s., £1 10s., or £1 according to what he was worth. That was not a society system at all. Besides, the society would not allow their men to work with non-society men like us. It is all bunkum to say that he came here with good intentions, and for the purpose of raising the wages of Welsh moulders. We were eleven men when we came out; and Denniss brought 14 with him. That proves conclusively that he did not intend to raise our wages, because if they had begun work not one of us would have been allowed to go back to the foundry."
The pressman next made inquiries as to the probability of the Carnarvon moulders joining the Union, and was informed that this matter was now under consideration. The general secretary had already been communicated with, and if a branch was formed in Carnarvon all the moulders in the town would probably join. He was informed further that in every probability a branch will be formed as soon as the usual formalities had been complied with.
"But will not that question involve another dispute with the management as to wages?" asked the reporter.
"Not necessarily," was the reply. "The wages all over the country are not fixed hard and fast; and as long as we are fairly treated here, there is not much danger. The wages vary according to the locality. For instance, in Manchester, moulders get £2 a week, whereas in Liverpool they get 38s., while in Chester they only receive 32s. per week. The wages at Carnarvon will be fixed according to circumstances, and on a fair basis."
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 9th. 1897.
On Monday, on the application of the debtor, a receiving order was made in the Bangor Bankruptcy Court against Mr. J. B. Allanson, solicitor, who has for many years carried on business at Carnarvon.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 16th. 1897.
During the past few days, workmen have been busy placing telephone lines along the side of the road from Bangor to Carnarvon, and it is expected that in the course of a few weeks telephonic communication between the two towns will be completed. This will probably be followed by a connection with Liverpool, Manchester, and other English towns.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 16th. 1897.
On Wednesday evening, a special meeting of the Carnarvon Town Council was held to receive the report of the sub-committee appointed by the last meeting to consider the best mode of celebrating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. There were present: The Mayor, Aldermen Dr. John Williams, M. T. Morris, D. T. Lake, W. J. Williams, Councillors J. Issard Davies, T. D. Lloyd, R. O. Roberts, Dr. Robert Parry, Dr. G. R. Griffith, Richard Thomas, John T. Roberts, William Hamer, and John Rees. - It was unanimously resolved to open a list of subscriptions on behalf of the cottage hospital; and as an incentive, a list of subscriptions was opened in the room: The Mayor, £7 7s.; Councillors Issard Davies and T. D. Lloyd, £10 each; Alderman M. T. Morris and Councillor Dr. Parry, £5 5s. each; Dr. John Williams, £3 3s.; Alderman D. T. Lake, £2 2s.; Alderman W. J. Williams, Councillors R. Thomas, W. Hamer, John Rees, J. T. Roberts, G. R. Griffith, M.B., and R. O. Roberts, £1 1s. each, making a total of £48 7s. It was unanimously recommended to vote a certain sum, not to exceed £80, to the Mayor to give a treat to the school children and aged poor of the town. - The other recommendation of the sub-committee that the Mayor should write to the committee of the cottage hospital, to all churches and chapels in the town to ask them to nominate not less than three ladies to assist the corporation to carry out the schemes. - At the meeting of the sub-committee of the council Alderman M. T. Morris threw out a good suggestion, viz., that the Jubilee celebration at Carnarvon might very appropriately take the form of a united religious service at the Carnarvon Pavilion on Jubilee Day. The idea has been very warmly welcomed, by all parties in the town; and as the Pavilion will accommodate some 10,000 people, the occasion, if Mr. Morris's plan be carried out in its entirety, will be a memorable one. The choristers belonging to the various churches and chapels would, in that case, be invited to form a united special choir for the occasion.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 23rd. 1897.
About ten o'clock on Wednesday morning, whilst Mr. Thorman, ironmonger, Bridge-street, was in his cellar, he struck a match, the head of which fell into a tank containing petroleum. Soon the surface of the fiery liquid was all ablaze, and the alarm was given. P.C. Evans (60), who was on duty in Bridge-street at the time, came upon the scene, and at once took measures to put out the flames. He was fortunately succesful; and the damage done was not great. However, had the fire spread a terrible conflagration might have followed, for near by were kegs of powder, which, had they become ignited would have caused a terrible explosion, and created serious damage. The officer was highly complimented upon his valour and presence of mind in the midst of a terrible danger.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 30th. 1897.
It is intended to remove the borough magistrates' court, which is now held every Monday at the Guild Hall, to the Shire Hall, where the accommodation for the public is better.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 30th. 1897.
The work of preparing for the erection of the new Board Schools in the Pavilion Field is being proceeded with. The ground has already been cleared, and a large number of men are employed.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 30th. 1897.
Following the great demand for houses which has been felt lately in this town, builders are busily engaged in erecting dwelling-houses in the southern part of the town. Houses are being built in Dinorwic-street and Marcus-street, and a new street has been commenced in the neighbourhood of Henwaliau. In spite of this, the demand continues, and houses have in some cases been actually let even before the foundations have been cut.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 30th. 1897.
Mr. Lawson, of Liverpool, a well-known oyster dealer, has leased a portion of the foreshore on the Carnarvon side of the Menai Straits, for the purpose of laying it out as an oyster bed. Mr. James Parry, Carnarvon, has been engaged to look after the new bed, which is now being filled with oysters, of which a consignment of 800 sacks has arrived. Authorities on such matters declare this spot to be admirably suited for an oyster bed, as it is altogether free from contamination with sewage, and other destructive matter. Hopes are entertained that large quantities of shell fish can be reared here.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 7th. 1897.
The Carnarvonshire Militia Recruits, 4th. Batt. R.W.F., marched through the town on Tuesday morning last, led by their band, on their way to camp at Llanberis, where they will remain for a week, practising at the new shooting range.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 14th. 1897.
A man, who described himself as "John Jones, of New York," was brought up in custody before the borough magistrates, at an occasional court on Tuesday, charged with hawking without a licence. He was sent to prison for seven days.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 14th. 1897.
On Wednesday evening, as a chip potatoe cart was being driven down the street in the vicinity of Henwalia, it came into severe contact with the kerbstone, with the result that one of the wheels broke, and the unfortunate occupant was thrown out. He received a severe shaking, and a few bruises, but was otherwise uninjured.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 14th. 1897.
We learn that the Mayor is now busy preparing for the celebration of the Queen's Jubilee. The committee appointed by the council has already met, and all the ministers of the town have been asked to have representatives of each place of worship appointed to co-operate. A meeting has been called for Monday evening to consider the whole question. The suggestions for the local celebration that are most likely to be carried out, if funds will allow, are, that a substantial treat be given all the children of the town, and a medal or some other souvenir of the day be presented to each of them, and also a dinner or meat tea be given to all the aged poor of the borough. It is also expected that the townspeople will provide bunting and illumination worthy of the old town.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 14th. 1897.
Advert for G. Millward. C.D.H. 1st. January, 1897. © K. Morris |
Mr. Parry Jones, the chief warder in charge of Carnarvon Prison, has been promoted to a similar position at Ruthin, and his place has been filled by Mr. John Dillon, chief of the clerical department of her Majesty's Prison at Newcastle. Mr. Dillon has been officially connected with Newcastle Prison for many years, and is now promoted to the rank of governor. During his sojourn at Newcastle, he endeared himself to a large circle of friends, for he took an active interest in matters connected with the local church, and was for many years churchwarden of St. George's Parish Church, Jesmond. He is still a comparatively young man of alert appearance, and modest disposition. His great drawback, however, is his ignorance of the Welsh language, and this will naturally be considered a hardship upon the monoglot prisoners. On an average, 45 per cent. of the prisoners in Carnarvon Gaol are Welsh born, and 10 per cent. are monoglot Welshmen and women. These will have to make whatever complaints they have to make to the governor through the medium of an interpreter, who, it is but fair to presume, will be a warder. Should the complaint laid be against a brother official, it is but natural that in the course of the translation the interpreter should modify his words in such a way as to favour the warder, rather than the prisoner. Other matters, of course, will naturally arise. The governor will be called upon to interview the prisoners and their relatives, and in most cases he will have to seek the aid of an interpreter, because people, although they can imperfectly speak and understand the English language, will prefer to carry on a conversation in the mother tongue. At present, all the warders are able to speak Welsh, and we are informed that had there been a Welshman qualified for the post, he would have been appointed. The cause of the change is the determination of H. M. Commissioners of Prisons to do away with the rank of chief warders in charge all over the kingdom, and appoint governors, which means, in many instances, that the new governors should take up practically all the work of the prisons without the aid of a store-keeper's clerk. This would involve a great deal of extra work in a prison like that of Carnarvon, and although the movement was intended to benefit the chief warders in charge, it has really done nothing of the kind, the result being that many prefer not to accept the new office with the increased responsibility and worry. It meant in fact an absolute change of work, and many officials have resigned. It is hardly necessary to dilate upon the hardships which prisoners will have to endure under the new regime, but we may state that many of the visiting justices of this county, and the adjoining counties view the change with anything but pleasure. Mr. Pond, the store-keeper's clerk at Carnarvon Prison, is being removed to Brecon. Mr. Parry Jones has filled his present office for a large number of years, and his departure will be regretted by a very large circle of friends and by all who knew him.
