From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 7th. 1898.
The new year was heralded in at the Pavilion in the usual way by a dance, at which there was a large number present. Dancing was kept up until three o'clock in the morning, music being supplied by the orchestra, under the conductorship of Mr. Alex. Corrison.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 14th. 1898.
We understand that a number of young men of this town have formed a Thursday Football Club. This will afford amusement to the numerous Thursday holiday seekers, as previously there was no attraction whatever in the town.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 28th. 1898.
Advert for the Golden Goat. C.D.H. 25th. February, 1898. © K. Morris |
We understand that a scheme has just been approved of by the highway and improvement committee of the town council, which will clear the way for the carrying out of another scheme first promoted years ago by Mr. J. R. Pritchard, J.P., for the housing of the working classes. The main object of the new scheme is to construct a wide carriage road from the Llanberis road to Bethel road. At present a narrow highway passes the Siloh Chapel and proceeds in the direction of Tanyrallt. On one side, the road is bounded by the Cadnant Brook. The trustees of Siloh Chapel are anxious to bring forward the front of the chapel to a spot in the middle of the present road, and in order to do this it will be necessary to cover the brook. The land on the other side is the property of Col. Brown, of Chester, and that gentleman is prepared to sell the land at a nominal price on condition that the place is improved. It is, therefore, proposed to accept this offer, and to place a culvert over the brook for a distance of 30 or 40 yeards so that it will run for that distance under the new road. The land on the other side will then be available for the erection of houses for the working classes, and the Siloh Chapel will be brought forward almost to the middle of the present road. It is further understood that the trustees of the chapel are prepared to contribute nearly one-half of the cost. The scheme for the housing of the working classes has not yet matured; but it may be said, that the borough surveyor has been instructed to prepare plans, and that the deputy-mayor, when those plans are ready, will be expected to promote the scheme, which we understand will provide among other things for the demolition of the tenements which adorn Tanyrallt, and several of the old courts which set off the hinterland of Mountain-street.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 11th. 1898.
The number of cases dealt with by the local bench of magistrates last year was nearly one thousand, whereas the number for 1896 was under eight hundred, showing as increase of two hundred.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 11th. 1898.
A dispute has occurred at the De Winton Foundry, and several of the moulders have struck work. It is stated that the moulders have come into conflict with the new manager of their department, who has, it is alleged, introduced a number of strangers into the foundry. Some demonstrations of a mild character have taken place.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 11th. 1898.
On Sunday evening last, the Rev. D. Stanley Jones delivered a special sermon at Salem Chapel, in which he dealt more especially with the moral tone of the town. He based his remarks upon Kings XXII, 12 and 15. He strongly denounced those professors of religion who frequented places of amusements in the town, such as dances and Sunday concerts. He urged public men to set their faces against this kind of thing, although some who ought to know better spoke of "Pharisaism."
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 18th. 1898.
On Wednesday morning, a pipe from the roof of Mr. Humphreys's shop, in Eastgate-street fell, and struck a woman who happened to be passing at the time with a baby on her arm. Both had a narrow escape. The baby was unhurt, but the woman received a nasty blow on the shoulder.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 18th. 1898.
The old bell of Christ Church, which was presented by the vicar to Bishop Oluwole, on his recent visit to this town, is now doing duty at the Church at Lagos, in Africa. The other day the church bell of St. Mary's was examined, and on it was found the words "Thomas Bilbie cast me 1740; John Wynne, Mayor; W. Williams, Esq., Robert Carreg, Esg., bailiffs.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 18th. 1898.
At a meeting of the school board on Monday evening, Mr. W. G. Thomas presiding, it was resolved that the formal opening of the new schools should take place on St. David's Day. The Chairman of the Board will be presented with a gold key to perform the ceremony, and a procession of school children, headed by the Town Band, will march from the old to the new schools. Then a public meeting will take place when a few songs and short speeches will be delivered. A commemoration treat will be given to the children a few weeks later, in the shape of a tea, towards the expenses of which the members of the board and the Carnarvon public have most generously subscribed. A special table will be preserved for the old British School boys, and will be presided over by Mr. Griffith Jones (Graianfryn), Cae Cristo.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 25th. 1898.
The idea of providing an organ for this chapel has been abandoned for the present, it being thought unwise to proceed with the scheme until the corporation has finally decided what steps to take with the Bangor-street improvements.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 25th. 1898.
