The Repository of all Things Historical for the Ancient Welsh Town of Carnarvon

  Castle Square, Carnarvon. Published by Williams & Hughes, Bridge Steet, 1850



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From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 4th. 1901.


News has been received of the death in Harrismith, South Africa, from enteric fever, of Private A. Soper, who was brought up with Mr. John Williams, butcher, Pool-street. Some time back another brother, who was well-known in this town, was killed in South Africa.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 18th. 1901.


On Tuesday evening, the members of the Carnarvon volunteer force assembled by command at the Drill Hall, and were asked if any of them would volunteer to go out to South Africa. Thirty-six members of the corps immediately stepped out and expressed their willingness, subject to being accepted and pronounced medically fit.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 1st. 1901.


On Wednesday night, the members of the local corps of the 4th. V.B., R.W.F., who had volunteered for service at the front, underwent medical examination at the Drill Hall, and ten were passed. They were told to hold themselves in readiness to start on Monday or Tuesday next.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 8th. 1901.


On Monday morning, the eight members of the local corps of the 3rd. V.B., R.W.F., who had volunteered for service in South Africa, left Carnarvon by train for Wrexham. They were Sergeant Ted Williams, Corporals Thomas Lloyd and J. Heard, Privates Howel Evans, David Lewis, W. Hughes, W. S. Evans, and R. Parry, and they were accompanied by Lieut. A. Ivor Parry, of Pwllheli. The band of the battalion played the small contingent to the station, and their departure was witnessed by a few friends and relatives. There was no display such as was witnessed over twelve months ago, when the first contingent left the town, but the men were given a few cigars and tobacco. On Wednesday evening, three of the men were sent back from Wrexham as being physically unfit for service.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 15th. 1901.


We are informed that there is no truth in the story circulated that the proprietors of the Union Foundry intend to construct huge boilers for exportation to America. There is, however, a project on foot to develop the works in another direction. If sufficient land can be obtained, it is intended to extend the foundry and to double the number of hands employed at present. Contracts of a different nature will also be taken in hand, such as the construction of hopper dredgers, &c. Mr. Stenning states that even if they had the machinery to construct large boilers, it would be impossible to take them away from Carnarvon.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 22nd. 1901.


Mr. Evan Owen, baker, &c., Pool-street, has been awarded a gold medal in an open competition for bakers in the United Kingdom, for excellence and purity of bread.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 22nd. 1901.


Considerable inconvenience is still caused by the fact that the Aber Bridge is still kept closed, and that those desirious of crossing are compelled to utilize the corporation boat. Carts and cattle have to be taken round Seiont Bridge, and complaints are loud and numerous.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 1st. 1901.


At the Castle-square Literary Society, on Monday, Mr. T. Sutton Jones, Waterloo Port, opened a discussion on the motion "That the Boers have forfeited all right to independence," and an interesting debate followed.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 1st. 1901.


It is reported that Private Ellis Evans (6324), 2nd. Devons (attached from the 4th. R.W.F.), is lying dangerously ill at Wakkerstrom, having sustained a compound fracture of the skull. He is a son of Mrs. Ann Evans, 27, Mountain-street.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 8th. 1901.


On Friday last, Sergeant H. Jones Parry, of Pool-street, who had but recently joined the Scottish Horse Yeomanry left Southampton per s.s. "Tagus" for the Cape. He passed the examinations successfully, and was directly promoted to the rank of sergeant.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 15th. 1901.


An old man, named Griffith Jones, an inmate of the workhouse, was brought up before Richard Thomas, Esq., and J. R. Pritchard, Esq., on a charge of indecent behaviour at the Eagle's Hotel. He was sent to prison for fourteen days.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 15th. 1901.


The work of laying down the new mains from Quellyn Lake to the town has been commenced, and will mean the emloyement of a large number of men during the summer months. After the new mains have been laid, it is intended to thoroughly cleanse and scrape the old pipes.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 15th. 1901.


A little girl, named Lily Evans, residing in Mountain-street, was badly injured on Tuesday afternoon. It seems that the little girl was watching some children in the house of a neighbour, and whilst reaching something from the mantel-piece her clothing took fire. She rushed madly down the street to her home, thus fanning the flames, and a woman named Jane Parry, with remarkable prescence of mind, threw a bucket of water over her. This did not extinguish the fire, but this was effected shortly afterwards. The little girl was badly injured about the breast and neck, and is being attended to by Dr. Thomas.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 22nd. 1901.


Private Harrington, of Carnarvon, is reported as being dangerously ill with fever at the front. Another young man, namely, Private Dickson, of the Four Alls Vaults, has this week joined the yeomanry, and will proceed to South Africa without delay.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 22nd. 1901.