Mr. Samuel Smith, M.P., writes:- "I am sorry to get the information you give regarding the proposed appointment of a gentleman not conversant with the Welsh language to be governor of the prison at Carnarvon."
Dr. Edward Jones, J.P. (ex-chairman of the Merionethshire County Council), in an interview with our district reporter, expressed deep regret at the appointment. He did not quite see, however, how any effective protest could be made, seeing that the Tories are in office.
Mr. Robert Thomas, J.P. Criccieth (ex-chairman of the Carnarvonshire County Council), writes:- "I sometimes hear that the cry of Welshmen is 'Wales for the Welsh.' No statemnent can be more false, nor further from the truth. Strangers are nowhere better welcomed than in Wales, whatever may be their nationality. The cry of Wales is, not 'Wales for the Welsh,' but that Wales should get justice. That no public appointment, where the official comes in contact with the people, should be held by any person who is not conversant with the Welsh language. (The farmers have had quite enough of this with the monoglot Englishman that came round dealing with the Contagious (Animals) Diseases Act.) That Welshmen should be allowed to give evidence in Welsh in our courts of law, or elsewhere, without being bullied, &c. Because Welshmen claim their rights in this way, they are falsely represented to mean 'Wales for the Welsh.' The latest injustice of this type is the reported appointment of Mr. J. Dillon to be governor of Carnarvon Prison, a person, I am told, who does not know anything about the Welsh language. To appoint such a person to be at the head of a prison where about half the prisoners are Welsh is to say the least, an insult to the nation, and it is high time the voice of the Welsh people on this point should be firmly and clearly brought before Parliament, and we should persist in our demands, and protest against such appointments until we succeed in getting what every other nation does enjoy, i.e., that all public officials must be conversant with the language of the nation amongst whom they hold their appontments."
Mr. R. Rowlands, J.P., Portmadoc, writes:- "It is astonishing to find that the change has been made without consulting the visitors appointed by the quarter sessions. I never heard a word against the present holder of the office. If there is any necessity for making a change, the least that the authorities could do was to appoint someone with a knowledge of Welsh to be his successor."
Mr. Jonathan Davies, J.P., Portmadoc, speaking to our representative, urged that in every such appointment in Wales, the preference should be given to a bilinguist.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 21st. 1897.
Those who are responsible for Sir Hugh Owen's monument in Castle-square are greatly blamed for the sad and dirty appearance which the monument presents. It is contended that a town decoration such as the monument should receive much greater care and attention at the hands of the authorities than it obtains.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 4th. 1897.
We are glad to find that the standard of the Carnarvon Post-office has been raised and that it is now ranked amongst the first-class provincial offices. The annual leave has been extended to 21 working days. Sick pay and free medical attendance will be allowed. Sunday pay has been increased to a rate and a half, and when clerks have to work on bank holidays another day's holiday will be granted or they may claim double pay. The salaries of all the sorting clerks and telegraphists have been increased to 44s. per week.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 4th. 1897.
Advert for O. Evans & Son. C.D.H. 1st. January, 1897. © K. Morris |
A special meeting of the Jubilee committee was held at the Guild Hall on Wednesday evening, to consider what other steps should be taken in the face of the decision of the town council, the previous evening, to vote £40, conditionally, on the tea being given to the children at the Pavilion. The Mayor presided, and pointed out that the directors of the Pavilion had put a proviso in their offer, to the effect that the building was to be used only for the tea party. This would preclude any addresses being delivered. - Mr. J. Issard Davies did not read it in that light. They did not intend to close the mouths of all, but simply prevent the holding of a concert. - It was eventually resolved to accept the £40, and give the tea in the Pavilion. - It is now generally understood that the proposed united religious service will not be held in the Pavilion, but in one of the places of worship in the town. Two thousand children will be provided for, and about two or three hundred old people will be invited to a meat tea at the Guild Hall. The Mayor has also been strongly urged to provide fireworks for the evening, and this probably will form a part of the day's programme. The clergy and Churchpeople will celebrate the Jubilee with special full choral services at all the churches of the town on Sunday. The Lord Bishop of Bangor has sent round a pastoral to all the churches in the diocese, and has asked for voluntaries in aid of the Clerical Augmentation Fund.
"Ratepayer" asks: Cannot Twthill be utilised in connection with the Jubilee celebrations? A huge bonfire on the summit could be seen for miles around, and Carnarvon would thus have the honour of forming a link in the grand chain of beacons which on the night if the 22nd. inst., will illuminate the kingdom.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 11th. 1897.
Judging by the alacrity with which the inhabitants of Carnarvon subscribe towards the movement for providing a new cottage hospital in commemoration of the Jubilee, there is every prospect of the project being carried through. Already, about £600 has been contributed, and the site is given free, and it is calculated that the existing building may realise another £600 or more. The members of the council started the list with over £70, and the lord-lieutenant has given 100 guineas.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 11th. 1897.
On Thursday afternoon, as Elizabeth Owen, Baptist-street, was proceeding home through Bridge-street, she fell in a fit against one of the large plate-glass windows of Messrs. Evans and Lake's premises, smashing it into atoms. The unfortunate woman sustained severe injuries, and she was promptly conveyed to the workhouse.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 25th. 1897.
Throughout North Wales, on Sunday, in the great majority of churches and chapels, special reference was made to the Queen's Jubilee.
A special service was held at Christ Church, Carnarvon, on Sunday morning. The Artillery and Volunteers mustered in Castle-square and marched with their two bands through Bridge-street, and Bangor-street, to the Church. A pastoral, specially composed by the Lord Bishop of Bangor, having been offered, the audience sang "God save the Queen." The Rev. J. W. Wynne Jones, in the course of his sermon, stated that the Queen's Jubilee was not being commemorated simply because Her Majesty was popular. Millions undoubtedly would celebrate the occasion, in order to show their loyalty, as the subjects of the Queen of the greatest Empire the world had ever seen. The Queen's popularity was shown in the fact that she was an idol of the nation. Popularity alone would not be of much service on certain occasions, but Queen Victoria had gained for herself respect and admiration by her noble example as a wife and mother, and, in consequence of the purity of her character. In 1857, Tennyson had prayed for her in a beautiful poem, and to-day that prayer had been fulfilled; and her subjects could do no less than pray to God for her further protection and that she might have strength to bear the great work which lay before her that week, for it would be a week which would bring with it much responsibility. After the sermon the choir sang the "Hallelujah Chorus," and a voluntary entitled "Victoria our Queen" was rendered on the organ by Mr. John Williams. The church service was well-attended, and special collections were made on behalf of the Bishop of Bangor's fund in aid of needy livings. - References were made in all the other churches and chapels of the town.
The jubilee commemoration festivities were held on Tuesday in Queen's weather. It was warm but with a pleasant breeze blowing, the sun, soon after eleven a.m. shining brilliantly, which gave animation to the universal display of bunting. Every town, village and hamlet did well with regard to this display, and jubilee favours were everywhere worn, even dogs, cats, horses, and birds testifying the loyalty of their owners. The feeling of loyalty indicated was as sincere as it was general and everybody appeared to be enjoying the occasion.
