The Repository of all Things Historical for the Ancient Welsh Town of Carnarvon

  Castle Square, Carnarvon. Published by Williams & Hughes, Bridge Steet, 1850



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From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 2nd. 1903.


On Saturday, Private John Matthews, of the 3rd. V.B., R.W.F., of Spring-place, was buried at Llanbeblig Churchyard, with military honours. The Rev. J. W. Wynne Jones, M. A., the vicar, officiated, and the firing party was under the command of Sergeant Humphreys. En route the "Dead March" from "Saul," and Chopin's "Marche Funebre" were played by the band of the 4th. Batt. R.W.F., under the leadership of Sergeant Moreland.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 2nd. 1903.


On the 4th. ult., Captain Pritchard, of the "Lucania," a native of Carnarvon, and the brother-in-law of Mr. D. T. Edwards, Rock House, was banquetted at West Hoboken, being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Clinton-avenue. The banquetting room had been prettily decorated with combinations of the British and American flags. Among others present were the Hon. H. P. Dorsch and Mr. Enoch Evans, New York. The "Lucania" has recently broken her own record in her trip across the Atlantic.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 2nd. 1903.


The New Year was ushered in at Carnarvon with the usual rejoicings. The Belan cannon announced the fact on the stroke of mid-night, and the bells of the town and the syrens of the steamers in the dock and the harbour heralded the event. The streets were also perambulated by carol singers. - On New Year's Day, the annual preaching services were held at Ebenezer Chapel, and were well attended. The officiating ministers were the Revs. Hugh Jones, D.D., Bangor; R. Morgan, Bangor; J. Humphreys, Aberystwyth; and T. Tecwyn Evans, Aberdyfi.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 9th. 1903.


During the past few weeks, there have been epidemics of measles and influenza in the town. The doctors have had their hands full; but we find that this week the epidemics are abating. Though there have been complications, no fatal cases are reported.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 16th. 1903.


The weather experienced during the past few days has been the severest for some years. The Park Lake was frozen over, and crowds indulged in skating on Thursday. So hard did it freeze that day and night that the Seiont was frozen over, and the harbour was covered with a thin sheet of ice.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 16th. 1903.


On Wednesday, several of the borough magistrates visited and inspected all the public-houses within the borough, accompanied by Supt. Rowlands. On the whole, they were satisfied with the condition and the conduct of the houses. When entering one well-known hostel, the landlord told them, "Really, gentlemen, I cannot let you come in, for the new Act is in force, and I understand you have already visited several houses in the town to-day!"

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: January 30th. 1903.


The first of the King's medals for service during the South African campaign, which reached Carnarvon was the one received by Nurse Halliwell, who is at present on a visit to her cousin, Mrs. Norris, of the Twthill Hotel. Nurse Halliwell has been in South Africa from the beginning of the war and intends to return in the autumn. She has also received the medal of the late Queen Victoria.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 6th. 1903.


It is stated that there is a large numberr of people unemployed at Carnarvon just now, but no steps have been taken for their relief, though distress is very prevalent. Suggestions have been made that the Town Council should either establish a soup kitchen or provide employment for them.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 6th. 1903.


The many friends of Mr. John Pugh Gregory, of this town, will be pleased to hear that he has been appointed chief electrical engineer of the River Lighting and Mining Department of the British, Thomson, Houston, Co., Rugby. Mr. Gregory started his career at Messrs. De Winton's foundry, and was afterwards at the London Technical College.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 13th. 1903.


Several Carnarvonites, who were attached to the 1st. Royal Welsh Fusiliers, returned home this week, having spent over three years in South Africa. The regiment arrived home last week, and is stationed at Lichfield. The men have been through the war frm the beginning, and were with General Buller at Colenso. Sergeant Sullivan, who is well known in the town, was with them throughout the campaign, and is now enjoying six weeks' furlough.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 13th. 1903.


At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Carnarvon Cottage Hospital, held on Friday, Mr. J. E. Greaves, the Lord-Lieutenant, who presided, pointed out that the outstanding debt was £750, but a splendid opportunity which might never occur again had been offered through the munificence of a private donor of liquidating this amount. An offer had been made to the committee that provided they could secure £400 by Easter, the anonymous donor would clear off the remainder of the debt. This would at once do away with what must, while it existed, have a more or less detrimental effect upon the regular influx of voluntary subscriptions.

As the result of this offer, the committee have set to work with a will, and an attempt is being made, organised by Mr. A. W. Kay-Menzies, the energetic hon. sec. to meet the condition laid down. The Cottage Hospital, which has been in existence for a number of years, is supported entirely by voluntary subsrciptions, and the new building, with its public and private wards, its splendid operating-room, and complete surgical appliances, has proved a great strain upon its most active sympathisers. The continually-increasing demand upon its recources render an urgent appeal to the public for more organised support a matter of immediate necessity. It will be interesting to know that the new hospital cost £4710. The annual expenses are approximately £400, for there are five beds for male and five for females in the public wards, and two in the private wards. During 1902, as many as 56 patients were treated, and of these 28 came from the quarry districts, so that it is as incumbent upon the country districts to rally to the support of the institution as it is for the inhabitants of the town of Carnarvon. The staff consists of a matron and two probationers, and it is satisfactory to know that the economical administration of the hospital will compare favourably with any similar institution in North Wales.

It is to be hoped that in this emergency a united effort will be made to attain the object which the committee has in view, so that the institution shall be unencumbered, and the work of the hospital in future carried on with less financial strain.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 13th. 1903.



On Tuesday, his Worship the Mayor formally opened a trades exhibition at the Pavilion. This exhibition is practically a repetition of the very successful one held there in 1900, and in addition to the usual exhibits by well-known firms of manufacturers, there are other attractions in the shape of promenade concerts, living pictures, and palmistry.

Mr. R. O. Roberts, the ex-Mayor, presided over a large gathering, and said they were all pleased to see this exhibition in their midst again. These exhibitions had been of considerable value to the trade and industries of the country, and in Carnarvon there had been two or three exhibitions. The prescence of the inhabitants at this gathering proved that they appreciated the attempt made by different firms to place before the public new goods. He hoped this exhibition would prove as successful as the previous ones. He had great pleasure in calling upon the Mayor to further address them.

The Mayor said he had heartily acquiesced in the request that he should open the exhibition, for several reasons. One reason was because it was a trades exhibition intended to do good to the trade of the old town. It was very much wanted. He would be very glad to hear that Mr. Issard Davies and others were joining together to start afresh the means of employment to a number of workmen who had nothing to do at present (hear, hear). If the opening of an exhibition of this kind did harm to the tradesmen, he would not have agreed to open it; but it did not, for the articles exhibited could be purchased at the ordinary shops of the agents of the exhibitors in the town. He believed the lectures on cookery and laundry work would also be very useful to ladies of all classes in the town (hear, hear). He had always supported the teaching of cookery to children, for those who had the advantage of having cookery taught them had the advantage over their parents. At this exhibition, however, the parents could listen to lectures by a well-qualified lecturer who had a diploma from the National Training School of Cookery, and he felt certain that every lady would learn a great deal to her advantage. The exhibition was not only a business affair, but it combined business with pleasure, for there was music and other entertainments obtainable while they looked at the useful articles offered for sale and as samples. He was very pleased now to declare the exhibition open (applause).

Alderman Edward Hughes, in proposing a vote of thanks to the Mayor, said they knew he was the son of a very old tradesman of Carnarvon, and no one would more readily welcome to the town anything that would assist in improving the trade than the Mayor. He sincerely hoped the exhibition would prove more successful even than its predecesors (hear, hear).

Councillor Tom Roberts briefly seconded, and the vote was carried.

The Mayor, responding, called attention to the fact that only two local firms were exhibitors, namely, those of Messrs. Evan Jones and Son, and Messrs. Noble. He would have been glad to see a greater number of local tradesmen, but unforseen circumstances had presented themselves to prevent them.

The opening ceremony closed after a vote of thanks had been accorded the ex-Mayor for presiding.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 20th. 1903.


We are glad to find that the L. and N. - W. Railway Company has re-installed the parcel office at Mr. Caradoc Rowlands's shop, Castle-square, which, no doubt, will prove of great convenience and boon to the public.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: February 27th. 1903.


Mr. R. O. Roberts gave an illustrated account of his visit to Rome at the last meeting of the Engedi Literary Society, Mr. Gwenlyn Evans being in charge of the magic lantern.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 6th. 1903.


In Marcus-street, on Tuesday morning, Mr. William Roberts, Cae Bold, was driving his milkcart round the corner at Marcus-street Post-office, when the horse shied, with the result that the driver and his milk cans were thrown to the ground. The driver sustained a severe shock.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 13th. 1903.


On Wednesday afternoon, a meeting of prominent tradesmen, convened by the Mayor, was held at the Institute, to consider what steps should be taken to prevent, if possible, the dismantling of the Union Foundry. There was a good attendance, and a long discussion took place. It was pointed out that the chief difficulty lay in the want of an assurance that the ground landlord would renew the lease at the expiry of 17 years, but a gentleman present said he had been told on good authority that Mr. Frederick Wynn would grant a renewal on favourable terms. Eventually a committee of twelve gentlemen was appointed to see Mr. Frederick Wynn and consider whether the works could be re-established and carried on at a profit.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: March 20th. 1903.