Messrs. Lake and Co., we understand, intend setting up new machinery for a bacon-curing factory at the Snowdon Factory, and hopes are entertained that about 200 pigs a week are to be killed there. The present machinery at the Snowdon Factory are to be removed to the Peblig Works, the size of which is to be doubled, and thus all the woollen business of the firm will be concentrated in one spot. The bacon-curing factory will prove very convenient to farmers and others.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 29th. 1901.


Mr. Bodvel Roberts held an inquest on Tuesday, upon the body of Lillian Evans, 11 years of age, residing at Mountain-street, who was accidentally burnt a fortnight ago, and died from her injuries on Sunday. The facts have already been reported. Mr. W. Williams Jones was the foreman of the jury, and evidence was given by Mrs. J. Parry, Laura Roberts, and Dr. Thomas, who attended her. The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death."

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 29th. 1901.


Mr. Langton, of Pool-street, whose son, Private George Langton, is out with the volunteers in South Africa, has just received a letter from the War Office authorities, to the effect that they are unable to inform him when his son will be allowed to return, but the Field Marshall trusts that all those who have served so long and so well during the present campaign will be able to return to their homes at the earliest opportunity.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 5th. 1901.


We understand that Mr. Peterson has received an intimation from the Board of Trade to the effect that his application for power to light Carnarvon with electricity has been refused. This, of course, naturally means that the proposed Dinas Dinlle Light Railway will not be proceeded with.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 12th. 1901.


The remaining four of the ten volunteers who first left Carnarvon for the front are now on their way home. They are. Messrs. W. G. Tilling, G. Langton, G. Jones, and Percy Evans. They are expected to arrive at Carnarvon in a fortnight, and arrangements are being made to give them a hearty welcome home. On the Saturday following their arrival the whole battalion will parade at Carnarvon, and it is intended to give the returned volunteers a public reception and a dinner at the Pavilion.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 19th. 1901.


The little daughter of Mr. R. Hope, Wynne-street, fell into the dock on Wednesday, but happily a Naval Reserve man saw the accident, jumped in, and brought her to shore in an exhausted state.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 19th. 1901.


Sergeany-Major Aldridge, Privates Eben Jones and William Gregory were the Carnarvon members of the R.W.F. Mounted Infantry who left the Royal Albert Docks last week for South Africa.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 26th. 1901.


Although the actual figures of the recent census cannot be made known, it may be said that the population of Carnarvon has decreased by nearly 100 during the past decade.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 26th. 1901.


The town council have appointed some of their members to act with outsiders as a committee, to prepare for the reception to be given to the volunteers, on their return from South Africa early next month. The volunteer battalion will parade on that day, and a dinner will be provided in the Pavilion, for those who have been out on active service.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 3rd. 1901.


The local committee appointed to consider how best to show appreciation of the services of the Carnarvon volunteers and militia who went forth to South Africa, have decided to give to each a watch as a memento of the event.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 3rd. 1901.


We understand that Ellis Evans, and Jacob Harrington, both from Carnarvon, have returned home last Thursday. Both of them have been in severe battles in South Africa. Ellis was wounded severely in the head, and Harrington was sent home on account of enteric. The two belonged to the Carnarvon militia.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 3rd. 1901.


The tender of Mr. Robert Jones, Dwyran, Anglesey, has been accepted for alterations and additions to be made in the North Wales Tobacco Works in North-road, which is to be made into a temperance hotel. The tenders received were as follows:- Messrs. Williams and Roberts, Carnarvon, £564; Mr. David Williams, builder, £529; Mr. John Ethall, £445; and Mr. Robert Jones, £350. Mr. Rowland Lloyd Jones is the architect.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 10th. 1901.


We are informed that steps will be taken without delay to discover whether the coal deposits near Parkia Brickworks are likely to turn out renumerative. Expert geologists hold that there are excellent beds of coal under the Menai Straits.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 17th. 1901.


We are pleased to understand that Mr. D. Pierce, of the Golden Goat, who has been indisposed for the last fortnight, is again recovering.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 17th. 1901.


On the 12th. of April William Emmas, the youngest son of Mr. John Emmas, Snowdon-street, died at Kimberley from enteric. The deceased volunteered for active service with the Royal Engineers at the commencement of the campaign.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 17th. 1901.


Mr. Owen Thomas, the head gardener of the late Queen Victoria, has been pensioned off. Some years ago, he was well-known in Carnarvon, and served Sir George Meyrick, at Bodorgan, in the capacity of gardener. He is a brother to Mr. Thomas Thomas, shoemaker, Twthill.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 24th. 1901.