Advert for The golden Goat. C.D.H. 5th. March, 1897. © K. Morris |
The Jubilee Day was a glorious day, in more sense than one. Many eyes were turned skywards soon after dawn; and many feared that we were about to experience a wet jubilee. As the day became older, however, these doubts were dispelled. The threatening clouds broke away, the mists climbed up the sides of the hills, and as the sun reached its meridian they evaporated and disappeared. The Queen's Day after all was favoured by Queen's weather not of the toiling, fatiguing, order, but with a fresh healthy breeze, which enhanced the day's enjoyment. Carnarvon was resplendent with bunting, flags, and streamers. Not a single street, hardly a house indeed, was there which did not show the loyalty of its inhabitants. The poor man's cottage as well as the rich man's mansion was bedecked; and one vied with the other in his attempt to prove his loyalty to the Queen. Flags of all colours, and bunting of every description met the eye wherever it chose to travel, and the colours were as varied as they were beautiful. Not content with exhibiting a familiar red, white, and blue outside the houses people flourished them in the streets. Men wore ties of those colours, and rosettes, and ladies beribboned their hats with the loyal colours. It was evident, even at an early hour, that the inhabitants of Carnarvon, young and old, were determined to enjoy to the full the day's holiday, for the streets were crowded with all sorts and conditions of people. It would be difficult to describe the decorations, and to do them justice. Among the most striking, however, were the mayor's house and business establishment, the Nelson emporium, the Golden Goat, High-street, generally, and the Conservative Club particularly. The view of Eastgate-street and High-street, obtained from the bottom of North-pen'rallt at any time between 12 noon and 4 p.m., with the banners and streamers floating across in the balmy summer air, and thousands of merry holiday-makers crowding the two streets was smething to be remembered. The day's proceedings were successful. Very appropriate was the initiative ceremony of presenting the mayor with a beautiful gold-mounted ebony walking-stick at the Guild Hall, by Mrs. Dr. Parry on behalf of the ladies of the town. The mayor's procession was a magnificent success, and so also was the united Nonconformist services held at Moriah Chapel. The arrangements in connection with this service were carried out to the entire satisfaction of the public by the officials of the Nonconformist Union, under the direction of Mr. Beriah G. Evans, the secretary. The children's tea at the Pavilion, where more than 2000 sat at table, will long be remembered. The manner in which the youngsters marched through the streets in martial array, and headed by the Fusiliers' Band, was decidedly striking. Little girls in white and cream, in blue and red, and toddling boys, varying in years from three to fifteen, some garbed tidily, respectably, and cleanly, and others squalid-looking, and in rags, marched to the music of the band. On each breast was a ribbon, a rosette, or a medal, and on each face was depicted signs of joy and delight. Their hearty "hurrah" as they dispersed in Castle-square after tea was only the natural outburst of their enthusiasm, the explosion of natural pent up feelings of joy, and the outward sign of happiness they felt in their hearts of hearts. Not a single sign of sorrow, of grief, of unhappiness was noticeable. All were bright, delighted, and gladsome. And who after all will deny that of all the seething crowds which filled the streets on that memorable day, any were really happier than that crowd of boys and girls as they sang "God save the Queen," and cheered her three times three? Another pretty sight was witnessed at the Guild Hall. It was touching and pathetic, moreover. Old men and women, poor and needy, tottered up those terrible steps to partake of the good things which were provided.
Thousands of people crowded the streets in the evening with the intention of seeing the cyclists' procession, but many hundreds of them were disappointed. In consequence of some unaccountable blunder no programme had been drawn out of the route or of the time, and the people were kept waiting in Castle-square, whilst the cyclists quietly wended their way from the Pavilion through High-street into the Castle. It would be an easy matter to give an account of the disappointing epithets which were heard on every side. The Castle was crowded with sightseers, and the concert and fete was most enjoyable. The fireworks exhibition can hardly be called a success, and the dense fog which overhung the town at night made the huge bonfires on Twthill and Coedhelen appear paltry and insignificant.
When the Mayor arrived at the Guild Hall, he was met by a party of ladies, who were introduced to his worship by Mr. R. Norman Davies. Among those on the platform we noticed Mrs. Dr. Parry, Miss M. M. Jones, the Misses Williams, and Mrs. W. Griffith. Mrs. Dr. Parry, on behalf of the ladies of the town, presented him with a beautifyl gold-mounted ebony stick with an ivory handle, and bearing the following inscription "Presented to Councillor Edward Hughes, J.P., Mayor of Carnarvon 1896-97, by the ladies of Carnarvon on the occasion of his presentation at Court, as a mark of their esteem of his valuable services in commemoration of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee. Guild Hall, Carnarvon, June 22nd. 1897." The Mayor expressed his thanks in a brief, but suitable speech.
The Mayor's procession started from the Guild Hall a few minutes before ten o'clock. It was headed by the band of the 4th. Batt. Royal Welch Fusiliers, and of the 3rd. V.B. R.W. Fusiliers, and marched through High-street, Church-street, Castle-ditch, Castle-square, and Bridge-street to Moriah Chapel as follows:- Naval Reserve, Militia Staff, Artillery and the Rifle Volunteers, Fire Brigade, Police Force, Independent Order of Oddfellows, (two lodges and Juvenile Lodge), Ancient Order of Foresters, Customs, Inland Revenue, Prison, and Post-office officials, Corporation officials, Carnarvon School Board and Guardians of the Poor, Councillors, Aldermen, Justices, Borough Banner and Mace Bearers, ex-Mayor, Mayor, Chaplain (Rev. H. J. Quilter), and the general public, numbering some thousands. It was an imposing sight, and marshalled by Captain Cooper, the adjutant of the Fusiliers, the greatest order was maintained along the route, which was lined on both sides by throngs of people.
As might naturally be expected the large chapel was crowded, but the front of the gallery had been reserved for the United Choir and the floor for those who participated in the procession. The Mayor having taken the chair, the service was conducted by the Rev. Owen Williams, and opened by a grand rendering of "Old Hundredth." Rev. Stanley Jones read the first lesson, and offered up a special prayer of thanks for the prosperity enjoyed during the Queen's reign, and of praise that she had been spared for so many years. The audience then joined in singing "Crugybar," after which the Mayor delivered his opening address. He said he had felt anxious for some time that the Jubilee should be properly celebrated in the town. The subjects of the Queen, old and young, rich and poor alike had that day met on a common platform to praise God for his many blessings to the Queen and her people (hear hear). Much good work had probably been left undone during her reign but he hoped that the rememberance of that would be an incentive to do it better in the future. The capital of Great Britain would that day be thronged with people from all parts of the Queen's vast dominions, but no one would give her a more hearty and warmer welcome than her Welsh subjects (applause).
Rev. Owen Davies, D.D., spoke upon the purity of the Queen's character, and her fidelity to constitutional methods. Whilst reviewing the sixty years of blessings they had enjoyed he believed it would be sinful to let such an occasion pass without thanking God for his mercies. The Queen must have come from a good religious stock, otherwise her education would not have been such as it was. She had lived in a healthy family circle, for that was at all times the foundation of the godly life and Christian character such as the Queen had lived. When told at the early age of eleven that she was to be the Queen of England she characteristically replied "I will be good." And in those four simple monosyllables were to be found the secret of her success and her popularity. It must have been a hard struggle for a woman in the position of Her Majesty to live a Christian life amid all the splendour and pride of Court, but she had done so, and had come out of the ordeal in a manner which proved how sound her early education must have been. He then dwelt upon the history of her career as a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a Queen, which made up the most beautiful Christian-like character which the world had produced (applause).