Advert for the Golden Goat. C.D.H. 3rd. June, 1898. © K. Morris |
At the Carnarvon Borough Petty Sessions, on Monday, before the Mayor and other magistrates, John Hughes, John Price, Hugh Williams, Robert Owen Davies, and John Powell, who were until recently employed at the De Winton Iron Works, were charged with intimidating Stanley Clabberton, another workman, and Mrs. Powell, the wife of John Powell, was charged with assaulting him. - Mr. Richard Roberts prosecuted, and Mr. J. T. Roberts defended. - In the course of his opening remarks, Mr. Richard Roberts dwelt at length upon the disagreements which had taken place between the men and the management at the foundry, and said that the charge was made under Section 7 of the Conspiracy & Protection Act of 1875. A section of the moulders employed had taken exception to the management, and the disturbance commenced in March last. The matter was then compromised and the men having struck went back to work. It was arranged that they should select their own foreman, and a man named Mr. Davies was appointed, but the men turned upon him and another foreman - Mr. Bee - was selected, but by-and-by the men turned upon him again and a third foreman - Mr. Price Jones - was appointed. The management was not quite satisfied with Mr. Jones because they had some special work on hand and this particular work could best be done by workmen who had been used to it. So the management selected Mr. Clabberton as foreman about the beginning of December. The Welsh section of the moulders continued to work quietly until after the Christmas holidays when several more workmen were required and brought into the works. The moulders struck against this innovation, and eight of them refused to work. However, four returned and got work. Mr. Clabberton invited the others to return and asked for their reasons for striking. There was plenty of work for all, but the men refused to come back. The next step which Mr. Stenning did was to engage two or three more men to take the place of those who had struck, and on the morning of the 7th. of February these men came to Carnarvon, and the four moulders who had returned to work gave a day's notice to leave. The same day when the new men were leaving Clabberton and some others were about to ascend the steps by the foundry but noticed that there was a crowd of people about so they retraced their steps and left the works by the other end, intending to go up the steps near St. Helen's-terrace. They went up that way but were met by Mrs. Powell, who was picketting, and before they could reach a place of safety the whole crowd came up through Love-lane, greatly excited. Mr. Norton, who was with the workmen, managed to keep the crowd away, and Clabberton went on, but Mrs. Powell jumped at him, and scratched his face, and otherwise assaulted him, asking what about a character for her husband. Later in the evening, Clabberton came down to town, and on the corner of Castle-square he was seen by the defendants and some other men. They called out to him, used filthy language, and followed him along the street. He evaded them by turning down Bangor-street up Twthill-lane, and reached his home in Gelert-street. The following morning Clabberton went to his work as usual, but when he reached Llanbeblig-road a stone was hurled at him. This was about six o'clock in the morning and it was dark. Just at the corner of Dinorwic-street two or three more stones were thrown and he began to fear and ran home. He did not again attempt to go to work until it was daylight. At twelve o'clock and five o'clock the same day there were crowds of people near the steps at the foundry jeering and hooting, and there was another disturbance in the evening. Clabberton went to the station to meet a man named Renee, who was to have gone to work at the foundry. Lodgings had been arranged for this man but when he got there his luggage were turned out of the house and he failed to get lodgings in the town. So he determined to return home with the eight o'clock train that night. As Clabberton was taking him to the station they were met by crowds of people who followed them part of the way hooting and jeering, and as he was coming back he met three of the defendants at the corner of the George Hotel. He went to a constable and asked for protection, but the officer told him he took his instructions from Supt. Harris, and eventually Clabberton met Mr. Norton and together they went home to Gelert-street. In consequence of these disturbances Mr. Stenning had been obliged to billet his workmen in the foundry and now they asked for the protection of the Bench and that the defendants might be bound over to keep the peace.
Advert for the American Oyster Saloon. C.D.H. 25th. February, 1898. © K. Morris |
Henry Alexander Stenning, the manager of the works, then gave evidence in support of Mr. Roberts's speech, and in cross-examination, he said that during another dispute which had taken place at the foundry four of the defendants escorted him home to protect him against others. After the men had been billetted at the foundry he would not be surprised to hear that Clabberton was about the town. He did not know whether Clabberton was afraid of the men, but at his (Mr. Stenning's) desire, he went to the foundry to stay. He would not be surprised to hear that during 60 years prior to his taking over the management there had been no dispute with the men (applause). He had been obliged to stop the moulders last year in consequence of the fitters striking. It was true that about a fortnight ago some of the moulders applied for work but he could not employ them at that time. Before he took over the management the men used to be paid by the day, but he refused to do that, and that was the cause of the first dispute. He had not been anxious the get the Welshmen away from the works. He did not know that John Price had been working in the foundry for 35 years and he did not know anything against his character. He had no personal emnity against either of the defendants only they interfered with the management. He had been brought up as a mechanical engineer and he knew the work well.