Mr. Evan Owen, Pool-street Bakery, has won a diploma of a very high order of merit at the Bakers and Confectioners Exhibition held in Leeds. This is the eighth award won by Mr. Owen during the past two years.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 3rd. 1903.


At a special court, before the Mayor and other magistrates, on Tuesday, Elizabeth Williams, Hendre-street, was summoned for neglecting her children. Mr. J. T. Roberts appeared on behalf of the Society, and evidence was given by Inspector Owen to the effect that the children were suffering from want of food, but they were perfectly clean, and the house also was very clean. The woman had herself complained to the Society that she and the children suffered from want of food, and she did not know what to do with them in order to earn a livelihood. The prosecution asked for a conviction in order to enable them to take over the custody of the children. The magistrates bound over the mother to come up for judgement, gave the custody of the children to the Society, and issued a warrant for the arrest of the husband, who, it was said, had deserted his family.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 24th. 1903.


Before J. P. Gregory, Esq., on Thursday, Ann Ellen Williams, William-street, was charged with misconducting herself in public the previous night, and William David Hughes, Skinner-street, for aiding and abetting her. The girl was sent to prison for a fortnight and Hughes was fined 5s. and costs.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 24th. 1903.


We understand that the boring operations on the banks of the Straits are proceeding briskly. A depth of 600 feet has been reached and the indications that coal exists underneath are very satisfactory. The promoters are sanguine that their efforts will eventually be crowned with success.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: April 24th. 1903.


There seems to be some likelihood that the scheme for introducing electricity into Carnarvon will be carried out at an early date, and indications point to the fact that the Town Council will arrive at a workable agreement with the National Electric Wiring Company Limited. The Electric Light Committee of the Town Council, of which Councillor John Prichard makes so excellent a chairman, have been busily engaged during the past few weeks, and they have, with the assistance of Sir William Preece, K.C.B., succeeded in obtaining what are stated to be very equitable terms. The Town Council, on Tuesday evening, discussed the draft agreement in committee, and were practically unanimous that the terms offered should be accepted. The draft agreement was accepted in the main, but a few minor points were modified and subject to the company agreeing to those modifications, the matter will, in all probability, be passed through the Council at its next meeting. There were, of course, a few dissentients, not to the agreement as such, but to the procedure. They were anxious that the whole scheme should be laid before the ratepayers before its adoption. It should be stated that the company furnished the Council with a detailed estimate of the whole cost of constructing the works, and the profits they expected to gain; but it is understood that there will be no profits during the first three years.

The main points of the agreement are that under the Provisional Order granted to the Town Council, the latter shall provide a capital sum of something like £13,000 and a site for the works. The site will probably be near the gasworks. The company will then construct the works, and lay down the main cables, and carry on the business for ten or fifteen years, at the end of which term the Council will have right to take the business over if they so desire, upon equitable terms. At the end of twenty years, the works are to revert to the Council. In consideration of the loan, the company will have to provide every year for a sinking fund, and pay the interest a month before the call is due. For the first ten years, all profits above three per cent. are to be paid to the Council.

Should the agreement be signed, the work will be taken in hand at once, and hopes are entertained that the town will be lit by electricity next winter.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 1st. 1903.


On Thursday, at a special police court, before Edward Hughes, Esq., and W. Hamer, Esq., two women named Maggie Hughes and Maggie Morris, were brought up charged with creating a disturbance at the workhouse on the previous evening. Evidence was given by the workhouse porter to the effect that the two women came in very drunk late on Wednesday night, and after being taken in, they became very violent, fought, and used most indecent language. They were sent to prison each for twenty-one days with hard labour.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 15th. 1903.


The steamship "Arvon," running between Carnarvon and Anglesey, has been condemned by the Board of Trade, in consequence of the wear and tear of the boiler.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 22nd. 1903.


Fishermen complain that large numbers of porpoises have again found their way to Carnarvon Bay, and are making much havoc among the salmon.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 22nd. 1903.


The work of renovating the Carnarvon Police Station, which was in anything but a satisfactory state, has been commenced, and the contract for repainting the Assize and County Hall has been let to Mr. J. P. Gregory.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 29th. 1903.


Mr. E. T. Hall, the governor of H.M. Prison at Carnarvon, has returned to duty after spending an agreeable holiday in the Lake district.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 29th. 1903.


The directors of the Metropolitan Bank (of England and Wales) have accepted the tender of Messrs. Williams and Roberts, contractors, Carnarvon, for the new premises, which are designed by Mr. Rowland Lloyd Jones, architect, 14, Market Street, Carnarvon.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: May 29th. 1903.


A joint committee of the Carnarvon Town Council and of the Harbour Trust met on Wednesday, to consider the question of the purchase of a site near the gasworks, for the erection of the proposed electric light station. After a long discussion, an arrangement was arrived at, by which the land will be sold to the Corporation at a considerably lower price than what was originally asked for it, but the actual figure has not been disclosed.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 5th. 1903.


There are grave complaints in the town that the place now used as a mortuary is totally unfit, and a disgrace to the town. It would be well for the Town Council to provide another mortuary without delay.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 5th. 1903.


A local fisherman caught on Thursday in the Menai Straits a lordly salmon turning the scale at 28lbs. It is one of the largest caught in recent years, and when exposed for sale in High-street attracted a crowd of interested sight-seers.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 5th. 1903.


Sir, - On behalf of several ratepayers, allow me to thank you and your correspondent, "J.R.H.," for the timely service rendered to the ratepayers in calling public attention to the leap in the dark the members of the town council were about to take in regard to this question. Just imagne, sir, the copy of the agreement only arriving in the councillors' hands on Sunday morning last, and a recommendation to ratify the same was submitted to the council meeting on Tuesday, before they had time really to read it, let alone study it. I was told by one of the members who is a lawyer that it took him all his time to try to understand it. Now that the council have adjourned the signing of the agreement, why not call a public meeting of the ratepayers and obtain their voice on whether or not this agreement should be signed. Let us hope we are not going to have another huge white elephant thrust on the rates to keep company with the bridge and the "Arvon."

Do you think, sir, that these 24 gentlemen who represent us on the Council would jump at an agreement, which changed in a few days from £10,000 to £13,000, if it was their own private undertaking? I doubt it, much less signing it when they did not thoroughly understand the clauses.

Many ratepayers besides myself hope the Mayor will, before the Council next meets, take this matter seriously into consideration, and will call a public meeting, and lay the whole matter clearly before the ratepayers, for their decision. - Yours truly,


From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 12th. 1903.




A special meeting of the Carnarvon Town Council was held on Tuesday evening, for the purpose of discussing the electric light scheme and affixing the seal of the corporation to the agreement with the National Electric Wiring Company. The Mayor (Councillor W. G. Thomas) presided and there were also present: Aldermen J. Williams, R. Parry, R. Norman Davies, D. T. Lake, J. P. Gregory and Edward Hughes, Councillors G. R. Griffith, J. T. Roberts, W. Hamer, T. Roberts, R. Thomas, R. O. Roberts, Owen Evans, E. E. Jonathan, Nath. Roberts, J. Pritchard, J. Fletcher, and R. Newton, together with Mr. J. Bodvel-Roberts (the town clerk), and the other officials.


The Mayor said that before proceeding to the business of the meeting, he wished to refer to one matter required immediate attention. The park-keeper reported that the flow of water into the Park lake had been stopped, and after a consultation with the town clerk, he (the Mayor) went to see Mr. Lake, of Messrs. Lake and Company, the proprietors of Seiont Mill. Mr. Lake's reply was that the water was allowed to go through into the Park upon certain conditions, and as soon as the Corporation were prepared to carry out an agreement which they promised they would, he was quite willing to allow the water to run as before. Two of the conditions were that the Council should pay the company 1d. per annum, and that the water could be taken when the mill was not working.

Mr. Lake said that the water was not stopped without the town clerk having been given ample notice.

The Town Clerk: That is not correct.

Dr. Parry moved that the town clerk be asked to prepare an agreement at once. It was ridiculous that it had not been done sooner.

The motion was seconded and adopted.


Mr. J. Prichard (chairman of the Electric Light Committee) proposed the adoption of the following minutes of that committee:- Resolved that inquiries be made as to the price of the two other suggested sites, viz. plot of land belonging to Mr. E. H. Owen, and the old Barracks site; also, that the Mayor be requested to approach the Harbour Trustees with a view to effecting a reduction in the price for the plot of land near the gasworks. Reported that the company had agreed to the last suggestions of the committee with reference to the agreement. The manager of the company stated the views of his directors on the question of the guarantee, and after full consideration of the proposals to effect the guarantee by means of an insurance company, or by the personal guarantee of the directors, it was resolved that the bond of the directors be accepted with a clause to the effect, that if any director should retire, and the company be unable to substitute a guarantor acceptable to the Corporation in his place, then the company should deposit £1000 in the joint names of the company and the Corporation for each guarantor so failing to be replaced. The amended agreement was submitted and approved by the committee, subject to the insertion of the words "to the satisfaction of the engineer to be appointed by the local authority" in clause 7. The amended guarantee bond was submitted and approved. Resolved that the treasurer be requested to make full inquiries into the financial standing of the guarantors. The Mayor reported that he had attended the meeting of the Finance Committee of the Harbour Trust, and on behalf of the committee had offered the sum of £500 for the plot of land adjoining the gasworks. The Finance Committee could not recommend the acceptance by the Trustees of this offer, but were willing to meet the Corporation so far as to agree to £700, and to include, in addition, the land alongside the gasworks siding, for which an acknowledgement of 5s. per annum was now being paid, but reserving to themselves the right of way to the river side for the making of further ground by tipping and levelling.