M. T. Morris's retirement announcement. C.D.H. 24th. September, 1897. © K. Morris |
The Rev. Evan Jones spoke of the extension of civil and religious liberty, and the just administration of public institutions during Her Majesty's reign. He first of all referred to the penny post which was established shortly after the Queen had ascended the throne, and said he well remembered the time when a shilling was the fee for sending a letter. Who could describe the manner in which the bonds of union between all parts of the country which had been made closer through the mediun of the penny post? What would the country do without a post-office, and what good would that institution be without the penny post? He had hoped that on the Queen's Jubilee they might have celebrated the establishment of a penny post all over the world. They nearly succeeded in getting it, and it was pleasant to think that the obstacles put in the way were not offered by this country (hear, hear). He also referred to the repeal of the Corn Laws and the establishment of a free press, and rejoiced to think that the first newspaper published in Wales saw the light of day at Carnarvon. It was the "Herald Cymraeg," and to-day flourished, and was a power in the land (loud applause). The extension of the franchise was another civil liberty, and the establishment of the most perfect system of education in the empire was that which they enjoyed in Wales. Referring to the administration of the laws, he said that it was remarkable how completely personal and party feelings were forgotten by those who administered the laws of the land, and on the whole how just was their actions. To-day no profession stood higher than the legal profession, and public opinion was educated to the fact that law was always fairly administered. That was undoubtedly the great secret of England's success (applause). There were excellent laws in Turkey, but they were miserably administered.
Rev. F. J. Quilter then read a lesson and prayer, and the hymn tune "Huddersfield" was beautifully rendered.
Rev. Lloyd Bryniog Roberts dwelt upon the religious revivals in Wales during the reign. Wales, he said, was sometimes called the land of religious revivals, and these were like summers in the course of nature, very pleasant and full of blessings, and brought with them better preaching, better singing, better prayers, and better attendances at all the churches and chapels. There were three revivals at the beginning of the century before her Majesty began to reign, namely, in 1807, 1815, and 1828. At this time the giants of the Welsh pulpit were produced. Then in 1839 and 1849 there were revivals, but the remarkable successes of 1858-60, although it started in Wales was felt throughout the length and breadth of all Christian countries in the world. Tens of thousands joined the churches during those years, and it awoke them to greater work and activity. This was noticeable in the attempts made to clean, decorate, and renovate the old churches and chapels. It had also tended to lessen the sectarian prejudices which had been rife in Wales. The various denominations came to co-operate heartily in those matter on which they agreed, and to peacefully agree to differ on questions they could not see eye to eye upon. A Welsh Nonconformist League had been started which was a thing never before dreamt of. The temperance movement had also done good work, and education had spread to such a degree that there was not a district in the whole of the Principality which did not have a school (applause).
The united choir then sang the "Hallelujah Chorus" in excellent style, under the leadership of Mr. W. J. Williams, and the Mayor, having returned thanks to his colleagues and the public for the interest they had taken in the matter, the Rev. D. O'Brien Owen pronounced the benediction, and the service terminated amid the strains of the National Anthem. The procession was then reformed and marched to the Guild Hall. A word must be said of the singing. With over two thousand of the best singers of all chapels and churches in Carnarvon gathered together, the singing was magnificent and effective beyond conception. No more can possibly be said, and that singing deserves that description. The splendid organ, about the largest in Wales, was manipulated by Messrs. Orwig Williams, organist of Moriah, and Richard Prichard, organist of Salem (Congregational).
After the procession to the chapel the military marched to the park where the Militia Staff, the Artillery, and Rifle Volunteers fired a feu de joie at noon in honour of the Queen.
In the afternoon, the schoolchildren assembled at the various schools, and marched 2000 strong, headed by the Rifle Volunteer Band to the Pavilion where tea had been prepared. The youngsters appeared quite gay, decorated with silk ribbons bearing the portrait of the Queen, presented to each by Messrs. Pierce and Williams, of Golden Goat, and a handsome gilt medal the gift of Alderman M. T. Morris, of the Nelson Emporium. It was a great and pleasant surprise to see upon their arrival at the Pavilion that its walls had been gorgeously decorated for the occasion with the national colours of red, white, and blue, not merely flags and streamers, but a continuation of festoon draperies of white and royal blue bunting on a red background, with flags and trophies neatily and tastefully arranged at equal distances. At a good distance above there was a roof of streamers with a larger muslin festoon forming a cornice around the building, The platform naturally formed the chief attraction, for there was a series of mottoes and laurel wreaths surrounding a large portrait of her Majesty, and all had been artistically and most appropriately arranged for the auspicious occasion. An idea of the work may be obtained from the fact that 1200 yards of material was used, and that three men were employed for four days, and the grand effect produced reflects much credit upon Mr. Hughes, London House, who undertook the decorative duties.
The children evidently enjoyed the "bread" which had been prepared for them. There were 24 tables, and 1000 boys and girls sat together. After the first batch had been regaled they went into the galleries and watched their comrades at tables. Between the two teas, Mr. R. N. Davies (deputy mayor) presented certificates to the boys who had won the Mayor's Jubilee Foundation Scholarships at the Intermediate School. The whole proceedings passed off without a hitch, thanks to the energy displayed by the committee, and the activity of the two secretaries, Messrs. W. H. Wright and W. S. Jones. To them and to the mayor the thanks of the townspeople are due. Inasmuch as the mayor had to leave Carnarvon for London in order to be present at the Queen's levee, the enamelled mugs with the national crest and the Carnarvon crest were presented to the children by the deputy-mayor, who also must be congratulated for the way in which he accomplished his arduous duties. After tea the children marched through the streets, still headed by the band playing the National Anthem, and marshalled by their respective teachers to Castle-square, where, after giving hearty cheers to the Queen, they dispersed.
About two hundred of the aged poor were regaled with a meat tea at the Guild Hall. The arrangements had been carried out by a committee consisting of Messrs. Pritchard, Pool-street Market; Humphreys, Brunswick Buildings; G. O. Griffith, Bridge-street; and J. R. Jones, relieving officer. The catering was done by contract by Mr. Edwards, of the Arvonia Hotel, who gave entire satisfaction. It should also be mentioned that Mrs. Jones, Minafon, kindly lent a dozen plants for the decorations, and that much assistance was rendered by Mr. T. W. Henwood, solicitor, and Mr. Harris, the book stall. As the poor people left the room they were each handed a pretty handkerchief by the Misses Morris, Bronmenai, and a medal, the gift of Mr. M. T. Morris; the old women received each a packet of tea, the gift of Messrs. Owen Jones, Green Bank, and Mr. J. R. Hughes, and the old men packets of tobacco presented by Messrs. C. E. Jones and Co. and Messrs. Evans and Lake.
The day's proceedings were wound up by a carnival at the Castle which turned out to be a grand success, and the nett proceeds which amounted to £60 is to be handed over to a local charity. The work was carried out by a committee consisting of Mrs. Dr. Parry, Mrs. Hugh Jones, St. Helen's-street; Miss Rolfe, Church-street; Mrs. Nath. Roberts, Mrs. Lloyd Griffith, Bodafon; Mrs. R. O. Roberts, Elm Grove; Miss M. M. Jones, St. Helen's-terrace; Miss Pritchard, Bryn Eisteddfod; Miss Edmunds, Mrs. Roberts, 11, Dinorwic-street; Miss K. Lloyd Jones, Gelert-street; Miss Williams, Assheton House; Miss Williams, Bryngwynedd; Miss Jones, Bryn Helen; the Misses Hamer and Newcombe, Miss Tomkinson, Miss Prichard, Tower House; Miss Cocher, Royal Hotel; Miss Pierce, Glandwr; and Miss Mia Williams, Messrs. Jones Parry, Lloyd Griffith, R. Gordon Roberts, Dr. Parry, A. Corrison, M. Nee, Llewelyn Jones, Saint David's-road; Ernie Jones, Minafon; Captain Richard Jones, Mr. R. Rumsey Williams, Mr. Richard Jones, Bootle; and Mr. Nath Roberts. D. H. Jones, borough accountant acting as hon. sec.; and assistance being also rendered by the following gentlemen: Deputy-Chief-Constable Harris and a staff of police, Messrs. R. Ll. Jones, borough surveyor, John Williams, collector, William Rowlands, Pool-street; Bertie Ll. Jones, William Ellis, and Owen Prichard. The refreshment stalls were presided over by the ladies of the committee.