At this stage, Mr. C. A. Jones suggested that an amicable settlement might be arrived at if the parties were to adjourn to a private room. This was accordingly done, and the Mayor announced that the prosecution had agreed to withdraw the charge. - The defendants had through their solicitor said that they had not interfered with the workmen and had no intention of doing so. The Bench hoped they would not hear any more about the dispute.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 1st. 1898.
A correspondent writes: There have been more assaults on the police in the borough of Carnarvon during the past three months than in any previous quarter in the recorded annals of the police courts. The laxity of the borough magistrates with ruffians is undoubtedly the cause of the increase of this particular kind of crime. Perhaps it would do some of our magistrates good were they to be kicked like a football in Turf-square once in a week for a few months.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 22nd. 1898.
At a special meeting of the local governors held under the presidency of Mr. J. Issard Davies, J.P., on Monday evening, it was resolved to cancel the existing contract for erecting the new school, and accept that of Messrs. Williams and Roberts, Carnarvon, for £6510.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 13th. 1898.
The Anglesey Inn which, when the new Aber Bridge has been completed, will be situated in one of the most suitable spots in the town, is being reconstructed. The whole of the front will be practically pulled down, and rebuilt in the modern style. New bars will be added, and club rooms provided for the members of the rowing and sailing clubs, whose headquarters will probably be here. The alterations will be the means of beautifying a part of the town which stands in need of ornamentation, and which, undoubtedly, in the near future is destined to be a very popular pleasure thoroughfare.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 20th. 1898.
Messrs. Pritchard Brothers, boat builders, have secured a large contract for the repairs needed on the boats of Her Majesty's warship "Colossus."
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 20th. 1898.
There resides in Pool-lane, Carnarvon, an aged couple who have enjoyed 62 years of married life. These are Mr. Owen Griffith, blacksmith, who is 90 years of age, and his wife who is 86. It is believed that they are the oldest married couple in the town.
Advert for Griffith Owen. C.D.H. 25th. February, 1898. © K. Morris |
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 27th. 1898.
For the last few weeks owing, no doubt, to the rapid growth of the town, general complaints are made as to the water supply being inadequate. In order to cope with the increased demand for water, the town council asked the sanitary committee to give the matter their early and serious consideration. This, it seems, the committee have done, and on Tuesday week a meeting of the sanitary committee had been summoned for the purpose of further considering the extension scheme of the waterworks. However, the plans were not ready, and the matter was adjourned to a special meeting of the committee called for last Tuesday, in order to approve of the plans, and also with the view of making a recommendation to a special meeting of the town council which it was intended to convene for Tuesday next. Last Tuesday's committee had to be adjourned again to Tuesday next, when it is to be hoped the matter will be finally disposed of. The object of the special meeting of the council was to have been to pass the necessary resolution for the purpose of obtaining the Local Government Board's sanction to a loan to carry out the necessary work in connection with the waterworks.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 10th. 1898.
The other day, an accident occurred to Mr. Kinsley, photographer, whilst he was photographing a yacht lying in the Straits. It appeared that he had already taken it in one position, and whilst moving on to a ship to get another view, he and his attendant, who were encumbered with the photographic apparatus, fell into the water, but were eventually rescued being but little injured by an unexpected "ducking."
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 10th. 1898.
On Wednesday morning, an incident occurred in Eastgate-street which, but for the gallant and plucky action of P.C. William Jones (42), might have resulted in serious damage to property, attended, perhaps, with loss of life. A horse attached to a cart belonging to Messrs. Thomas and Edwards took fright and began careering towards Turf-square, when the officer, who was on duty near the spot, rushed forward and pulled him up with great difficulty. The street was at the time busy, and there were many people about. The officer was dragged for a considerable distance and sustained some injury, but he bravely stuck to the reins and eventually managed to bring the frightened animal under control.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 17th. 1898.
The proposed new bridge, which, according to the specifications, is to be erected at the Aber Ferry, at the estuary of the Seiont River, will consist of one swing span, about 156 feet long, with a clean waterway 85 feet wide, and two fixed spans, each about 47 feet long, all supported on screw piles, and will be turned by means of a gas engine and other machinery. The whole of the girder work is to be steel, and the piles are to be of the same material six inches in diameter. It is intended that the point of each pile shall be screwed to a depth of at least 17 feet below the surface of the ground. After the completion of the bridge the whole is to be painted three coats (different tints) and be left a colour approved by the engineer. The engine house is to be substantially built of timber, and with windows and venilators all round.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 24th. 1898.
Last week, a shoal of propoises entered the Straits, and one, of considerable size, was seen disporting itself near the entrance to the dock. The fish occasionally leaped out of the water, and a large number of people witnessed the interesting sight.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 24th. 1898.