Mr. J. Fletcher seconded the motion.

Mr. J. T. Roberts said that he wished to draw attention to one matter in connection with the proposed purchase of the site by the gasworks. He was not going to discuss any of the matters that had already been under consideration, namely, the price of and the suitability and adaptability or otherwise of the site. But it appeared that the Harbour Trustees wished to reserve themselves a right of way over the land to the riverside, and he contended that this was done for the purpose of reclaiming the land between the plot to be sold, and the seashore. The Council ought to know whether the right of way was to be a permanent one, and whether it was for the purpose of reclaiming the land. They ought certainly to be very careful what they were doing. The land as it was at present was far more valuable than it would be with a piece of waste ground placed between it and the sea.

The Mayor said there was a suggestion that the Council should have a right to go down to the slip lower down to destroy or unload as they required.

Mr. J. Fletcher agreed.

The Mayor: We can embody that in the agreement, for it would be an advantage.

Mr. J. T. Roberts said they could not have access to the sea front if the land was reclaimed.

The Mayor thought that they would be all right if they could get a reservation of a piece of land on the sea front. He believed they must embody it in the agreement.

Mr. Norman Davies did not think the Council would find the Harbour Trust unreasonable. It was right that the Trust should have control of the land near the water. If they gave the Council as a set off against their own right of way, a right of way to the slip, the Council would probably be satisifed. He was quite ready to have the matter further considered by the committee.

Mr. J. T. Roberts pointed out that the whole of the foundry premises abutted on the water, and the Harbour Trust did not claim the sea front. Now, they were prepared to sell to the Council the sea front, but were going to reserve for themselves the right to do away with the sea front. He thought all reference to the site should be excluded from the report.

Mr. J. Prichard said that he would now move the adoption of the minutes of the committee, and later on he would move that the agreement be sealed, and follow it up with a proposal to purchase the site, and then regarding the loan.

Mr. R. O. Roberts asked in what streets the cables would be laid.

Mr. J. T. Roberts said they were mentioned in the Provisional Order.

Mr. J. Prichard said they had not got the construction agreement ready yet. The compulsory area was detailed in the Order. They were obliged to make the compulsory area as small as possible. It extended from Pool-street to North-road as far as Warfield-road.

Mr. R. O. Roberts asked at whose expense would the connection be made say at the top of Llanbeblig-road.

Mr. J. Prichard said that it would be the same as they now connected the gasworks. The company would only be too pleased to undertake it if they found there would be sufficient custom to be had.

Dr. Parry thought that like the gasworks they would have to get some guarantee that there would be so much light used. The capital expenditure would come from capital.

Mr. J. Prichard said that the extension of the surface mains would not be so costly as the laying down of the mains themselves. The laying of surface mains would be a very small matter.

Mr. Edward Hughes thought it was a pity the mains were not extended. In the side streets he understood they would have to pay extra for laying the mains.

The Mayor said that the County School had been instanced as one place that would be under a disadvantage, but he understood that a surface cable would suit, and if it would suit there, then surely it would suit Llanbeblig-road.

A long conversation then followed as to whether the plan of the cables was the best that could be adopted.

Councillor J. T. Roberts thought that it would be better to have it along North-road than along the quay.

Dr. Parry thought otherwise, and said that the company evidently hoped that meters would be introduced to the quay. Surely they should let the company lay down the cables in the manner they thought best, for they were the best judges.

The minutes were then put and adopted, all voting in favour except Councillors R. Thomas and E. E Jonathan.

Councillor J. Prichard then formally moved that the seal of the Council be affixed to the agreement.

Alderman D. T. Lake seconded.

Mr. Richard Thomas thought the Council should know who the company was and who their guarantors were. The finances of the town being what they were, he could not see his way clear to support the motion. Could they not do the same as Pwllheli had done? The company there were their own financiers. If they were so good as they were made out to be, surely they could finance themselves. He really could not support the motion unless there was a satisfactory guarantee that the works would not come upon the ratepayers.

Mr. J. T. Roberts asked if Mr. Thomas would go in for the Pwllheli undertaking. He was a director if that company.

Mr. Richard Thomas: I am not a director now: but I am a shareholder. I do not know who the company in Pwllheli are.

Mr. J. T. Roberts said that if they could get an agreement similar to the Pwllheli one from the same company he would be in favour of it; but in Pwllheli they owned the gasworks.

Mr. R. Thomas said he was not aware that the company was the same one as that of which he was once a director, and he was not such a large shareholder now as he had been.

Mr. J. T. Roberts: I am glad to hear it (laughter).

Mr. Richard Thomas: There is such a thing in this world as being too sharp, you know (renewed laughter). The company is in treaty with the Corporation of Pwllheli, and they finance themselves. I do not see why the Corporation of Carnarvon cannot come to a similar arrangement with this company.

Mr. John Prichard said that a good many members of the Council and the outside public had been taking off their hats to this Pwllheli agreement. The Pwllheli people knew nothing about it. The Carnarvon Council had no power to transfer. It they had there would be no difficulty in getting capital from the outside. They had to carry out the work themselves, and with their own money. The company had to do the work in the name of the Council, and to carry it out in their name unless the Council took it over in 10 or 15 years. There was very little probability of the town ever getting electric light if they had to do the work themselves, and now they were guarded against loss for a period of 20 years. From inquiries made they found that the directors and the gentlemen who had become guarantors were satisfactory in every way. Sir William Preece said that he thought the Council had got hold of a very good thing, and there were several other towns who would like to get a similar offer.

Mr. E. E. Jonathan asked if they could work the gas and electricity in a small town which was practically stagnant, and only had a population of about 10,000.

Dr. Tom Roberts said that he had shared when Councillors R. Thomas and Jonathan in their fear that the undertaking would hardly pay in a small town, and when he appealed to the ratepayers, he said he would oppose any scheme if the Council understood it, because he believed at the time that it would be a failure. Since then, he had endeavoured to read this agreement as carefully as he could, and he failed to find anything which would place the ratepayers under any liability. He was satisfied that if this was carried out, they could not get a more workable scheme any way. With regard to the Pwllheli scheme, even the purchase money would be a burden upon the ratepayers. In Carnarvon, however, at the end of 20 years, these works would be their own, and there would be no purchase money to be provided. It was quite possible the specification might be too high, but the company had everything to gain by making a low specification. They would have to repay the capital by annuities, and if their specification was high, their annuities would be greater. The only doubt he had was whether there would be a demand for the light, but that was a matter which could be entered into in discussing the construction agreement. The chairman and others were quite satisfied as to the company's standing, and they must not suppose they were going to supply the town from philanthropic motives. They were as cautious as the Council would be.

Mr. J. Prichard said they had had no communication with any other company. They had been advised by Sir William Preece. It had been asked where the money would come from to pay the consulting engineer. Sir William Preece had acted in that capacity for the Council, and had saved the town a matter of £800 or £1000, and they had been acting all along under his advice. The specifications and estimates were handed to him, and they had been very minutely examined, and Sir William had no hesitation in saying that this was as low a price as they would be likely to get anywhere.

Dr. Parry said this was an agreement in which the ratepayers took no responsibility whatever, provided the guarantee was satisfactory. He was pleased to learn that the status of the directors individually was all that any business corporation would require, and under those circumstances he felt quite confident that they had made every inquiry, and taken every precaution, which an ordinary business man could be expected to take to see that everything was carried out properly, and that they were guaranteed against loss.

Alderman Norman Davies said that he had been somewhat diffident until this last week to support the scheme, and he was glad the Council had given them more time to make inquiries. From what Dr. Parry had said, they were evidently in good hands. He did not cavil much at the constructive cost, but he was afraid of the liability and a probable demand upon the rates within the next few years. It was important that the company should be of good standing; and now, having been satisfied on this, he was prepared to support the motion without any hesitation. In ten or fifteen years, he had no doubt they would have a concern yielding them a good revenue.

Dr. G. R. Griffith said he was also a stronger supporter of the scheme to-day than he was a few weeks ago. At the same time, he thought it would have been well to get another estimate of the cost of construction.

Dr. Parry, in reply to Mr. Richard Thomas, said that inquiries had been privately made regarding the financial status of the guarantors, and it would be a breach of etiquette and a discourtesy to make those replies public.

The Mayor said that he was perfectly satisfied with the replies that each of the guarantors were not only good for the amount of their guarantee, but for very much more.

Mr. Norman Davies suggested that the treasurer should give his opinion.

The Treasurer: You have already had it from the mouth of the Mayor.

A vote was then taken, and it was resolved to affix the seal to the agreement. Mr. E. E. Jonathan only voting against.

Mr. John Prichard then proposed that the site offered by the Harbour Trustees for £700 be accepted.

Mr. J. Fletcher seconded, and said there seemed to be a little misunderstanding about the right of way. The Trustees only reserved a cart way to the river side to go behind for tipping purposes.