The Male Voice Choir, under the leadership of Mr. J. Cottrell, whose efficient services were as usual given free, rendered very effective aid. The Band played under the leadership of Mr. A. Corrison. A powerful Wells Light, kindly lent for the occasion by Messrs. H. Owen & Sons, Ty Coch, was in operation in a conspicuous position on one of the towers under the control of Mr. Owen Evans, Fair View. The fireworks were under the control of Mr. Hugh Jones, St. Helen's-terrace, and the decorations under the control of Mr. Jones Parry, who deserves great praise for the large share of work which he undertook in connection with the whole affair. The attendance was over 2000. The Cycling Club parade to the Castle drew an immense crowd. Sir Llewelyn Turner granted the use of the Castle free.
The inmates of the Workhouse were not neglected. Kind hearts and willing hands helped to make the day to them enjoyable. They were regaled with a capital tea provided by the guardians, and served in a way that reflected credit upon the master, matron, and their staff. We noticed amongst those present Mr. C. A. Jones, Mr. Henry Parry, and Mr. R. Williams, Carnarvon.
Advert for Griffith Owen. C.D.H. 24th. September, 1897. © K. Morris |
The town presented a lively appearance at night despite the foggy cloud which enveloped all. Many of the houses were brilliantly lit. The Prince of Wales Hotel exhibited the famous feathers, and the Liberal Club was distinguished by fairy lights. The High-street was a pretty sight, for there was to be seen one of the finest sights of the town. The hotels in that street were brilliantly lit up, the Mona being beautifully set with fairy lamps, gas devices; the Commercial with a large flaming star; the Snowdon Vaults tastefully illuminated. The Guild Hall presented a bright appearance, and the members of the Conservative Club are to be congratulated upon the success they attained. Fairy and Chinese lamps were were all algow, and candles innumerable helped to make a pretty picture. The Sportsman Hotel sported jets of gas representing the rose, the shamrock, and the thistle, and was otherwise well illuminated. Castle-square came in for a goodly share of illuminations, for nearly every house and business establishment therein showed coloured lights in the windows, and the Castle Hotel exhibited the Masonic emblem. A word of praise is due to Mr. J. Henwood, who had arranged the beautiful illuminations of the boathouse of the rowing Club. Here more than 300 fairy lamps glowed in the mist, but nevertheless presented a pretty sight, and although on the Coedhelen side of the river it was appreciated and admired by all. The Royal Hotel was very beautifully illuminated, and so was the Eagles Hotel. The Mayor's business premises was also beautifully illuminated. In fact, the whole town presented a magnificent spectacle. It is a pity that the heavy fog entirely spoiled the bonfires on Coedhelen and Twthill.
The promenade along the quay wall was illuminated with various coloured fires by Mr. C. R. Owen, chemist, and had a very fine effect showing the ancient town walls through the darkness, the sea enhancing the effect. It was to be seen distinctly from the Anglesey side, and for this reason Mr. Owen decided to have the promenade illuminated.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 2nd. 1897.
We notice that the Harbour Trust have last week erected steps alongside this jetty, which will prove a great boon to those using the rowing boats. It is a vast improvement upon the old system.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 2nd. 1897.
Several alterations have lately been made in the outside of the prison. The walls on the sea side are being built higher, and a new entrance is being made to the prison house in Shire Hall-street.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 16th. 1897.
A large crowd of people assembled outside the railway station on Saturday evening to give the rifle volunteers a send-off. A row began, and a scuffle ensued. Amongst the participants was William Parry, alias "Wil Sospan." This man stumbled, and others falling upon him, broke his leg. Medical aid was at once summoned, and he was subsequently removed on a stretcher by two policemen to his home.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 23rd. 1897.
The alterations in that portion of the Guild Hall where the borough police court was wont to be held are now complete. The room has been neatly fitted up as an accountant's office. The better facilities given to carry out the business work of the corporation will be much appreciated by the officials.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 30th. 1897.
The bakers of the town have formed themselves into a union, with a view to arrange questions affecting the trade and agree as to holidays, etc.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 30th. 1897.
The plans for the repairs and alteration in the National Schools have been approved by the Education Department, and the necessary work will be commenced without delay.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 30th. 1897.
Hugh Williams, jockey, Glanyrafon, was locked up on Tuesday evening for being drunk in charge of a young horse which he was breaking in. He was brought before J. Issard Davies, Esq., and W. Hamer, Esq., on the following morning and fined 2s. 6d. and costs.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 30th. 1897.
Several of the bye-streets leading into Segontium-terrace are undergoing improvements. The old fashioned cobble pavement is being removed and ashphalte is laid down instead. A vast improvement has been effected, and the new pavement will undoubtedly be greatly appreciated by those who have to use it.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 13th. 1897.
On Tuesday, the engineers, patternmakers, boilermakers, and other workmen, employed at the De Winton Foundry, otherwise known as the Union Iron Works, Carnarvon, came out on strike. Trouble has been brewing at these works for some months past and, indeed, since the memorable strike of moulders, which occurred about four months ago, the relations between master and men has been somewhat strained. The men complained that their wages were being continually cut down by the contract system, and that in fact they were unable to earn sufficient money to live. Matters reached a crisis on Monday when one of the men, Mr. Sam Parsons, was "suspended," and although the workmen contend that they did not strike because Parsons was thus treated, they are determined not to return until he is reinstated. In fact, they first of all demand a standard rate of wages; secondly, the abolition of contracts; and thirdly, the reinstatement of Parsons and another man whose services have been dispensed with.
Advert for J. Francis, chemist. C.D.H. 24th. September, 1897. © K. Morris |
In the course of a conversation which our representative obtained with the men on strike it transpired that the grievances are of long standing, that the relations between the men and Mr. Stenning have been very strained for some time, but that the foreman, Mr. While, seems to have done all in his power to bring matters to an amicable settlement. Unfortunately, Mr. While is away on his holidays at present otherwise it is believed that he would have been able to pilot the works around the rock which has brought about the present trouble. The chief bone of contention aparently is the piecework question, the price for which, according to the men's version, has been steadily decreased for some time past, so that matters have come to such a point that the men contend that they cannot obtain a living for the money they earn. They now call for the abolition of piecework and contracts of all kinds and demand the establishment of a standard wage. A representation was made to the management but it proved futile, Mr. Stenning replying that slackness of work prevented him from giving more wages to the men. The men further contend that they are compelled to work a great deal of overtime for which they obtain no extra pay, and instances are recorded where in order to meet the demands men have been obliged to work all night and all Sunday, and for that only obtained ordinary time wages, whilst the wages offered are so low that many of them cannot obtain a living.
It is alleged that according to a system which is in vogue at the works and which to all intents and purposes appears to be equivalent to a penalty for failing to complete a contract in a certain time, many of the men lose even the wages they have earned. For instance, a man accepts a piece of work say for six shillings. Supposing six shillings to constitute a day's wage, then the work has to be finished in one day. Should, however, circumstances arise owing to which the man takes two days to complete the work, the six shillings is "overdrawn," or, in other words, the work of one day is done for nothing and the man loses a day's pay besides, and an instance was given to the reporter of a man having recently accepted contracts valued at 16s. 8d., but owing to the system of overdrawing only secured eightpence for the job, the remainder, it was stated, being overdrawn, or taken out of his wages as a penalty for not completing the work in a given time.
Things came to such a pitch that the men met and drew up a resolution to the following effect:- "That the unsatisfactory system of piecework now in vogue at the Union Works should be abolished, and that in future the day wage system be adopted, and that the prices be fixed as a fair day's wage for a fair day's work." A letter to this effect was sent to Mr. Stenning on Monday evening, and he sent word back to the effect that the works would be closed at five o'clock on Tuesday for an indefinite period. The men went out en masse intending to receive their pay, but when they presented themselves at the door they were informed that the management had left instructions that one day's pay was to be deducted from each man in lieu of notice. When this became known the men unanimously refused to accept the money offered to them and held a mass meeting at the People's Cafe, where it was resolved to lay the matter in the hands of Messrs. Nee and Gordon Roberts, solicitors.
It is interesting to note on what grounds the men insist upon receiving the day's pay which has been withheld. It is said that Mr. Parsons was "suspended" at a minute's notice, and acting upon the principle that what is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander, the remainder of the men contend that they also can leave at a minute's notice. They further contend that it had been the custom at the works to suspend labourers at a minute's notice.