Among those individuals home from the seat of war is Mr. Jack Hughes, the well-known footballer, who was recently employed as engineer at Leeds. Mr. Hughes, who was attached to the Imperial Yeomanry, volunteered some time ago. He has taken part in several important engagements.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 24th. 1901.


About one o'clock on Thursday morning, a fire broke out at a house in Chapel-street. It seems that Mr. Hugh Jones, the occupant of the house, was carrying a candle in his hand when some curtains accidentally caught fire, and in a short time the room was in flames. However, Sergeant Owen, together with John Prichard and Thomas Jones, Baptist-street, succeeded in extinguishing the flames. Hugh Jones was severely burnt in the feet and hands, while endeavouring to save his wife and children. Great praise is due to Sergeant Owen, Prichard, and Jones for the diligent way in which they worked to extinguish the flames.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 14th. 1901.


We are informed that the scheme for improving and widening the Aber road has not, by any means, fallen through. Arrangements are being made to approach Mr. Lloyd Hughes, Coedhelen, with a view to carrying out a series of improvements contemplated, and the squire of Coedhelen will, probably, give them his favourable consideration.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 14th. 1901.


A special meeting of the town council in committee was held on Tuesday evening, to take into consideration the question of the tower and the town clock above the Guild Hall, which was reported to be in a dangerous condition, owing to the timber in the roof having become rotten. The highway committee did not care to accept the responsibility of removng the danger, but the committee of the whole council decided that the matter was imperative, and orders to do so were given. The town clock and the tower will, therefore, disappear in the course of a few days, and as yet no arrangement has been made to provide a new timepiece nor to put up the old one in a new position.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 28th. 1901.


Considerable inconvenience has been caused by the removal of the town clock from the tower of the Guild Hall. The work was accomplished on behalf of the town council by Messrs. John Lloyd and Sons. It is not yet known what will be done with the timepiece, but there is a general feeling that it should be set up again in an advantageous position without delay. The ringing of the curfew has not been discontinued.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 5th. 1901.


In addition to the gold medal and dinner it is proposed to give Trooper Gordon Roberts on his return from the war, we understand that a reception and a medal will be given to Mr. "Jack" Hughes, who has also just returned from South Africa. Mr. Hughes was at one time a prominent member and goalkeeper of the Ironopolis Football Club.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 5th. 1901.


The complaints of inconvenience caused by the removal of the town clock are increasing. The working classes aparently feel the need of the clock, and blame the authorities for not taking immediate steps to replace it. It is said that local clockmakers and repairers have been doing a roaring trade during the past week, and that clocks which have not been going for years have been put in order.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 12th. 1901.


Mr. R. Lloyd Jones, architect, has completed the work of restoring the ceiling of the ballroom of the Sportsman Hotel, and the place now has a very handsome appearance.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 12th. 1901.


In the Hovis competition, just concluded, a prize and a diploma was awarded to Mr. W. Williams, 18, Pool-street. The contest was a very hard one; and Mr. Williams is to be congratulated on his signal success. The firm wrote to Mr. Williams: "We congratulate you most heartily; and hope this success will inspire you to maintain and, if possible, further improve the quality of all the work to which you put your hand."

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 19th. 1901.


During the past week, no fewer than five children fell into the water near the Aber Bridge, and but for prompt attention would have been drowned. On Saturday, also, four little children were encircled by the tide on the sandbank near the mouth of the Seiont, and were saved with difficulty. Something should be done to prevent mishaps of this kind.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 26th. 1901.


The temperature last Saturday was the highest observed at Carnarvon during the last seven years. The maximum temperature was 89.9 in the shade.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 9th. 1901.


On Thursday evening, Mr. Gordon Roberts, solicitor, entertained at the Commercial Hotel, all the Volunteers and Reservists who had returned from active service in South Africa. Mr. Gordon Roberts occupied the chair, and Mr. M. E. Nee the vice chair, and a most enjoyable evening was spent. The catering of Mr. and Mrs. Conlan was excellent. Songs. recitations, etc., were given by Messrs. M. E. Nee, Ernest Pughe, Cuthbert Carter, and others. Corporal Vaughan presided at the piano.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 23rd. 1901.


Considerable excitement was caused on the quay on Monday evening, owing to the fall into the water of a bull belonging to Mr. David Evans. The beast was being conveyed from Anglesey, and crossed in the "Arvon," but near the slip, it went overboard, and had to be dragged with great difficulty to the steps at Porthyraur. A strong ebb tide flowed at the time, and the unfortunate animal was in a very exhausted condition when it was eventually landed on dry ground.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 30th. 1901.


Robert Dixon, the son of Mr. Dixon, of the Four Alls Vaults, is reported as having been seriously wounded in a recent engagement in South Africa.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 13th. 1901.