Dr. Parry suggested that the committee be empowered to negotiate with the Harbour Trustees with a view to getting a sea front for the Council.

This was seconded by Mr. W. Hamer, and accepted by Mr. Prichard.

Mr. J. T. Roberts said that he would rather have the vote of the Council on the matter. Without being offensive, he considered £700 an exorbitant price for this bit of land. They should undoubtedly retain the right to the sea front. The Trustees were reserving a right of way in order to be able to make more ground, and, therefore, the Town Council would be cut off from the sea. The value of the Council's property would, therefore, be reduced by one-half instantly. How could they bring barges and vessels alongside their property if the land were reclaimed? They could do it now. He suggested that they should buy subject to the present sea front being preserved for the town, and that they buy the whole of the present sea front.

The Mayor suggested that they should buy provided a sufficient portion of sea front be included as would allow the Council to bring in a vessel. He thought that would be quite sufficient.

Mr. Owen Evans agreed with the view taken by Mr. J. T. Roberts.

Mr. R. O. Roberts said that no boats had been able to come up to the upper limekiln for several years. He was afraid the sea front would not be of much use to them.

Mr. Jonathan said that a vessel was built there a few years ago.

Mr. J. T. Roberts said that after the new works had been erected, the value of the adjoining land would be greatly enhanced.

Mr. Owen Evans seconded the amendment, but it was lost.

The motion as amended by the Mayor's suggestion was then adopted. Mr. J. T. Roberts voting against.

Mr. J. Prichard then proposed that they should seek sanction to borrow the money, a total of £17,000. This sum included £4400 for the works, £3500 for the building, £155 for the Provisional Order, £105 for the engineer, £140 for the cost of the loan, and £700 for the site. It was not probable that they would require the whole at the beginning. £3500 was the maximum amount required for the building; and though they wanted sanction to borrow £17,000, it did not follow that it would have all to be borrowed at once.

Mr. J. Fletcher seconded, and the motion was carried. Mr. Richard Thomas only voting against.


Mr. J. T. Roberts called attention to a new steamer which would run between Llandudno and Carnarvon. They knew how difficult it had been for them to come to terms with the "Snowdon" people, and that passengers from Carnarvon were often at a disadvantage, and had to pay more pro rata than passengers from other places. He thought they should approach this company with a view to inducing them to make concessions to people embarking at Carnarvon for trips around Anglesey, and he had reason to think they would meet them.

The Mayor said he was glad Mr. Roberts had called attention to the matter.

On the suggestion of Alderman Lake, the matter was referred to the General Purposes Committee.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: June 19th. 1903.


Mr. W. Gwenlyn Evans has issued a very attractive "pictorial letter" notepaper, giving several local views.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 3rd. 1903.


We understand that just at present there is considerable overcrowding in the lower part of the town. An instance was brought under notice this week of 30 people inhabiting four small houses.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 3rd. 1903.


Yesterday morning the Aber Bridge had another accident. This time, it was the shaft which broke, but now, however, it has been repaired. The committee were cognisant of the condition of the shaft, and were patiently watching for developments.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 3rd. 1903.



This morning, two men named James Brown, of Clarence-street, Bangor, a married man, 30 years of age, and Henry Owen, also of Bangor, a widower of about 50 years of age, were killed by a passing train near the tunnel under Castle-square, Carnarvon. The men had arrived by the 8.45 train from Bangor, for the purpose of doing something on the line, and it was the same train that ran over them. Both were experienced men employed in the engineering department. The engine driver whistled to them, and a man who was in the tunnel also shouted to them, but they seemed to take no notice.

It seems likely (says a correspondent who witnessed the accident) that the unfortunate men were undone in consequence of overconfidence in their own experience. From Bangor to Carnarvon there is an up line and a down line. Between Carnarvon and the Morfa junction, there are two lines side by side, but they are two single lines, one to Llanberis, the other to Afonwen. The two men knew perfectly well that the train by which they had travelled would proceed to Afonwen. But they seem to have taken for granted that the train would travel on what seemed to them to be the down line. (That was, as a matter of fact, the single line to Llanberis). They then walked on what they regarded as the up line, facing as they must have thought, any train that might travel on that line. That line, however, was the single line to Afonwen, and the train from Bangor came behind them. When the engine driver whistled, the doomed men were apparently so sure that the train was coming on the other line that they did not take the trouble to look round.

Brown seems to have been killed instantaneously. Owen lived apparently for about twenty minutes. Drs. John Williams and G. R. Griffith were immediately summoned and rendered every assistance.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 10th. 1903.


There have been grave complaints that the volunteer force in Carnarvon has been reduced since the retirement of Colonel Rees. There are to-day only about one-half of the number enrolled that there was some time ago, and one company has been disbanded altogether. It numbered nearly 130 men. Many of these have left the battalion, and the others have joined the other company, whose strength had greatly decreased.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 17th. 1903.


While following his occupation as fitter at the shed in the station, yesterday, a piece of iron flew into the eye of a man named Herbert Edwards, with the result that he has completely lost the use of his eye. He was carried to the surgery of Dr. John Williams.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 17th. 1903.


After making music for the French, Germans, Russians, Poles, Austrians, Bohemians, Danes, and Dutch, during his remarkable seven weeks' tour of the Continent, Sousa, the American "March King," has returned to Great Britain. Mr. Sousa has recently made many notable additions to his music library, and will offer a number of new selections in his attractive programme when he brings his great band of 52 performers to the Pavilion, Carnarvon, on July 24th. and 25th. next. We have no doubt that the public will support the efforts to supply a first class show, and to hear a band of such world-wide repute. Cheap trains have been arranged from Dolgelley, Barmouth, Pwllheli, Criccieth, Portmadoc, Bangor, Nantlle, Llanberis, and all immediate stations, for afternoon performances, and late trains on Saturday night to Bangor, Nantlle, Llanberis, Waenfawr, Rhostryfan, Bryngwyn, &c.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: July 31st. 1903.


A display of fireworks was given at the Castle on the regatta night (Thursday) by Mr. Joseph Wills, of Honor-road Park, London, for many years connected with the Alexandra Park, and lately with Buffalo Bill's show and the Olympian. The designs were distinctly interesting, and the colour combinations were pretty. The greatest novelty was what one of the numerous spectators described as a "kind of revolving squib, doing some tight-rope walking, and hissing like a snake all the time."

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 7th. 1903.


We notice that Mr. W. William Jones, watchmaker, has so arranged the position of the clock in his Bangor-street establishment that it can now be consulted at all times. This is a great convenience, for the Guild Hall clock has lost all its usefulness, both by day and night.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 14th. 1903.


Late on Wednesday evening, an accident of a serious nature occurred at Mount Pleasant-square, Twthill, in consequence of the capsizing of a paraffin lamp. Mrs. Ellen Williams had sent her boy to bed, and intending to retire herself, went upstairs, carrying the lamp. Unfortunately, she tripped and fell. The lamp broke, and she was immediately enveloped in flames. She ran out of the house, but meanwhile the staircase had caught fire, and the little boy upstairs was in danger of being suffocated. A gallant coastguard, however, rushed up and rescued him, whilst hundreds of willing hands helped to put out the flames, and eventually succeeded. Mrs. Williams was badly burnt about the body and limbs, and had to be removed to the Cottage Hospital. After the danger was past, the fire brigade appeared upon the scene. Some police officers, who were on the spot, are to be commended for their prompt action.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: August 28th. 1903.


The Carnarvon Prison has not been so full for a considerable time past. There are several prisoners awaiting trial at the Assizes for serious offences.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 11th. 1903.


The first consignment of new oats to arrive in Carnarvon was delivered this week to Messrs. Lloyd Griffith and Son, corn merchants. The oats were grown in Anglesey.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 18th. 1903.




Much has been heard about a supply of electricity for the town of Carnarvon. The Council has discussed and rediscussed the subject. It is time something was heard about the matter from the point of view of the ratepayers. After all, they are the interested parties; for either as ratepayers or consumers of current, the money to keep the works going will come from them.

The Council seems to be in love with the complicated scheme of the National Electric Wiring Co., Ltd. (By the way, this has now become the National Electric Construction Co., Ltd., which may be a significant alteration.) Of course, the Wiring Co. (or Construction Co.) is not a philanthropic enterprise run for the benefit of the town of Carnarvon, though a first glance through their form of agreement might lead one to suppose it. To use an Irishism, the kernel of the agreement is outside its four corners. The Corporation is to raise the money and the Wiring (or Construction) Co. is to spend it. Of course, the company will make the usual profit upon the capital expenditure involved in the installation. Naturally, the higher the capital expenditure the greater the profit. The amount spoken of is £17,000. But a way has been indicated to the Corporation by which the whole job could be done for £8000 or £9000. That has not been accepted. One would naturally look for the influence of the Wiring (or Construction) Co. to be cast dead against any scheme that would reduce the amount of money that would have to be spent, for the very sufficient reason mentioned above. Just as naturally we should expect the Corporation to have a lively interest in keeping the capital expenditure down. As business men we know that the higher the capital expenditure the more the interest and sinking fund that will have to be provided, and this can only come out of our pockets as consumers in the price we shall have to pay for the current.