Asked as to the standard wage, the men said that at present there is no standard wage at the works, but that some of them earn 26s. per week. The average wage of the boiler makers is said to be 25s. per week, which is considerably lower than it is in other centres. They contend that in engineering works such as these it is impossible to fix a standard for piece work the same as is generally done in shipbuilding yards, and that the only way out of the difficulty is to fix a standard day wage for each man. The turners and the moulders get on an average 25s. per week, whereas in the lowest paid works in England the wages range from 36s. to 38s.; but the moulders at the last strike made an agreement to remain at work for six months, and consequently they did not come out on strike with their fellows until, eventually, they were notified that their services were not required. It is contended that outside Carnarvon the lowest price paid in North Wales is 28s. per week.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 20th. 1897.
For some time past, builders have been engaged at the County Hall erecting a new room at the back for the storing of county records.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 20th. 1897.
During the early part of the week heavy rains, accompanied by high winds, swept over the town, and some damage was done by the streams of water which ran down the hilly streets and cut up the roadways. Cellars in some parts of the town were also flooded.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 20th. 1897.
At a special police court held at the County Hall, on Tuesday, before Edward Hughes, Esq. (mayor), and Dr. R. Parry, a girl named Mary Parry, alias Mary Wyn, was charged with indecent conduct in a public place, and Hugh Hughes, an Anglesey farm labourer, was charged with aiding and abetting her. They were each fined 5s. and costs, or in default, sentenced to seven days' imprisonment.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 20th. 1897.
Negotiations with a view to settle the dispute which arose last week at the Union Foundry were opened on Saturday, when a deputation met Mr. Stenning at the offices. The manager laid down the terms he was prepared to offer, and the men submitted them to a mass meeting held at the People's Cafe. To the majority, however, they were considered unsatisfactory, and further communication took place with Mr. Stenning, who informed the deputation that he would not on any account agree to the payment of a fixed day wage, and pointed out that in consequence of the fact that less money was paid to ironworkers in North Wales than was paid at Carnarvon he could not compete with the firms in question. He said that he had endeavoured to form a kind of employer's federation in the district with a view to arranging an equal charge for castings, but had failed, and if his men could arrange with the men of the other districts to work for a certain rate of wages he would be prepared to pay that wage. This reply was laid before the mass meeting on Tuesday night, and the men resolved to waive their claim for day wages, and expressed their willingness to accept a contract, provided the manager met them to discuss details and arrange the rates of wage. This Mr. Stenning was prepared to do, and during the latter part of the week, both parties have been in frequent consultation, and already the scale for most of the departments have been agreed upon. Steps will be taken without delay to settle the dispute so far as the other departments are concerned; and hopes are entertained that work will be resumed early next week.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 27th. 1897.
The workmen who struck work at the Union Foundry a fortnight ago returned to work on Monday, having come to an arrangement with their employers as to the wages and prices to be paid for contracts. The management refused to allow a day wage, and the workmen waived that demand.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 27th. 1897.
We observe in the Patent Office "Record" that Messrs. W. E. Edwards, M.E. Nee, and R. Gordon Roberts, have applied for a patent for improvements in handcuffs. This is a very practicable way of promoting law and order. The police authorities of this and other counties are said to entertain high opinion of the invention.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 3rd. 1897.
Telephonic communication has been established between this town and Bangor.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 3rd. 1897.
A large number of the street lamps are now supplied with the incandescent light, and the experiment has been eminently successful. Not only is there a much better light, but also a considerable saving in the consumption of gas. It is the intention of the corporation to make this mode of street lighting more general. An important drawback has been removed by the introduction of a contrivance to prevent the breaking of the mantles as the result of vibration. The lamps by the fountain in Castle-square are this week being fitted with the new apparatus, and with very good results.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 24th. 1897.
Between Saturday night and Sunday morning, the ironmongery shop of Mr. William Thorman was broken into, and a number of penknives were stolen. Entrance seems to have been effected through the back door. Information having been given to the police, two brothers, named Thomas and George Macklin, of Mountain-street, aged respectively 14 and 11 years were apprehended on suspicion, and were on Thursday morning brought up before J. R. Pritchard, Esq., and John Davies, Esq. Formal evidence having been given, on the application of Deputy-Chief-Constable Harris, they were remanded on bail until Monday.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 24th. 1897.
During the past week a change has been made in the proprietorship of the Nelson Emporium, which for so many years has been so successfully carried on by Messrs. Morris and Davies. The business this year celebrated its diamond jubilee, having been established in 1837 by Mr. Richard Owen. About 1850, the establishment was taken over by the late Alderman Lewis Lewis, who carried on the business until it was taken over by Messrs. Morris and Davies, who for the past ten years have been continually enlarging and increasing the business, and who have introduced into it the tailoring and furnishing departments, so that it now takes first rank amongst the business establishments of Wales. In June last, Mr. M. T. Morris bought out his partner Mr. Davies, but when, shortly afterwards, Mr. Morris himself decided to retire, he arranged to sell the concern to a new firm which is composed of Mr. Davies, his late partner, and Mr. Brymer, the well-known and enterprising draper of Bethesda, Llanberis, and Festiniog. The business will be carried on under the old name. We are pleased to understand that Alderman Morris does not intend to leave the town. He is still in the prime of life; and a hope is generally expressed that he will now devote himself more than ever to serve the borough and county in various public capacities.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 1st. 1897.
Advert for Hugh Williams. C.D.H. 24th. September, 1897. © K. Morris |
An accident of a very serious character occurred at Carnarvon on Saturday evening, resulting in serious injury to Colonel R. ap Hugh Williams, whose leg had to be amputated. Colonel Williams, who is an active member of the Carnarvon Harbour Trust, accompanied by Mr. Charles A. Jones, another member of the same body, went to inspect the progress being made in the new sea wall which is being constructed by the Trust a short distance from the low-water landing-stage. It appeared that Colonel Williams had occasion to stand upon one end of a plank, the other end of which was kept down by a stone of enormous weight. The oscillation of the plank caused the stone to topple over, with the result that it fell on Colonel Williams's leg and literally pulverised the flesh and the bone from the calf down to the ankle. For some minutes Mr. Jones was unable to obtain assistance. In the meantime he had the presence of mind to bandage above the knee, thereby to a great extent stopping the flow of blood. Eventually several persons went to the assistance of the unfortunate gentleman, who, after being seen by Dr. W. G. Owen, was carried, under Mr. Charles A. Jones's direction, to the Cottage Hospital, where an amputation of the limb was effected by Dr. John Williams, assisted by Dr. Owen. A telegram was also sent to Dr. Bickersteth, of Liverpool, who is an intimate friend of the Colonel, and was then staying in Anglesey, and he arrived soon after the operation had been completed. The Dean of St. Asaph, who is a brother of Col. Williams, also arrived in the town during the night. During Sunday and Monday, the gallant Colonel lay in a precarious condition, and his life was even despaired of, but on Tuesday he took a turn for the better, and the following bulletin was issued on Tuesday afternoon: "Some improvement, strength maintained. - J. Williams, W. G. Owen." - Later inquiries made prove that the improvement in his condition is maintained, and hopes are expressed of a gradual recovery, although his condition is still somewhat critical.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 1st. 1897.
On Friday morning, another accident occurred on the new sea wall. The big crane used thereat became unshipped and fell over. A man named David Jones, who was standing by, was struck and injured in the ribs, whilst the crane fell into the water.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 22nd. 1897.
The registrar of the Carnarvon County Court, on Saturday last, received from his honour Sir Horatio Lloyd his decision in an action heard at the last court, in which Mr. Crispin, of the Prince of Wales Hotel, was sued by Mr. Townley, public-house broker, Liverpool, for £50, commission upon the sale of the effects of the Prince of Wales. - The Judge held that the sum of £20 15s. paid into court by the defendant was ample to meet the claim, and accordingly gave judgment for the defendant with costs. - Mr. Urwin, of Liverpool, was for the plaintiff, and Mr. Bryn Roberts, M.P. (instructed by Mr. Hamer, of Carnarvon), for the defendant.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 29th. 1897.