The work of constructing the bridge over the Aber has actually commenced, and Messrs. Cochrane and Sons, the contractors, are represented locally by Mr. Guest, who informed our representative that as far as possible all the materials necessary will be obtained locally, and the men employed will be from Carnarvon, if they can be obtained. He also stated that the bridge, when completed, will be a handsome structure, and will reflect great credit upon Mr. Wawn, the engineer. The contractors have been allowed 18 months to complete the bridge, but given fine weather, and a plentiful supply of material, he expects it to be finished in half the time.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 29th. 1898.
During the past few days, considerable improvements have been effected in the platforms of the Carnarvon Railway Station. The old tile flooring has been taken up, and re-placed by smoother and less dangerous flags.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 29th. 1898.
Miss Jennie Hughes, of the Golden Goat, Carnarvon, was presented, on her removal from the town to Blaenau Festiniog, with a handsomely-bound Bible and hymn book, by the authorities of the Tanybont Sunday School, as a mark of their esteem, and a recognition of her services as a teacher. Miss Hughes had for many years worked energetically in connection with the school.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 5th. 1898.
The annual holidays at the Elementary Schools terminate this week, but in consequence of the alterations, which are being made in the boys' school in South-pen'rallt, the boys will assemble in the Intermediate School, where they will attend until their own rooms are in such a state as they can be used.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 5th. 1898.
The Registrar of the Carnarvon County Court has just received the decision of his Honour Judge Sir Horatio Lloyd in the cases heard at the last county court, under the Employers' Liability Act, 1880.
In the case of Morris Robert Ellis, who claimed from Messrs. De Winton and Co. the sum of £85 damages for injuries received under circumstances already reported, his Honour gives judgment for plaintiff, damages, £45 with costs according to Scale A.
In the case of Thomas Williams, against the same defendants for £60 damages for injuries received by reason of a defect in the condition of the machinery, his Honour also gives judgment for the plaintiff with £35 damages, costs as Scale B, being the scale between £20 and £50. - Both plaintiffs were represented by Mr. Bryn Roberts, M.P. (instructed by Mr. J. T. Roberts, Carnarvon), Mr. H. Williams, Q.C. (instructed by Mr. C. A. Jones), defending.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 12th. 1898.
Advert for the Golden Goat. C.D.H. 10th. June, 1898. © K. Morris |
The carnival which was held in connection with the Royal Welsh Yacht Club Regatta, on Wednesday evening, proved to be successful in more ways than one. Probably the fact that it had been organised for the purpose of increasing the funds of the Cottage Hospital tended to popularise it more than anything else, for the hospital deserves the warmest support of all the townspeople. A committee, of which Mr. W. Lloyd Griffith was the secretary, had charge of the arrangements, and the Pavilion was thronged with people, many of whom wore fancy dresses and caused no end of amusement to onlookers. Prior to entering the Pavilion, a cycle parade through the principal streets of the town took place and attracted considerable attention. Some of the bicycles were most artistically got up. The Carnarvon Choral Society and the Carnarvon Orchestral Society very generously lent their aid, and during the evening rendered the test pieces at the Festiniog National Eisteddfod. There were also in the Pavilion a number of stalls, beautifully decorated in dainty colours, and presided over by a number of ladies, and there were also many amusements such as is common in gatherings of this kind, though the crush detracted considerably from the enjoyment which would have otherwise been obtained.
Prizes were offered to ladies for the best decorated machines, and these were carried off by (1) Miss Williams, Porthyraur, heather; (2) Miss Jennie Lloyd Griffith, harvest; (3) Miss Cissie Owen, Japanese; (4) Misses Quilter, gipsies.
The awards made to gentlemen riders were:- Best turnout rider on machine: 1, Mr. Litherland; 2, Mr. A. Richards; 3, Mr. Peter Hughes; 4, Mr. F. Langton. Best decorated machine: 1, Mr. J. R. Thomas; 2, Mr. Ted Parry; 3, Mr. W. D. Williams; 4, Mr. J. H. Jones. Best fancy dress: 1, Mr. R. O. Roberts; 2, Mr. W. T. Davies; 3, Mr. R. J. Williams; 4, Mr. H. Milliard. Most comical turnout: 1, Mr. S. W. Parnham; 2, Mr. O. T. Evans; 3, Mr. G. Robinson; 4, Mr. D. Kelly.