Of course, there are maximum rates spoken of. It may be usual for the first year or two to charge these; but afterwards prices are expected to come down. If the town takes up the burden, an unnecessary capital expenditure, it will be good bye to the chances of future reductions. The maximum rates will be the minimum as well. Consumers should realise now where the shoe is going to pinch.

There is another thing. The corporation has the power to regulate the prices of current; but if they do this, the Wiring (or Construction) Co. can terminate the agreement and claim from the Corporation any loss they may have incurred and also five per cent. per annum upon the aggregate capital expenditure (say £17,000) from the beginning. This would be a nice little sum of £850 a year from the beginning. This would seem rather too heavy a fine to pay for the luxury of reducing prices, so that one can only conclude that the maximum rates will be saddled upon the town for ever.

Perhaps someone will object: "But the Corporation can take over the works along with all profits." The clause as to this provides that the Corporation may at the end of 10 years, 15 years, or 20 years take over the works and receive from the Wiring (or Construction) Co. all the profits over three per cent. per annum, plus interest on capital and sinking fund. Notice especially it is profits "in respect of the supply of electrical energy." It has nothing to do with profits on installation or on the wiring and supply of fittings. How is it likely to work out?

There is local experience to guide us in the shape of Bangor and Llandudno electric light undertakings. Bangor has spent £22,682. Last year, after paying interest and sinking fund, the deficit on the year's working was £619. They had to pay out of the rates £800 (over 5d. in the £), and at the end of the year still had a balance of accumulated loss to carry forward to next year of £1080 (over 7d. in the £), not to mention depreciation (if any). This is upon a consumption of electricity which, to say the least, is quite as great as would probably be the case in Carnarvon. Besides, interest at Bangor is only three per cent., which is to say from ¼ per cent. to ½ per cent. lower than a present day loan could be got at. Llandudno reports a deficit of £368 on the last year's working of their electric light undertaking.

With this experience before us, where is the likelihood of Carnarvon being able to get those profits that are dangled so temptingly before it? The offer is a very safe one for the Wiring (or Construction) Co. to make. For the reason already given, it is not likely to be any good to consumers who will have to pay maximum rates.

There is yet another consideration of importance. The Wiring (or Construction) Co. proposes to introduce the system called "free wiring" into the town. Shops and houses are to be wired; and a yearly rent will be charged for the fixtures. Of course, the current will be charged for as well. This idea has some very good points. But what strikes one is that this is the other department, out of which the Wiring (or Construction) Co. is going to make its profits.

On the whole, it looks something very like this, The Corporation finds the money, and that is their part. The Wiring (or Construction) Co. make their profit firstly out of the spending of the money which the Corporation will raise. Secondly, they will make their profit out of the wiring, etc., of the premises. They will take care that the price to be paid by consumers for current will provide the interest and sinking fund for which they are to be responsible to the Corporation. They will also take care that it will provide something more, for anything over and above that, up to three per cent. per annum, they can put into their own pockets, though they will not have found any of the capital. If the shoe pinches the consumer too hard, because of the large amount he has to find for interest and sinking fund upon the big initial capital expenditure, he can cry to the Corporation to regulate the prices. But the corporation would be powerless to help him in the face of the £850 per annum, from the beginning, that the Wiring (or Construction) Co. could then claim.

It is no wonder that the townsmen are lookng round for an alternative. They want the electric light to make this fine old town attractive to the visitors who throng North Wales, and we want in the future electric trams to bring customers from the outlying districts to our shops. An offer has been made to the Council by the Power Co., which is now making a survey for the erection of an electric generating station under Llyn Llydaw to install electric light in Carnarvon free of all expenses or risk to the Corporation.

Why does not the Council thoroughly consider this offer? As Welshmen, we want to see the natural resources of our conutry used. We have plenty of water power in North Wales. In many ways, Gwynedd is the Switzerland of the United Kingdom. We should encourage the utilisation of the abundant water power, so that like Switzerland we may have a bountiful supply of electricity for our industries; for lighting our towns and for a system of electric tram ways that would carry about the country visitors in increasing thousands to renew their health and to spend their money.

It would be too absurd for Carnarvon to adopt what the rapid progress of science may be rendering an antiquated method of generating electricity. This new company are spending their money confidently in assisting Nature to generate the current for them. They have put figures before the Council which go to prove that they can install electric light in Carnarvon at about half the cost, and can also beat any coal station's products in the cost of supplying current. I do not blame the Council for considering the old scheme for so long as they had nothing better. Guarantees are good, but it is better for the Corporation not to raise any money at all. Carnarvon people know what other schemes cost them as ratepayers; and they do not want to run any more risks. They also know the loss that has fallen on Bangor through electric light. As consumers as well as ratepayers, the best thing would be to secure a supply of current without cost to the Corporation from a company that do it at the minimum of capital expenditure. In the long run, everybody connected with the town would get the benefit. Of coure, it should be under proper safeguards. When the development of the natural resources of the country can be encouraged, and a much-needed stimulus given to the trade of the town by opening the way for the further expenditure of capital, the course to be followed is clear. The Council, before it is too late, should put themselves in line with what progressive ratepayers can see is the best policy for the permanent interests of Carnarvon.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 25th. 1903.



The Manager and Secretary of the National Electric Construction Company writes to us:-

I have read with interest in your issue of the 18th. inst., an article headed "Electricity for Carnarvon," the nom-de-plume of the writer being "Scrutator," and having regard to the lengthy negotiations which have taken place with the Council over the lighting agreement (which by the way was sealed by the Corporation some time ago), and to the fact that the business done at the Council meetings is through the press public property, I am sure that the majority of the ratepayers have had sufficient information before them to judge impartially as to the value of our offer.

It is clear that the writer of the article appears for some reason or other to be prejudiced against my company, as his criticism is so one-sided; and it follows that ratepayers who are not thoroughly acquainted with the terms of the agreement with my company are likely to be misled.

By the way, the alteration of my company's name is significant. "Construction" describes the principal work we are doing, as we have secured town lighting contracts during the past year to the value of over £130,000. I am glad to see, however, that "Scrutator" is so much interested in the alteration.

Very few local authorities will, now-a-days, entertain proposals from companies to lease and finance their electric light undertakings for the simple reason that equitable terms cannot be arranged, and that when they desire to purchase the undertaking, a price of at least from 30 to 50 per cent. above the fair market value of the undertaking has to be paid. I must flatly contradict "Scrutator's" statement that "the kernal of the agreement is outside its four corners." Our offer was framed to enable the Corporation to carry into effect their order, and at the same time secure the undertaking at a reasonable figure without any financial risks.

The Corporation find the capital, it is true; but we guarantee that sinking fund and interest payments; and in addition to the guarantee given by my company, my directors have jointly and severally guaranteed the obligations undertaken by us. The Council, I know, made most exhaustive inquiries as to the financial position of the company, and of the guarantors, and were satisfied that they were amply protected. "Scrutator" says: "Naturally, the higher the capital expenditure, the greater the profit"; but he omits to mention that the sinking fund and interest instalments must also correspondingly increase; and that as we guarantee to pay these instalments for at least ten years, it must appeal to all fair-minded ratepayers that the initial profit on the construction is not everything. Our scheme and price were submitted to the Corporation's adviser, Sir William Preece; and no one, I am sure, can doubt his loyalty to Carnarvon. I am satisfied that both Sir William Preece and the Corporation who have studied the whole matter so carefully are satisfied that they are getting good value for the £17,000.

A number of proposals have come in within the last week or two from a company called The North Wales Power and Traction Company, and I am not going to attempt at present to criticise them beyond this, that to non-technical men naturally a saving of some £8000 capital expenditure appeals. The North Wales Power Company's representatives make this a strong argument in favour of their offers, which, so far, are rather indefinite. But all business men will agree that it would be better to spend £17,000 and get a thoroughly efficient scheme than spend £8000 and get a scheme which would not be a credit to the town; and that is the point to be settled, and it can only be done by an expert.

All I can say at present is that the one local authority I know of taking a supply in bulk for lighting purposes would give a good deal to be rid of the Power company supplying; and as a matter of fact, it was the experience of this town that enabled us to complete an agreement with another town in its neighbourhood.

"Scrutator" points out that our maximum rate of 6d. per unit for lighting will be our minimum; but he is not fully informed, as we have already arranged with the Council to start with a charge of 5d. per unit, and it can be taken for granted that directly there are surplus profits from the undertaking for the Corporation we shall be anxious and willing to reduce the price to at least 4½d. per unit, although we should have to be guided in this by the Corporation.

With regard to "Scrutator's " remarks about the penalties which would fall upon the Corporation if they attempted to regulate our prices, he overlooks entirely the fact that a maximum price has been agreed upon, and, therefore, there is not the slightest chance of this clause being acted upon.

If we do charge for current a price not acceptable to the ratepayers, then we shall get no consumers; and we will be the only sufferers from a financial point of view at least, as we should have no profits out of which to pay the sinking fund and interest charges.

Why should the Corporation benefit from any profits made by the company from the installation work? We should be one of many contractors, and after all what would such a profit represent in say five years' time.

We might have 7000 lamps connected to the mains, the total profit on the installation work would not exceed say £800, and this would be spread over all the contractors in the town. Surely, we are not going to guarantee to pay sinking fund and interest instalments, which would amount to about £1000 per annum, in return for a gross profit of a few hundred pounds.