In consequence of the hands of the town clock having stuck together, it is now undergoing repairs. Considerable inconvenience has been caused to the townspeople generally, and one wag said in derision that the town clock would have nothing to do with the election, and that it had gone to "wash its hands" of the whole thing.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 29th. 1897.
On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Crispin, the genial landlord and landlady of the Prince of Wales Hotel, entertained a large number of workmen, comprising masons, joiners, painters, &c., who had been engaged building the extensions which have recently been made to this hotel. Mr. J. K. Crispin presided at the table, supported by Mr. Edward Parry, builder and contractor, and Mr. Richard Morgan, painter. After all had enjoyed the good things which had been prepared in abundance, a very interesting programme was gone through. - Mr. Walter Williams proposed, on behalf of his fellow-workmen, a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Crispin for their hospitality, which was carried with hearty cheers. - Mr. Crispin responded, and thanked all present for their co-operation in carrying out the extensions so well. The hotel was now twice the size it was some twenty years ago. He was glad the whole work had been carried out without a single accident. He thanked the company for the way they had received the name of Mrs. Crispin and himself.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 29th. 1897.
It was announced at a committee meeting of the Carnarvon Town Council, on Friday evening, that Mr. Lloyd W. G. Hughes, of Coedhelen, the high-sheriff for the county, had made a free gift to the town of a very valuable plot of land opposite the Royal Hotel. It is an open secret that for some time past the council has been negotiating with several owners of property in this part of the town with a view of purchasing land for the purpose of widening Bangor-street, and making new main arteries to connect the Twthill district with the railway station. Lord Penrhyn, the Hon. F. G. Wynn, Mr. Assheton-Smith, and the trustees of Pendref Chapel are the owners of those plots which the corporation coveted in order to carry out the necessary improvements, and thanks to the energy displayed by Messrs. M. T. Morris, J. Issard Davies, and Dr. Williams, the proprietors of the land have now expressed their willingness to come to terms. The first scheme of the corporation, after acquiring the land in question, is to widen Bangor-street, and Mr. Assheton-Smith has intimated his intention of giving Grove House as a gift to the town. Then the trustees of the Pendref Chapel are ready to sell the two houses in front of the chapel for the same purpose. With regard to the access to Twthill, a scheme is in course of preparaton for making a wide road from Bangor-street to Twthill-terrace, almost at the point where that terrace joins North-pen'rallt, and this will not only do away with the steep hill in Twthill-lane, and provide an easy gradient to that populous district, but it will also shorten the distance between Twthill and the station, and place the Pavilion and the new Board Schools on the side of a main road. In order to carry out this improvement it will be necessary to demolish the stables adjoining the house of Dr. Griffith; and arrangements are being made whereby these will be removed to another spot. The gift of Mr. Lloyd Hughes consists of a plot of land about 3500 square yards in extent.
A correspondent writes:- The name of the Squire of Coedhelen was, a short time ago, mentioned in connection with the mayoralty of the town; and since his genorosity has been made known to the public the feeling that he should be offered the civic chair has been greatly strengthened. When we add that there is a disposition on the part of some of the Liberal members of the council to offer the chair next year to a Conservative, and that one of the Conservative members who considers he has a claim upon it has expressed his willingness to waive that claim in favour of Mr. Lloyd Hughes, it is felt that at any rate he will be offered the honour. The town council next year contemplate carrying out several improvements, and it is believed that if Mr. Hughes accepts the honour he can do much to help on the work.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 5th. 1897.
The new Board Schools in course of erection in the Pavilion field are rapidly approaching completion. Both blocks of buildings are now under roof, and the belfry is being put up. The windows of one block have also been put in.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 11th. 1897.
We understand that Messrs. H. H. Stenning and S. J. Norton, of the Union Ironworks, have made an application for a patent for an improvement in gas compressing pumps.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 26th. 1897.
Mr. Fred. Billing, of the Alexandra Hotel, was successful in passing his final examination as dental surgeon in London last Saturday.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 26th. 1897.
The greatest attaction in Carnarvon in the course of a remarkable dull month is the Industrial Trade, Food, and Sanitary Appliances Exhibition which was formally opened by Dr. Parry, the mayor, on Tuesday afternoon. An exhibition on so large a scale, and which, moreover, promises to be very successful, has never before been held in the town. Thanks to the energy and enterprise displayed by our local tradesmen, there is every reason to believe that the promoters will have good cause to look back to their visit to the oldest town in Wales with pride. It is right that we should mention at the outset that this very interesting exhibition has been promoted by Messrs. John Wright and Co., of Birmingham and London, and a syndicate of well-known firms, for the purpose of introducing to the notice of the public several new articles for household and other uses. The Pavilion has been most tastefully laid out in an artistic fashion, and most of the drapery beautifully arranged by Mr. James Hughes, of High-street. The displays of local firms, however, vie with those of the visitors in points of attractiveness and decorations, and it is not too much to say that the Pavilion has for the nonce been transformed into a beautiful bazaar pleasing to the eye and interesting to the mind.
When the doors were thrown open on Tuesday afternoon, hundreds of people streamed in and having given a cursory glance round the stalls congregated in front of the spot where the Mayor and Mayoress stood surrounded by members of the town council and some of the leading men of the town.
Mr. J. F. Davies, on behalf of the promoters, welcomed the Mayor and Mayoress to the exhibition, and said they were delighted to have the honour of their presence and pleased to see that so many of the inhabitants had responded to the invitation to the exhibition. The object of the exhibition was to introduce practically to them some of the most important domestic appliances and to do good to the trade of the town (hear, hear).
Advert for Williams Jones. C.D.H. 24th. September, 1897. © K. Morris |
The Mayor, in the course of his remarks, said that the primary object of the exhibition was a commercial one - to bring to the notice of the public articles of trade, some of which were new and others well known. It was not in any way a rival shop to the many they had in the town, but an exhibition to show articles which might be purchased by the local tradespeople. It was also an educational and instructive institution, and he referred now more expecially to the course of lectures which would be given, and which he hoped the ladies would take advantage of (hear, hear). This was an age of examinations and perhaps it was not very far distant when all young couple intending to start life together would have to pass an examination as to their fitness to enter the matrimonial state. And the subjects the ladies would have to contend with would be probably laundry work and cookery (laughter). He trusted, therefore, that the opportunities which would be given them here would be taken advantage of and that in future they should have none of those improvident marriages which brought more misery into the world than anything else, contracted on the maximum of knowledge and more domestic felicity and happiness which would certainly follow the desire of housewives to know more about domestic economy. Nothing tended to encourage drunkenness more than the want of domestic economy, for badly-cooked food created a desire for stimulants which man generally obtained at the expense of his home. He hoped, therefore, that the lectures on laundry work and cooking would be well attended. Another thing he would like to bring to their notice was the gas cooking stoves, which were in charge of experienced men fully able to explain how to treat them. If these stoves were brought into more common use they would soon have a further reduction in the price of gas in Carnarvon (laughter and applause). There was also in connection with the exhibition an entertaining part, and the entertainments would be instructive. He understood there was going to be a lecture on the culture of the hair. Well, that was most important in the face of what scientists said that the day would come when man would be a hairless individual. That would be a great catastrophe - (laughter) - and he hoped that the results of lectures such as these would tend to keep back the days when man would be quite baldheaded. He had great pleasure in declaring the exhibition open (applause).
Mr. Edward Hughes proposed a vote of thanks to the Mayor for opening the exhibition. As one of the oldest tradesmen in Carnarvon, he felt pleased to think that they were moving in the right direction, and doing all they could to make the town, from a commercial aspect, the most important in North Wales (hear, hear). The fact that they had an exhibition of this kind in the town proved that they were enterprising and up to date, and that they knew the commercial value of an effort such as this. They lived in an age when they could not know too much, and if they wanted to compete with their rivals in trade it was well for them that they took every opportunity of increasing their knowledge in commercial matters. He would be pleased to see gas introduced into every house in the town not only as an illuminant but also as a powerful aid to cooking, for that would not only benefit the cooking for the family but prove advantageous to the town.