Amongst the cyclists who took part in the triumphal procession were the following, whose characters are given also:- Messrs. R. Williams, Buffalo Bill; J. R. Thomas, Indian Chief; R. J. Williams, Sir Walter Raleigh; James W. Owen, Lord Darnley; J. Roberts, Dic Turpin; W. Davies, Metropolitan Bank, Life Guardsman; W. Litherland, Mephistopheles; R. Jones, cow-boy; J. Williams and Caradoc Rowland, naval officers; Howell Evans, clown; John Roberts, brigand; S. W. Parnham, new woman; Dan Kelly, clown; David Thomas, peasant; J. Ayres, Portdinorwic, pirate; Peter Hughes, Robin Hood; David Parry, Faust; H. Richards, beef-eater; Thomas Roberts, pirate king; G. Jones, Blue Beard; R. O. Roberts, Khedive; W. D. Williams, Croatian Prince; J. Parry and Walter Jones, Welsh couple; _____ Eames, Red Indian; James Shaw, clown; J. Barber, Robinson Crusoe; W. Orme, missing link; O. Sheffield, nigger; Ernest Pughe, "Charley's Aunt"; F. Thomas, "Private Secretary"; J. H. Jones and J. Williams, lifeboat men; W. Steel, school-girl; Captain Roberts and Griffith Williams, bear and keeper; Ll. Cole, Stars and Stripes; Teddy Parry, coster; J. Rouen, Irishman; F. Lacey, policeman; Samuel Rees, toff-up-to-date; Philip Langton, Livingstone; J. Cowper, clown; R. Hughes, R.N.R.; _____ Miliad, "Snowdon Flake"; G. Robinson, minstrel; Dr. Evans, Ellis Owen, and O. T. Evans, Alfred Richards, black and white.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 19th. 1898.
Advert for David Evans & Co. C.D.H. 25th. February, 1898. © K. Morris |
Mr. Evan Thomas, of Carnarvon, who has been prospecting and mining in the Klondyke country for the past four years, arrived on the Dominion Line steamship "Vancouver," on Monday, in good health, and with £4500 in cash as the result of his work. Mr. Thomas said the winter set in very early last season, and on Christmas Day the thermometer was 40 degrees below zero, the wind blowing a gale. There was not as much suffering from want of food as the preceding winter, and prices were about one-half those then charged. Still, there was great mortality owing to imprudence, especially from alcoholic pneumonia. Spring was early, and the camp of boatbuilders at Lake Linderman began to break up. Of over two thousand gold seekers who had been busy all the preceding autumn building boats to reach Dawson, only a few score had arrived there when he left (June 23rd.), and these were destitute. It became known in May that Mr. Ogilvy, formerly the Government geologist, had failed in his mission to London, and that the long-expected "slump" began. Now it is impossible to sell claims at any price, and shares of most of the Wildcat Improvements and Mining Companies are at the moment worthless. Hundreds of "green" miners are "stranded" at Dawson, Circle City, Linderman, and Weare, and are in a sad plight. He was sure that no more than £3,000,000 had been taken out of the Klondyke country in actual gold ore in the last four years, and the profits on speculative sales of claims have not been any more than this sum. The news of the discovery of gold on Lord Cockburn Island, in Davis Straits, is confirmed. Perhaps, after all, the much-talked of "Mother Lode" may be there.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 26th. 1898.
A meeting of the creditors of Charles Leak, boot and shoe dealer, 1, Bridge-street, Carnarvon, was held at Chester on Monday, the assistant official receiver (Mr. Williams) presiding. The liabilities are expected to rank at £1426 17s. 7d., and the assets are estimated to produce £577 13s. 9d., leaving a deficiency of £849 3s. 10d. The debtor attributes his failure to "loss in trade, which went down owing to bad season since last July." The claims reported at the meeting amounted to £910 19s. 1d. A resolution of bankruptcy was passed, Mr. A C. Palmer, Northampton, being appointed trustee.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 9th. 1898.
On Thursday morning, some workmen employed at the Aber Bridge noticed a large porpoise chasing a salmon in the Straits, and when near the battery, it came so close to the shore that it got stranded, and knocked itself against the stones. The men quickly secured the monster, who measured eight feet in length, and hauled it to the Aber, where crowds of people came to see it.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 23rd. 1898.
Eighteen boys sat at the competitive examination for the £8 offered as a scholarship in the Intermedate School by the trustees of the Dr. Morris Charity. The scholarships were awarded to two pupils from the Carnarvon Board School, namely, H. O. Hitchings, High-street, and R. H. Langton, Pool-lane.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 30th. 1898.
On Friday morning, the Carnarvon police arrested a young servant girl, who was charged with stealing £100 from a house in one of the adjoining villages. The affair created quite a sensation in the town. The accused will be brought before the magistrates to-morrow (Saturday).
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 7th. 1898.
Alderman W. P. Williams having decided to retire from the aldermanic bench after a period of 46 years' service in the town council, it has been resolved to present him with a public testimonial. We understand that all the members of the town council have subscribed towards the fund.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 14th. 1898.