I trust "Scrutator" will disabuse his mind of any such ridiculous ideas. "Scrutator" again misleads your readers by referring to Bangor and Llandudno electricity undertakings as arguments in favour of his contentions. With regard to Bangor, it is saddled with a dust destructor, the charges for the working of which have up to the present been entirely borne by the lighting department. Further, any dust destructor must be worked at a loss until a sufficient day load is available for utilising the steam raised by the refuse.

Notwithstanding this drawback, however, the results at Bangor are most satisfactory, the undertaking having made a profit of some £550 on the second year working, and without the destructor this could have easily been considerably increased.

This had to go towards liquidating the sinking fund and interest instalments, but, of course, in the case of Carnarvon all losses are guaranteed by my company.

With regard to Llandudno, up to last year the aggregate net profits after payment of sinking fund and interest charges amounted to, I believe, £1100. Last year, the capacity of the works was more than doubled to meet future demands. It follows, therefore, that last year had to bear capital charges in respect of plant which, despite the increasing demand, will not be fully employed for some time to come. The loss of £365 was met from the reserve fund of £420; there was no need to call upon the ratepayers, who will benefit by this increased capital expenditure in years to come.

I trust that the above information will prevent the Carnarvon ratepayers from accepting "Scrutator's" statements.

I could, however, mention a dozen other towns similar in size to Carnarvon which are paying handsomely. "Scrutator" says that our offer is a very safe one for us to make; but the statement is again somewhat vague. If the undertaking cannot be worked at a profit (and he appears to be of that opinion, judging from his remarks about Bangor and Llandudno), where does our security come in? Where do we earn profits to pay the sinking fund and interest? Perhaps "Scrutator" will enlighten me. "Scrutator" states "it is no wonder the townsmen are looking round for an alternative;" but do the ratepayers realise what a huge monopoly they will help to create under this particular system of power distribution?

What about the quarry owners? I should say that it will be an eye-opener to them if they desire to take a supply from the Power Company to find that all plant can only be purchased from one firm of foreign manufacturers, who have the sole right of supplying the plant, which must of necessity be used in connection with this proposed power scheme.

The Power Company's latest proposal to Carnarvon is to supply in bulk at 3d. per unit. Now let us see what the actual cost to the Corporation would be. First of all, you have your supervision, distribution, collection, repairs and maintenance expenses, because after all you would require as competent an engineer to look after your mains, meters, etc., as you would your engines, dynamos and boilers. From records already published, this cannot be put at less than 1½d. per unit; then we have under the Power Co's system of supply at least 25 per cent. losses in transforming and distribution, or to put it plainly the Corporation would only receive £75 worth of energy for every £100 paid to the Power Co. The ratepayers would have to pay for this loss, thus the net cost of energy supplied in bulk to the Corporation would not fall short of 5d. per unit, and could not be sold to the consumer at certainly less than 6d. or 7d., having regard to the fact that sinking fund and interest on the reduced capital expenditure would have to be provided for. Then again, the town would be entirely dependent for supply upon the Power Co., and in the event of breakdown, etc., the whole town would be in darkness. With a station of your own, it is rarely that a fault occurs which cannot be put right within an hour or so, and that fault may only affected a small portion of your area.

To protect consumers from inconvenience due to temporary breakdown we had allowed for a storage battery. I believe it is the intention of the Power Co., to transmit the current from their generating station by overhead wire at 10,000 volts. It has still to be seen whether the Board of Trade will sanction this dangerous voltage, bearing in mind the fact that 550 volts is the maximum pressure allowed for overhead conductors. Apart from any other considerations, one has only to consider the great number of breakdowns in overhead telegraph and telephone wires caused through gales and snowstorms to realise the more serious risks which the Power Co.'s proposed system involves in such an exposed district.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: September 25th. 1903.





Feeling in Carnarvon with respect to the electric light question has become heated. There has been considerable opposition to the original scheme proposed by the National Wiring Company; and this increased when it became known through the medium of the "Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald" that an alternative offer had been made to the Town Council by the North Wales Power and Traction Company, and that in a letter which had been sent to the Town Council, but had miscarried, and consequently delayed, the terms of the latter were supposed to be better than those of the Wiring Company.

Consequently, Messrs. J. R. Hughes, G. Brymer, and Alf. Richards convened a meeting of the ratepayers at the Literary Institute on Friday evening. It was well attended. Shortly before this meeting, the Town Council in committee had been considering the alternative scheme, which by that time had reached them, and at the termination of that committee meeting several of the members of the Corporation attended.

Councillor John Prichard, chairman of the Electric Light Committee of the Town Council, was voted to the chair.

Mr. Alfred Richards explained the reasons for summoning the meeting. They were not there in opposition to the Town Council, but really to assist the Council out of the dilemma in which it apparently found itself. The Council had before it two offers made by two independent companies. The first of these entailed a cost of £17,000, for which the ratepayers would be responsible; the second offered them practically equal facilities for £800. Unfortunately, some members of the Council felt that body was in some sense pledged to the first of these proposals, and could not of their own initiative retire from that position. It had been intended to requisition the Mayor to summon a town's meeting to discuss the matter, but the borough accountant was of opinion that the matter proposed to be discussed was not one on which the Mayor could summons a town's meeting. The present meeting of ratepayers, independently summoned, was the only alternative. The second scheme apparently meant a saving of £9000 capital expenditure, and a supply of electricity at half the rates chargeable under the first. If they as rateayers could help the Council out of the dilemma, it was their duty to do so (hear, hear). He understood that a meeting of the Electric Light Committee and of the Council in committee had been held that day to consider the position, and he hoped the chairman, who was also chairman of the Electric Light Committee, would explain to the meeting the precise position in which the Council was actually placed at the present moment.

The Chairman said the townspeople were practically unanimous in a desire to introduce electricity into the town (hear, hear). Having detailed the steps taken to secure the Order for the Council, he proceeded to say that the National Electric Wiring Company had proposed a scheme which would provide the town with electricity with absolutely no expense to the ratepayers for a period of 20 years. The company would erect the works on capital borrowed by the Council, the company undertaking to repay the Council the annual instalments of capital and interest, and to hand over the works free of charge to the Council at the end of the stated period. During the continuance of the period, the company could not charge more upon the consumers than 6d. per unit, which was estimated as about equivalent to a charge of 3s. 6d. per 1000ft. of gas. Having regard for all the circumstances, he had no hesitation in saying that no town in the kingdom had ever made such an agreement with any electric company as this offer provided for (hear, hear). But then a second scheme was laid before the Council at the last monent by the North Wales Power and Traction Company. The proposal of the company originally was to supply them with electricity in bulk at Llanberis, leaving the Council to convey the energy by cable to the town. This would involve a serious leakage, estimated at about 25 per cent. The saving in capital expenditure to the Council under this second scheme was estimated at £8000 or £9000. The Council were not satisfied that this was the best thing for them to do. The North Wales company, however, made a further offer, which should have reached the Council last Monday, but the letter conveying it went astray, and did not come to hand until last Tuesday night, and could not, therefore, have been considered by the Council at its last meeting. The new proposals offered either of two alternatives. The Corporation might either allow their own Order to lapse and assist the North Wales company to obtain a new Order for themselves. This would give the company a monopoly of electric lighting, and become a formidable rival to the gas undertaking, which was the property of the Corporation. On the other hand, it would not involve any expenditure whatsoever on the part of the Corporation. The alternative offer was to bring the cables at the expense of the company not merely to the boundary, but to the centre of the borough, delivering the electricity there in bulk to the Corporation at a fixed rate per unit, leaving the Corporation itself to distribute it by its own mains throughout the town. The first of the two proposals meant handing over the monopoly to an outside body, relieving the Corporation of all expense; the second meant retaining in the Council's hands the absolute monopoly within the borough, and reducing the necessary capital expenditure to some £400 or £500. Under these circumstances, the Council had that day resolved to endeavour to postpone the holding of the proposed inquiry on Tuesday next in order that they might have time to fully consider the whole question in all its bearings (aplause). Even if the Local Government Board would not consent to postponing the inquiry altogether, they probably would agree to merely open the inquiry on Tuesday, and then adjourn it until the Council had fully considered the whole question (applause).

Mr. J. R. Hughes said it appeared very clear that the first scheme would be far more expensive than the second. The second safeguarded the ratepayers against loss, while, instead of a capital expenditure of £17,000, as contemplated by the first scheme, a sum of £4000 or £5000 put into a sinking fund would enable the Corporation to secure the whole concern for themselves in 20 years. He was in favour of the town keeping ahead of the times with electric lighting and everything else if they could afford it. But he thought they could not afford going in for the first of the two schemes. He had no fault to find with the Council, now that they had decided to postpone the inquiry, and consider the matter under the altered circumstances. He hoped the Council would take the ratepayers into its confidence, and call a public meeting to fully explain the proposals they might have to make later on after going into the whole matter again (applause).

Mr. Ellis W. Davies wanted to know what the second scheme would cost the town. He assumed the North Wales Company would bring the power into the town at its own cost, leaving the Council to bear the cost of distribution by its own mains. What would this amount to?

The Chairman said the matter had not been as yet fully gone into, and at best he could only give a rough estimate. But, in his opinion, the cost to the town in that case would be from £4000 to £5000. A desire to arrive at approximately accurate estimates of the respective cost and merits of the rival schemes was really the Council's reason for desiring to postpone the inquiry (hear, hear).