Between twenty and thirty men of the Militia Reserve returned to Carnarvon from South Africa on Wednesday. Two of them belonged to Carnarvon and the others to neighbouring towns and villages. The poor weather-beaten sunburnt fellows who had borne the brunt of the fighting they were, but they received no official welcome nor hearty greeting except towards evening when their friends from the humbler classes met and recognised them. Thus Tommy is treated when he has done his duty, and when the Jingo fever has abated.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 13th. 1901.


There has been of late great complaints of the rowdyism prevalent in the neighbourhood of Twthill. Residents state that on the common near St. David's Church, big boys and others cause much annoyance by using bad language and indulging in blasphemy. They also climb the walls and invade the gardens and orchards, which are occasionally robbed. On Wednesday, at midnight, the wall of the Pavilion field, opposite West Twthill, was thrown down and a huge gap made, and the residents in the locality were greatly annoyed by a score of unruly youths and girls who marched to and fro, singing ribald songs. The attention of the police should be called at once to this misrule.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 20th. 1901.


Mr. Jack Hughes, a returned volunteer, who at one time was a popular Carnarvon football player, was last week presented by his Worship the Mayor with a gold medal, similar to those given to other Carnarvon volunteers who went to the front.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 20th. 1901.


Private R. Parry (7561) and T. D. Davies (7523), of the 2nd. Vol. Co. R.W.F., have written a letter from Britstown, Cape Colony, in which they state that only four of those who left Carnarvon for the front are in South Africa now, two, namely, J. Heard and Scott Evans, having returned. The Carnarvon detachment has not yet seen active fighting, and though Boers have been reported to be near the camp they say that they have not yet seen one. They report that the cold weather is disappearing though some snow fell in August. The writers state that they do not get many opportunities to worship ("crefydda").

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 27th. 1901.


At the Official Receiver's Offices, Chester, on Tuesday, a meeting of the creditors of William Richard Tilling, general merchant, Northgate-street, Carnarvon, was held. The debtor's statement of affairs showed gross liabilities amounting to £3620 4 6d, and expected to rank at £1661 16s 11d. There was a deficiency of £464 3s 4d, and the debtor attributed his failure to being handicapped through paying a composition to his creditors, making it impossible for him to keep his stock up to condition. A trustee and committee of inspection were appointed to deal with the estate.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 11th. 1901.


A correspondent writes: "Allow me to call attention to the defective lighting of Mill-lane and Crown-street. I do not know whether the proprietors of the Golden Goat would allow the corporation to hang an ornamental lamp from each corner of his premises, but if that could be arranged, a great improvement would be effected. A similar lamp from the corner of Mr. Bradley's shop would also be very useful for lighting North Pen'rallt.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 18th. 1901.


During the past week the Corporation workmen have been busy laying down new gas mains in the main streets of Twthill. It is to be hoped that the public lighting of that locality will be greatly improved in consequence.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 1st. 1901.


On Wednesday evening, the newly-laid gas pipes in Twthill were found to be leaking and by some means or other they got ablaze, causing much consternation and alarm among the inhabitants. The gas manager was immediately sent for, and with some difficulty the outbreak was got under.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 8th. 1901.


A correspondent writes to call attention to what he describes as the neglected condition of Pool-side. He states that the traffic in this thoroughfare is as great as in the main street, yet the corporation seldom attends to it, with the result that is sadly needs metalling. During wet weather, the thoroughfare is covered with mud.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 15th. 1901.


Private W. Gregory, of the Welsh Fusiliers (Mounted Infantry), a native of Carnarvon, who went to the front a few months ago, is reported to be lying seriously ill at Kimberley.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 6th. 1901.


On Friday night, Robert Roberts, son of the late Mr. Roberts, tailor, Northgate-street, left the town for Devonport, and will shortly proceed to South Africa. Roberts, who is a reservist of the Royal Welch Fusiliers, had served many years in the Army. He has already served in the South African campaign, being wounded in the Battle of Spion Kop.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 13th. 1901.


At the meeting of the Pendref Literary Society, on Wednesday evening, the Rev. W. B. Roberts, presiding, a paper dealing with "Old Carnarvon" was read by Mr. Evan R. Evans.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 13th. 1901.


About twenty new policemen were sworn in on Wednesday. This is the new group specially ordered by the standing joint committee at their last meeting. They are a body of men of fine physique, and have been brought from all points of the Principality.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 27th. 1901.


For some weeks past the well-known bard and litterateur Anthropos has been confined to his house by ill-health.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 27th. 1901.


Corporal A. A. White, the son of Mr. Thomas White, Waterloo Port, who since the commencement of the war has served in South Africa with the Royal Scots Greys, has been invalided home. He is at present at the Cambridge Hospital in Aldershot.

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