In consequence of considerable dissatisfaction among the stokers at the gasworks, particulars of which we have already reported, the men employed as stokers at the gasworks tendered their notices to cease work last week, but Mr. Ruxton was able, with the assistance of a number of novices, to keep the town well supplied with gas, a task which meant much anxiety and hard work. A number of new men have since been engaged, and at a meeting of the gas committee, on Tuesday night, it was resolved to advertise for a foreman of the gasworks. The gas manager's action in the matter has been upheld by the council, who recognised the services he rendered.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 4th. 1898.
We omitted to state in our report of the funeral of the late Mr. Hugh Williams, cabinet maker, that the whole arrangements were carried out in a satisfactory manner by Messrs. Morris and Davies, of the Nelson Emporium.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 11th. 1898.
We deeply regret to learn the Postmaster has this week lost two of his sons. One died on Thursday, and the other this morning, very suddenly. On all hands, deep sympathy is felt with the stricken family.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 18th. 1898.
Messrs. E. H. Owen and Son have during the past week greatly improved their premises. They have altered the front of their shop in Bridge-street, and placed in the largest single pane of plate glass in the town. Each of the two sheets weighed 550lbs. A Lansom cash railway has also been fixed, which will greatly facilitate business, and now the firm are busily engaged in making a frontage in Pool-side, which, when completed, will make the shop a kind of an arcade between Bridge-street and Pool-side.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 18th. 1898.
Before R. Roberts, Esq., and John Davies, Esq., on Wednesday, Frank Bee, a notorious lad residing in Baptist-street, and Thomas Jones, also of Baptist-street, were charged with stealing oranges from the Market Hall on Monday night. Bee was remanded in custody to the Workhouse until Monday, and Jones was dismissed with a caution.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 18th. 1898.
The statement of affairs has just been issued in the bankruptcy of William Richard Tilling, 6, St. David's-road, Carnarvon, trading as Tilling and Blackburn, Northgate-street, general merchants. The gross liabilities are returned at £5977 10s. 6.; due to unsecured creditors, £4280 0s. 5d.; assets estimated to realise £3352 3s. 11d., less £47 10s. 1d. due to preferential creditors for rent, &c.; alleged cause of failure, "over-trading in furniture on the instalment system." the debtor is a general dealer in glass, china, and furniture, and commenced business 18 years ago, in partnership with Mr. Michael Blackburn, with a joint capital of about £130. There was no deed of partnership, but they shared the profits and losses equally. Mr. Blackburn died in March last, and an account was then taken of the partnership assets and liabilities, and there was found to be a surplus of £700. He thereupon entered into an arrangement to pay Mr. Blackburn's widow half of this amount by three instalments extending over 18 months. He paid £122 down, but he did not pay anything afterwards. There were 174 unsecured creditors, 119 of whom are for sums of £10 and upwards. One of his creditors holds an assignment of book debts and an insurance policy for £100. The debtors comprise nearly 1200 persons, the debts being chiefly small amounts due on the hire purchase system.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 18th. 1898.
Advert for Alex. Corrison. C.D.H. 25th. February, 1898. © K. Morris |
A company has just been incorporated under the Company's Acts under the style of "The Carnarvon Steam Laundry Co., Ltd." The nominal capital is £2500 in 2500 shares of £1 each. The subscribers to the memorandum and articles of association are Messrs. W. A. Darbishire, 500; S. Illien, 100; M. T. Morris, 50; T. Armstrong, 50; W. Farren, 50; J. R. Hughes, 50; H. A. Stenning, one.
The scheme of establishing a Steam Laundry in Carnarvon has been in contemplation for a considerable time and there can be no doubt that the want of one has long been felt.
Recent scientific discoveries and the teaching of scientific men have drawn public attention very forcibly towards sanitation and especially to the various causes of the spread of contagious diseases. To what precise extent infectious diseases may be communicated by the contact of textile fabrics sent to be washed with other infected articles, or in a locality where some infectious disease exists, it is, of course, impossible to determine, but, without doubt, a very real danger does exist under the present system of sending bed clothes and articles of clothing to charwomen to be washed, who have no facilities for disinfecting such articles, and no precautions in this respect can be reasonably expected.
We understand that the Directors of this Company will give special attention to this matter, so that any articles brought in from a house or neighbourhood where any infectious disease has occurred will be submitted to a thorough process of disinfection and will not be allowed to come into contact with any other articles until such process has removed all risk. This fact alone should recommend the project of establishing a Steam Laundry in Carnarvon to the warm support of the citizens and the inhabitants of the surrounding districts, and ensure to the undertaking an undoubted success.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 25th. 1898.