Mr. Lloyd Carter proposed that the conveners of that meeting be authorised to attend the inquiry on Tuesday, and support the Council in its request for an adjournment or postponement of the inquiry.

Mr. Daniel Rees, in seconding, said it was quite evident the Council and the ratepayers required more time to consider the whole matter. Though the second scheme might be far the better of the two, that also required very careful examination. There were important questions not yet touched upon, such as the safeguards necessary to ensure a permanent supply of electrical energy to the town. It would never do to run the risk of having the supply discontinued later on (hear, hear).

The resolution was unanimously adopted, and a vote of thanks accorded to the chairman and the conveners of the meeting.


A special meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening, the Mayor (Councillor W. G. Thomas) presiding. There were also present: Aldermen Dr. Parry, Dr. J. Williams, D. T. Lake, R. Norman Davies, and Edward Hughes, Councillors Dr. T. Roberts, R. Newton, W. Hamer, J. T. Roberts, E. E. Jonathan, J. Prichard, R. Thomas, and R. O. Roberts, together with Mr. J. H. Bodvel-Roberts (the town clerk), and other officials.

At the outset, the Mayor said it behoved them to pass votes of condolcence with the families of the late Col. Owen Thomas, Sir Llewelyn Turner, and Mr. John Owen. He need not dilate upon the great work these gentlemen had performed. Col. Thomas was a member of the Council some years ago, and was largely connected with the workmen and the Volunteers of the town. Sir Llewelyn Turner had been Mayor for a long term of years and had great share in the public works of the town at various times; and as deputy-constable of the Castle, he had done good work, which would be of service for a great number of years. Mr. John Owen was also a member of this Council for a great number of years, a very large employer of labour, and a gentleman who contributed to various charities, and endeared himself to his fellow townsmen.

Councillor R. Thomas seconded, and the votes were carried in silence.

The Mayor then said that the object of the meeting was to confirm what had been done at the committee meeting on Friday. They were all present at that committee meeting, and they heard a letter read from the North Wales Power and Traction Company, and they heard the proposal of Mr. J. Prichard, which was carried, to the effect that copies of the offers of the two companies be submitted to their engineer, and that an attempt be made to get the two companies to meet in order to further understand the position, and that they should apply to the Local Government Board for a postponement of the inquiry for the present. He proposed that the recommendations be adopted.

Councillor J. Prichard seconded, and this was agreed to.

Councillor Prichard then said that he had seen Mr. Cowney, who had told him that his company was prepared to give an understanding that if the Council went in for the inquiry his company would not press their claim, and would be quite willing to submit the two schemes to an expert for his advice and opinion. Mr. Cowney felt very strongly that the Wiring Company's scheme could not be improved upon. On paper it seemed as if the initial expenditure was rather big, but he would be prepared to prove that it would be to the best interest of the town to adopt the original agreement.


On Thursday morning Major Stuart, R.E., attended at the Carnarvon Guild Hall, for the purpose of holding an inquiry relative to the application of the Council to borrow £17,000 for the purpose of the electric light works. In addition to the Mayor and members of the Corporation, there were present Messrs. J. R. Hughes and Alfred Richards, on behalf of the meeting of ratepayers held on Friday night, and Mr. H. C. Vincent, solicitor, Bangor, on behalf of other ratepayers.

The Mayor, at the outset, said he wanted to make an application on behalf of the Town Council, that the inquiry be postponed or adjourned for the present, as the Town Council had before them an alternative scheme which they had no time to give any consideration to. They would feel obliged if the inspector could so arrange it. But even if he decided to go on with the inquiry that day, they would ask for an adjournment at half-past ten in order to attend the funeral of Sir Llewelyn Turner.

Mr. J. Vincent supported the application, and said he thought it would be advisable to have the inquiry adjourned until a future date.

The Inspector, in reply, said that the Board had been asked by telegram and by letter to postpone the inquiry, but the wording of the communication left it open to them to postpone or not. He thought that since he had come, they might as well hold the inquiry as far as possible that day. Though, as the Mayor had pointed out, an alternative scheme had been presented to the Corporation, it seemed to him that was no reason why the inquiry should be postponed with regard to the general question. It would not hinder matters if they took the evidence that was required by the Local Government Board about the electric lighting of Carnarvon. It would be quite possible to take all the information to-day just as if there was no rival scheme, and then to add a note to the effect that there was a rival scheme to be considered, and that the postponement of the inquiry had been asked for in order to have that scheme considered.

Mr. Vincent thought that by having the two schemes side by side they might have the benefit of the experience of the inspector as to which of the two should be adopted.

The Inspector replied that the Board would not allow him to assume that role. If they did proceed with the inquiry he would accede to the request of the members of the Council that there should be an adjournment for the purpose of the funeral of Sir Llewelyn Turner.

Mr. John Prichard said that they had a public meeting of ratepayers on Friday night, and it was understood that they should not go into the details of the scheme that had been already considered by the Corporation. The Corporation were not able themselves to say which of the two schemes was the better one until they had obtained expert opinion.

The Inspector asked whether they would prefer an adjournment altogether or go on in a partial manner that day.

Mr. J. Prichard thought that an adjourment altogether would be best until the alternative scheme had been considered.

Mr. J. R. Hughes, as one of those appointed to represent the ratepayers' meeting, also supported the application for an adjournment.

The Inspector said he was only anxious to do what appeared to those in authority to be right. It seemed to him now, after what had been put forward by the chairman of the committee, and the application of the Mayor in respect to the funeral, that it would be the right thing to adjourn altogether. No doubt the inquiry would be again held as soon as the scheme had been selected. The day of the inquiry he could not fix.

The Mayor then moved a vote of thanks to the inspector for the courteous manner in which he had endeavoured to meet the requirements of the town. Since he had met the inspector that day he had found him most courteous in advising and in arranging things in the best possible manner.

Mr. Vincent seconded the proposal, and it was carried.

The Inspector, in returning thanks, said that what he had done merely came in the day's work.

The proceedings then terminated.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 2nd. 1903.


At present no football club exists in the town, although in the past the Carnarvon Football Club was well known throughout North Wales. Friends generally condemn the inactivity displayed this season, and hopes are expressed that something may be done at an early date to re-establish the old club or establish a new one.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 2nd. 1903.


On Saturday, an accident occurred in the Menai Straits, which nearly resulted in loss of life. Three men, named William Ethall, J. Morgan, and William Lloyd, were crossing over from Anglesey, when one of them got up in the punt and capsized it, the men being thrown into the water. Their cries attracted the attention of some men on the Pier, and Mr. Richard Jones, a pilot, together with William Jones, went to the rescue. The men had managed to climb to the keel of the craft, and were rescued. A large crowd had assembled at Porthyraur when they were brought ashore in an exhausted condition.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 2nd. 1903.


Sir, - Our attention has been called in your last week's paper to an article entitled "Electricity for Carnarvon," written by the Manager and Secretary of the National Electric Construction Company.

We note that a paragraph states: "What about quarry-owners? I should say that it will be an eye-opener to them if they desire to take a supply from the Power Company to find that all the plant can only be purchased from one firm of foreign manufacturers, who have the sole right of supplying plant, which must of necessity be used in connection with this proposed power scheme."

This statement is not correct. Our firm has undertaken the contract for power equipment, and it was pointed out on the order that the whole of the plant was to be built in this country, at our own works in Edinburgh, where we have accommodation for over 2000 men.

Further, our contract simply relates to the power house; and the quarry-owners can buy motors from dozens of firms to run direct off the Supply Company's mains.

With regard to the rest of the letter, "Scrutator" can doubtless reply more ably than we can, but we herewith state that the paragraph relating to ourselves is a mis-statement. - Yours very truly (for Bruce Peebles and Co. Ltd.),


Managing Director.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 2nd. 1903.

Sir, - As a ratepayer who has taken up with keen interest the question of obtaining electric light in town on the best terms, I should like to offer a few remarks on the subject.

The Construction Co.'s manager very truly says that a saving of £8000 naturally appeals to us. It is now a question of a saving of £12,000, for the chairman of our Elecrtric Lighting Committee told us at the ratepayers' meeting the other night that by the alternative offer of the North Wales Power Co. the Corporation capital expenditure would only be £4000 (£5000 instead of £17,000). No one for a moment doubts the loyalty of Sir William Preece to Carnarvon, nor have I seen the sum of £17,000 criticised as exorbitant for what was proposed to be provided. The important thing to us as ratepayers is that we are offered the manufactured article for less than we can provide it ourselves. Why then incur a capital outlay of the extra £12,000 for generating plant, buildings and land?

The promoters of the North Wales Power Co. are carrying out upon a commercial scale the excellent advice of Sir William Preece. I remember well the meeting in the County Hall, Carnarvon, in July 1902, when Sir William told us positively that to get electrical energy as cheaply as it could be got there must be large stations. He said that if Llandudno, Conway, Bangor, Carnarvon, Pwllheli, and Criccieth amalgamated to generate their own electrical energy in one spot, they could save a third of their capital and get the electricity at a third of the price.