Mr. J. T. Roberts seconded the motion, which was carried amid applause.
The exhibition was then thrown open, and acting upon the advice given in the speeches the ladies trooped by the score to hear a most instructive lesson in practical cookery by Mrs. Page, gold medallist and first-class diplomee of the South Kensington School of Cookery. These lectures are given twice daily, and to-day (Friday) a special lecture on the culture of the hair will be delivered.
It is also interesting to note that
The Eureka Gas Cooker is exclusively used, and that practical demonstrations are given as to how food should be properly cooked. The promoters have also arranged to provide at least two dinners to those who attend, so that people may not only see how the thing is done, but what is far more important, how palatable it can be. Messrs. Wright and Co. have occupied very considerable space - indeed, almost the whole of the front of the stage, to exhibit their goods, the most prominent of which is naturally the Eureka Gas Stove, which, we understand is highly spoken of and which commands a ready sale. Judging from the results of similar exhibitions elsewhere, it is evident that this is the stove of the future. The firm's representative in charge will gladly give full particulars regarding these wonderful inventions, and provide all who care to interview him with the requisite information.
"Cadbury's Cocoa" is so well known that it needs hardly to be mentioned, yet we cannot pass by without admiring the very neat stall where sample cups of the delicious beverage, prepared in the most approved manner, may be obtained. When one tastes this cocoa as it is and ought to be prepared it reminds one of how necessary it is to well understand the science of cooking. There is more in the preparation than is generally given credit to, and probably that is the reason why this stall was continually besieged.
Then come the stall of the celebrated D. C. L. Yeast, fully supplied with the well-known property so necessary for the preparation of the staple article of food.
A phonograph close by is being well patronised, and all the visitors to the exhibition will, undoubtedly, stop to hear the Grand Old Man delivering his great speech on Home Rule when he denounces the House of Lords.
Messrs. Cowen and Co. have provided a very fine supply of cutlery, and makes a speciality of carving knives and forks.
Messrs. Maher and Co., oculists and opticians, make a fine show of glasses to suit every sight. Daily they give free sight testing and consultations. Physicians and eminent men praise Maher's glasses.
Messrs. Morton and Co., of Sheffield, introduce their Sheffield plate polish and blotting stone, which will be a great boon to all who write, and other novelties.
Mr. E. Dale, of Chester, has a fine display of pianofortes, organs, and other musical instruments, by the best makers, and intending purchasers cannot do better than visit this stand before making a selection. In addition to musical instruments there can also be had at this stall a large assortment of popular songs and other kind of music. Mr. Dale makes a speciality of the exhibition model piano, in walnut case, with gilt and incised or marqueterie panels, iron frame, full trichord, brass tuning plate, best check action, patent celeste pedal, and all the latest improvements. The stall, which is prettily arranged, is under the supervision of Mr. H. J. Andrews, the manager.
Other exhibitors are:- The Titan Soap Company; Hall's Cocoa Wine Company; Victoria Date Vinegar and Derby Sauce; Keen's D. S. F. Mustard; Messrs. King and Co., London, the makers of "Elwards's desicated soup"; Orlando Jones's Starch; Hovis Bread; Bird's Custard Powder; Hinde's hair curlers; Hugon's refined beef suet; and the Encore Lemon Cheese. That wonderful discovery, the "Rentgen Rays," is also practically demonstrated and creates considerable interest.
During the present week, Mr. Cooper, of London, has been showing his "magic drain cleaner" at the Pavilion, and has given practical demonstrations before several members of the council, officials, and estate agents, on drains in the town, and has given entire satisfaction to all.
have come out well; and at the entrance to the Pavilion,
Messrs. Pritchard Brothers display some fine modern specimens of boats built on their own premises. An English canoe and a 12-foot centre-board of the most modern design, a yacht's punt, and a pair oared sculling boat are greatly admired by the visitors.
Advert for Edward Hughes. C.D.H. 24th. September, 1897. © K. Morris |
Mr. Edward Hughes, irononger, is also to the fore with a fine show of incandescent lights, cooking ranges, and gas stoves, tile grates, and mantel pieces, tile hearths, and wood, iron, and enamel chimney pieces, all forming a very pretty sight. The adjoining stall of Messrs. Hughes and Co., Cambrian Varnish, Colour, and Paint Works, as the name implies, is devoted entirely to paints, &c. A fine piece of sculpture, beautifully painted in gold, immediately attracts the eye. This stall is in charge of Mr. W. C. Whiskin, and samples are shown of almost every ingredient used in the manufacture of paint and enamel. They make a speciality of the Cambrian metalic paints and their cycle oils.
The Welsh Cycle Manufacturing Company, Limited, command a capital position in the centre of the hall, and for beauty and taste "the turn-out" can hardly be excelled. It is the only Cycle Manufacturing Company in Wales, and all who visit the exhibition would do well to inspect these popular machines. The Lady's "Mona," in transparent enamel, in green and gold, primrose and scarlet, and French grey and gold, are exquisitely finished and sweetly pretty, whilst the gentleman's machines are attractive and choice in design. A careful examination of the stand will convince sceptics that the machines made in Wales are equal to any turned out in Coventry or Birmingham.
Messrs. Thomas Lewis and Co., of Bangor, display a capital selection of groceries, and have a fine show of their Snowdon Flake Flour, which gained a gold medal in 1892.
Mr. David Parry, cycle agent, Palace-street, has on view the leading lines for next season by all the best makers, among which are the following:- The Rudge-Whitworth, the Swift, Coventry Cross, Balmoral, and the Bard. Mr. Parry is also agent for the well-known makes:- New Premier, Singer, Hobart, New Esmond, and Osmond. The stand is well worth a visit by those who intend to purchase cycles by the most renowned English makers.
White's "Wincycles" are also exhibited.
In addition, selections of music are given at intervals, and during the week the artistes of the exhibition are ably assisted by the Carnarvon Orchestra and Male Voice Party.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 3rd. 1897.
We understand that Mr. John Hamer, solicitor, of this town, has taken over the business carried on until now by Mr. J. R. Prichard, solicitor, at Carnarvon and Llanberis.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 10th. 1897.
An accident occurred at the Union Works on Monday morning, by which a workman named Morris Ellis, residing at New-street, sustained serious injuries. It appears that whilst at work, Ellis's hand came in contact with the machines, and his arm was drawn into the wheels, and was badly crushed. He was extricated with considerable difficulty, and conveyed to the Cottage Hospital.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 10th. 1897.
At a special police court held on Friday morning, before J. R. Pritchard, Esq., Caradoc Williams, Carnarvon, was charged with breaking into the Barracks, in Crown-street, on the previous night. Evidence was given by Ellen Jones, the wife of Robert Jones, to the effect that she felt the bed lifting about midnight, and soon afterwards a man got up and attempted to outrage her. Everybody in the house was asleep, but she awoke them, and the man was turned out. She knew that the man was prisoner by his voice. - Mary Ann Hughes, the landlady, swore that the lock of the outer door had been slipped back, and that the back windows had been opened. - Jane Ann Flynn also gave evidence. The prisoner was remanded in custody until Monday.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 10th. 1897.
On Friday evening, an accident of a most peculiar nature occurred near the Anglesey Inn. A young man named Thomas Williams, hailing from Penygroes, who had come to the fair, tied his horse to the pillar of the portico of the Angelsey Inn. Mr. Bray, the landlord, asked him to undo the knot, and whilst Williams was in the act of doing so, one of the artillery cannons were fired, and the horse was frightened. In plunging, he pulled down the portico, which weighed about half-a-ton, and it fell on the unfortunate young man. Mr. Bray, who was standing close by, had the presence of mind to step back, and had a miraculous escape from being buried under the debris. He lost no time in extricating Williams from his perilous position, but when the stone and lead were removed, the young fellow was found to be unconscious, having sustained serious injuries to the head, neck, and shoulders. He was conveyed to the Cottage Hospital.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 24th. 1897.
The master and teachers of the Twthill Board School tender their warmest thanks for the numerous subscriptions and presents so kindly given in aid of a Christmas treat for the school children.
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