An accident of a painful nature occurred on Saturday morning, at the sawmills of Messrs. John Owen and Son. Whilst a workman named Gomer Richards was engaged at work, his hand came into contact with the circular saw, and he sustained injuries so serious that he had to be conveyed to the Cottage Hospital, where the limb was amputated by Dr. Owen. We are informed that he is now progressing favourably.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 25th. 1898.
A deputation, consisting of the Mayor, several members of the town council, and prominent tradesmen in the town, met Mr. Neele, the district superintendent of the L. and N.-W. Railway Company, at the Carnarvon Station on Wednesday. They laid before him several matters relating to the arrival and departure of trains, the means of access to the Carnarvon Station, and the unsatisfactory way of dealing with the traffic between the town and Anglesey, and Pwllheli especially. - Mr. Neele received them very cordially, and promised to recommend several improvements.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 2nd. 1898.
On Wednesday afternoon, the county coroner (Mr. J. H. Bodvel-Roberts) held an inquest at the County Hall, Carnarvon, touching the death of a child, aged 19 months, of Robert Parry, labourer, residing at 13, Spring-place, South-pen'rallt. Mr. Joseph Roberts, Pool-street, was the foreman of the jury. Mr. J. T. Roberts watched the proceedings on behalf of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Hugh Williams's final advert before his death. C.D.H. 7th. October, 1898. © K. Morris |
Dr. T. Roberts said that on the 21st. of November the child was brought to the surgery. He examined it, and found it was very ill, suffering from lung trouble, bronchitis as he thought. Judging from the filthy state of the child and its general physical condition it appeared to him a case that should be sent to the workhouse infirmary, and he consequently gave an order to that effect to the child's aunt. In the evening of the same day he met the father, and he asked witness why he had ordered the removal of the child, when he repeated the reasons he gave to the aunt. He again saw the child on the 25th. It was lying on a mattress on the floor, and it was in a feverish state. He looked round the one room in the house, but failed to find any other kind of bedding there. The mattress was in a filthy state, and there were neither sheets nor blankets upon it. An old biscuit box served as table, and he failed to see any cooking utensils in the room, which was a good-sized one. The rooms were badly ventilated, and was totally unfit for a sleeping room for two or three persons. The mother, in reply to a question, said that she gave the child milk, and he requested her to continue this treatment. He next visited the house on Sunday morning, and was told that the child died at eight o'clock that day. On Monday afternoon he made a post-mortem examination, and judging from the general appearance of the body, he concluded that the child had been badly nourished. It was normal in size, but he thought it would be rather under weight. There was no external marks on the body, but the internal organs showed indication of bronchitis and pneumonia. Some little nourishment was found in the stomach. The condition of the child prevented it taking nourishment. It was in an emaciated state, which was not attributable to any disease. His opinion was that the child had been for a considerable time underfed, and insufficient clothing and nourishment would contribute to an attack of bronchitis.
Inspector Rowlands, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, said that he visited the house on the 7th. October, and saw the father, mother, and two youngest children. The father was sleeping on a mattress, and the wife was in a neglected and dirty state, with hardly anything to cover her. The day was wet and miserable, but there was little fire in the house. One of the children, aged three years, was barefooted. On the left leg was an open sore, which appeared very painful. Its body was grimy with dirt and covered with vermin. The deceased child was also ill clothed. The other children, who were at school, were much neglected. The furniture consisted of a mattress, and orange box, a bucket, and some empty jam pots, and a broken jug. In a corner of the room slept another woman and a man. The floor of the house was so dirty as to require a spade to scrape it, the box being fastened to the floor by dirt. He might say it was the most miserable place he ever visited. The water closet, which was out of order at the time, was most offensive. He had had experience in large towns and with Whitechapel, in London, but he had never seen places like he had seen in Wales lately. There was a twopenny loaf and some dry bits of bread, with two ounces of butter, in the house. The excuse made by the mother was that her husband had been in prison, and that she had been obliged to sell the furniture. The man, however, was then employed at the dock at Portdinorwic, and received 5½d. an hour. Witness again visited the house on Saturday, accompanied by Sergeant Jones. The door was fastened, and the younger girl was knocking. Witness knocked for some time, and the man opened. He then went in and found the woman and three younger children cuddled up on the mattress. They had nothing to cover them except their own clothing. The mother had an old rag to cover the lower part of her body. There was some fire in the room. He made a remark that the deceased child was breathing very badly. She said that the doctor had been to see it the previous day, and had told her to give it nourishment and to amuse it. She also said that the doctor had told her to take the child to the workhouse infirmary, and that she had taken it there, but when she found that she also would have to become an inmate she took the child back again. Witness then offered to take the parents and the children to the workhouse, but they declined to go. The man said that he had to go to work on Monday, but witness said that he could not allow that state of things to continue. On a shelf there were some few crusts, but he failed to find any cooking utensils in the house. Later, the same day, he again paid a visit to the house, and then found the man and the youngest children lying asleep on the mattress, the corner of which was by the fire, and the least thing would have set it ablaze. He asked the man whether he had any milk for the deceased child that day, and he replied that he had got twopennyworth, but when inquiries were made, he ascertained that no milk was obtained, and that only a halfpenny worth was occasionally bought. He might add that it had been intended to apply for a search warrant, to remove the parents and children by force to the Workhouse. Proceedings by the Society were pending against the man.