In saying this, Sir William no doubt foresaw the solution of the problem of transmission from the central station to the divergent points to be supplied. Sir William Preece's scheme contemplated three power stations for the county - one of which would be operated by water. What Sir William so wisely and patriotically advocated then is now being carried out. The North Wales Power Co. is establishing a large central power station. It is backing its belief in the commercial value of Sir William Preece's advice by entering on an expenditure of over £150,000 on the various parts of its undertaking. It is within even the conservative 15 miles radius of Sir William. As a Carnarvon ratepayer, I want to get the benefit now which Sir William Preece would have given me last year had he been supported with the needful capital to establish his contemplated power stations.

Large power stations are recognised everywhere as the effective answer to the modern demand for cheap and efficient power. One can hardly pick up any electrical paper without noticing fresh examples. For instance "The Electrician," of September 18th, 1903, had a brief report of the Tivloi-Rome supply system. There the current at 10,000 volts is takern by two overhead wires to a sub-station at Rome, a distance of 27 miles, and is there transformed to three different voltages, for private consumption, public arc lighting and trams. "Electrical Investments," of September 23rd, 1903, contained a reference to the Clyde Valley Electric Power Co., whose main work is to supply power for the Clyde industries. At Clydebank, the Council proposed a local station and undertaking of its own. A plebiscite was taken, and the vote of the ratepayers was heavily in favour of the proposal that supply should be taken from the Power Co.

We may not have other opportunities of examining the Constrcution Co.'s proposed terms, therefore I should like to comment upon a few points mentioned by its manager:-

1. If the company proposed to start with 5d. per unit, and had no intention of increasing it, why not have made 5d. per unit the maximum price?

2. If there is not the slightest chance of the penalty clause being acted upon, why burden the proposed agreement with it? I think "Scrutator" is quite right in seeing that this penalty of £850 a year leaves prices entirely in the hands of the Construction Co., subject only to the maximum rates.

3. If we don't use electricity, of course, the company will lose under its guarantee. But we intend to use it, otherwise all these proceedings are a farce. When we use it, we must pay prices which the Corporation cannot reduce on account of the penalty.

As consumers, we shall find the money for interest and sinking fund upon our own borrowed money (not a penny provided by the Construction Co.). "Scrutator" did rightly point out that the higher the capital expenditure, the higher the interest and sinking fund. For example, on £17,000 it will be nearly 3½ times as much as on £5000.

"Scrutator" also pointed out another item which the Construction Co.'s manager very significantly overlooks. This is that if we as consumers make the undertaking a success and provide the interest and sinking fund, we must also provide a further 3 per cent. on our capital (£17,000 - £510 per annum) which the company takes before we can get any benefit. Look at it frankly. With the Corporation tied by the penalty, what is there to hinder the company judiciously regulating the prices to provide the interest and sinking fund, plus their own 3 per cent.? The Construction Co. says "directly there are surplus profits from the undertaking for the Corporation" they will be anxious to reduce to 4½d. per unit. That is, after their own £510 per annum (equal to about 5d. in the £ if we had it in reduction of rates). I am glad to see the company so confident of success in Carnarvon, but it makes me all the more reluctant to contribute towards this 3 per cent. to them. It would be a guarantee premium for a risk which their own manager does not consider to exist. He says "Scrutator" is unduly pessimistic and that other towns similar in size to Carnarvon are "paying handsomely." The plain inference is that Carnarvon would do the same. But if it would pay handsomely on a capital expenditure of £17,000 with say £1020 interest and sinking fund, what would it do on a capital expenditure of £5000, and only £300 to find for interest and sinking fund!

Upon the question of monopoly I prefer to follow the chairman of the Electric Lighting Committee. Mr. Pritchard told us at the ratepayers' meeting that the second proposal of the North Wales Power Co. meant retaining in the Council's hands the absolute monopoly within the borough and reducing the necessary capital expenditure to £4000 or £5000.

With regard to power for quarry owners, there is no question of monopoly. I happen to know that they are not bound to purchase plant. The Power Co. is prepared either to supply power only, the quarry owners to supply their motors, etc., from any firm they like, or, at the option of the quarry owner, to provide current and motors at a charge per unit to cover both plant and power. The quarry owners know what their present power costs, and it will be a matter of a business bargain with them. There is little doubt of the result.

Let us be fair to the Power Co. Their proposals were quite definite. To put in the whole installation without any costs to the town and with maximum rates of 4d. and 2d. to consumers. Or, to supply the Corporation at a maximum rate of 3d. per unit. Take the second alternative. The 3d. is a maximum. Suitable discounts were to be arranged for power consumers. The working cost must be less by the saving of the wages, repairs and maintainance expenses of the generating station, the need for which has been done away with.

The Construction Co. speaks of loss in transforming, but that loss would fall on the Power Co., for the offer is to supply electricity reduced to the proper voltage for consumers' use. The Corporation would therefore only pay for what they received. Distribution would be identical in each scheme, for the distance, etc., would be the same. There is proof in the fact that for an extra 1d. per unit (maximum of 4d.) the Power Co. offer to distribute and deliver to consumers.

If my information is correct, the Power Co. can satisfy the Corporation on the mode of bringing their wires into the town, and with a view of securing a regular current during snow storms and other weather interruptions, the transmission line will be in duplicate, and will be carried out in full compliance with all Board of Trade requirements.

I understand that the Power Co. is now negotiating with the N.W.N.G. Railway for electrifying the Co.'s system to Dinas, and if this is carried through they will have to transmit electricity to Dinas Junction, and from there to Carnarvon is only a very short distance, even if underground cables were decided upon all the way.

If I understand the position correctly, the Power Co. offers to enter into a guarantee for a regular and uninterrupted supply for a term of years. The means are indicated, but, after all, those are its look-out. All we need to make sure of is a satisfactory guarantee, and the Corporation will, no doubt, take care to get if the scheme is adopted.

There is another side to this question, which forcibly presents itself to us as ratepayers and residents in the town. Here is an opportunity, with direct advantage to ourselves, of encouraging a company which is spending money on the provision of plentiful electric energy for the county. It will stimulate our industries. It brings within measurable distance the time when the populous villages around will be connected with Carnarvon by electric trams. The trade of Carnarvon is stagnant or declining. Here is the potential beginning of a new era of prosperous activity. Our interest is to foster in all ways an enterprise which has in its development such possibilities of trade improvement for ourselves; particularly when we may do it with direct gain to our own pockets from the start. - Yours, etc.


Gwenallt, Carnarvon

30th. September, 1903.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 9th. 1903.


Owen Brady, Shadock's-court, was on Friday charged before J. R. Pritchard, Esq., and Edward Hughes, Esq., with stealing a quantity of flowers, mostly geraniums, from the garden of Mr. J. M. Owen, the Anchorage. - P.C. J. Owen (64), who was on duty at Tan'rallt, late the previous night, saw the accused carrying a quantity of flowers and arrested him on suspicion. Subsequently the constable and Sergt. Owen discovered that the flowers had been stolen from the Achorage. - Defendant was fined 10s. and costs, or in default ten days' imprisonment.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: October 23rd. 1903.


The anniversary of Trafalgar was commemorated on Wednesday, and flags and streamers were hoisted on the Guild Hall and the Conservative Club.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 6th. 1903.


Mr. Richard Thomas, the owner of many houses in Pool-hill and Pool-side, has presented each of his tenants with a florin on account of the loss sustained by them in the recent floods.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 13th. 1903.


The Carnarvon Corporation in committee have decided to approach Mr. Bodvel-Roberts, the late town clerk, and offer him the freedom of the borough.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 20th. 1903.


On Wednesday evening, the ceiling of the organ chamber at Salem Chapel gave way, causing much damage, it is feared, to the organ. The cause of the collapse is not yet known, but it is surmised that it is due to the effects of the weather. The organ chamber was added to the chapel at its restoration in 1890. It is estimated that the damage to the organ and building will reach £150. It is only three months since the organ was specially tuned and cleaned.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 20th. 1903.


On Monday, Mr. Arthur Bodvel-Roberts held an inquest upon the seven-week-old child of John Bee, ironfounder, Mount-pleasant-place. Evidence was given to the effect that the child suffered from convulsions, and died when its mother was taking it to the doctor. - The jury returned a verdict of "Death from natural causes," and added a rider to the effect that greater attention should be given by parents to the pamphlets issued by the registrar as to proper rearing of infants.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 27th. 1903.

Sewing machines of all makes can be cleaned, repaired, and adjusted at the White Machine Depot, High-street, Carnarvon.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 27th. 1903.


The s.s. "Blackheath," this week, anchored in the Straits with a cargo of timber for Messrs. H. Owen and Son. This is the largest steamer that has come to Carnarvon for many years past. It is commanded by Captain James.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: November 27th. 1903.


On Saturday, Messrs. Lake and Co. arranged to give one per cent. on the total amount of trade transacted, whether in ready cash or credit sales, in all the branches, towards the Cottage Hospital, and at the end of the day Mr. A. W. Kay-Menzies, the hon. secretary of that institution, examined the books, and found that the trade transacted amounted to £1572 9s. 3d. A cheque for £15 14s. 6d. was handed to him towards the hospital.

From the Carnarvon & Denbigh Herald: December 25th. 1903.


On Monday, an explosion of acetyline gas occurred on the premises of Mr. J. Kinsley, photographer. Fortunately, no one was injured, and the damage done was only slight.

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