A Juryman asked witness whether the state of things he saw could be attributed to poverty.
Witness: No, I say it was due to laziness. Poverty is no reason for being filthy and dirty.
The father said that he carried enough food to the house, and it was not true that he starved his children. His sister gave him a pint of milk at nights.
Dr. J. Evans testified that he saw the deceased child on the 27th. October. It was then in a neglected and filthy condition. There were scratch marks over the body. It was obvious that the child was not well-cared for. But as regards nutrition he could not say anything one way or the other. A child in its condition was susceptible to bronchitis. At the time he saw it its condition was such as to give it a poor chance to withstand an attack of bronchitis. The house was in such a filthy state that the smell was overpowering. The cause was the closet, which was not in order, and the dirty condition of the house. He agreed with Inspector Rowlands that the house was the worst he had seen, and he complained that day to the sanitary authorities. All the children were in a neglected state, and this made them less able to resist disease.
Advert for the Commercial Hotel. C.D.H. 25th. February, 1898. © K. Morris |
The Coroner: In what state was the house before the man was sent to prison?
Sergeant Owen said it had always been in a dirty state. Up to March last the man was in the employ of the corporation, and earned regular wages. Except that he used to get some drink on Saturday nights he saw nothing wrong with him. At one time he (witness) was called to Baptist-street, where Parry then lived, and he saw the wife in a state of drunkenness. After he came out of gaol, he had been working at Portdinorwic. He attributed the man's downfall to the drunken habits of his wife and his sister-in-law.
Insepctor Rowlands said that both the man and his wife admitted to him that they was addicted to drink.
The father said that he had not been working for some time, and, therefore, he could not obtain drink.
The Coroner, in summing up, remarked that the evidence disclosed a serious state of things, and he was afraid that this was the case in a large number of the poor houses in the town.
The jury, after having been occupied in private consultation for some time, returned with a verdict to the effect that the child had died from bronchitis. They, however, added that had the child been properly attended to it would not have died, and it was by the slightest margin that they did not bring in a verdict of manslaughter against the parents, both of whom, especially the wife, were much to blame for the state of the children and of the house.
The Coroner then addressed the parents. He said it was shameful that such a state of things should exist in the town, and when the mother was addicted to drink it was impossible that she could look after the children properly.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 9th. 1898.
We regret to hear that Mr. M. T. Morris is lying seriously ill at Bronmenai. He is being attended to by Dr. John Williams.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 9th. 1898.
Those who run through Pool-street, - and who does not? - must have noticed the great improvements recently carried out at the Tea Mart (Mr. J. R. Pritchard's establishment). It is now without doubt one of the most commodious, handsome, and well-stocked shops in Wales. All the appliances are of the most modern character, and well adapted to cope with a large volume of business.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 16th. 1898.
Arrangements have been made to devote the whole of the second week in the new year to temperance work in the town, and special lectures will be delivered at the various chapels.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 16th. 1898.
A large number of applications for shares in the company recently floated for the establishment of a steam laundry in the town have been taken up, and the directors are about to go into allotments. An effort is being made to get a large number of Carnarvon people to take a small number of shares, rather than allow the whole thing to be in the hands of a few large shareholders. Carnarvon people are beginning to see that such an undertaking is sadly needed in the town, and it will, no doubt, be well supported.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 30th. 1898.
We understand that Mr. Robert Davies, of the George Inn, has handed over the following amounts in lieu of Christmas Boxes:- Cottage Hospital, £3 3s.; St. Mark's Home, £2 2s.; District Nurse Fund, £1 1s.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 30th. 1898.
Last Monday, Mr. D. C. Pritchard, of Coedhelen Ferry, generously treated the poor children and adults attending the Sunday services at Shiloh Bach to a sumptuous treat. In the evening, a concert was held, and at the close hearty cheers were given Mr. Pritchard for his generous treat.
From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 30th. 1898.
On Saturday morning last, it was discovered that an attempt had been made to break into the North and South Wales Bank in Castle-square, some time during the night. The window of one of the caretaker's rooms had been broken and the fastener removed. It was also evident that the burglar had gone in, but on finding that he was in one of the living rooms and likely to be interrupted, he left without doing much damage.
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